X2 Taser Defective Product Lawsuit Attorney
In Houston Texas, officer Karen Taylor responded to a call from a convenience store in North Houston, where a woman was disturbing the peace by drinking beverages without paying for them and refusing to leave. When Taylor arrived, the woman went into a rage and attacked her. In the past, Taylor would have used her X26 Taser to subdue the woman. The X26 was incredibly powerful, and as such was removed from Taser’s product line over cardiac risks to suspects. Taser replaced this more powerful product with its more muted successor the X2 Taser, which Taylor had with her that night. When Taylor fired the darts from her X2 Taser, the woman fell but got right back up. She shot again, but the woman kept coming. She alerted her fellow officers using her officer-in-trouble button on her radio, in an attempt to avoid using more damaging weapons, like her issued sidearm. At the end of it all, Taylor was left with severe back injuries that put her out of field duty which ultimately ended in a forced retirement from the force. If the X2 Taser had a more suitable charge, Taylor would have been spared these drastically life-to change injuries. Taylor has filed a lawsuit for her damages against the Taser Company for designing an underpowered product. If you or a loved one has experienced damages as a result of the underpowered X2 Taser, you can also file a product liability lawsuit against the Taser Company for their product’s design defect. While you have every right to represent yourself in court, it is in your best interest that you seek adequate legal representation. At Normandie Law Firm our experienced product liability attorneys can guide you through the process of building your case, filing your claim and collecting compensation for your damages. If you have any questions after reading this article, please feel free to reach out to our law offices for a free consultation by one of our well-versed legal advisors.
The X2 & X26 Taser
TASER International, or Axon, is one of the largest providers of taser equipment for law enforcement in the United States. Axon also provides tasers used for personal self-defense. These devices are intended to protect the user from attackers without causing lethal damages. This is incredibly important for law enforcement officers, as the taser is one of the first lines of defense for apprehending a suspect before the use of more dangerous tactics. Axon announced the new X2 Taser in 2011 and praised its more efficient features for improved accuracy, an enhanced power magazine, and a warning arc that can help prevent a conflict from escalating. Another change in the X2 model from the X26 model is the X2 delivers roughly half of the maximum electrical jolt put out by the X26. The X26 was the model used by law enforcement in Houston for some time and delivered a higher charge. Although this higher charge proved to be a cardiac hazard, which is why Axon, or Taser, lowered the maximum charge output of their latest model. However, this change in design and charge output has led to a significant risk of being unable to subdue a suspect properly. Law enforcement officers rely on their taser device to not only protect themselves but protect a suspect from being fatally wounded by the more dangerous weapons in a law enforcement’s arsenal. When these less lethal tools fail, both law enforcers and potential suspects are put at risk. For this reason, victims of poorly designed taser equipment have every right to file a lawsuit against the company that manufactured them.
Product Liability Lawsuits
Under product liability laws, companies that manufacture products for the public are held to a certain standard. This standard ensures that defective products do not get into the hands of consumers and if they do that consumer has every right to file a lawsuit against the company that manufactured it. Filing a lawsuit under the product liability premise can be particularly challenging, however, as you must be able to identify where the defect occurred in the products’ line of production. Some of the more common areas where a defect can occur are listed below:
- Design Defects: These are the defects that can occur before the product is sent to the assembly line. The defects that occur in this stage of production are faults that make the product inherently dangerous. In most cases, these defects can lead to full-scale product recalls, and the company which organized the design of the product could be held liable for the damages.
- Manufacturing Defects: These defects typically occur on the assembly line of the product. They can range from minor mistakes along the manufacturing chain to reoccurring errors that can result in large recalls. In these instances, the manufacturing company could be deemed responsible for the damages.
- Marketing Defects: These defects occur during the marketing of a specific product. These defects include things like improper labeling, insufficient instructions, or inadequate safety warnings.
Regarding the X2 Taser, a product liability lawsuit would be filed against the company which designed the product. It is because of the faulty design that the X2 Taser has a lesser charge, resulting in its poor ability to subdue aggressors. When filing a product liability lawsuit against Axon, or any other company responsible for a damaging defect it is also important to understand the statute of limitations that influence your case.
The statute of limitations is, for any case, the time in which a plaintiff or damaged party has to bring their case to court. Besides a few exceptions to the rule, this deadline starts from the date wherein the accident or injuries occurred. The statute of limitations tends to vary from state to state and can change depending on the type of lawsuit being filed. For instance, a plaintiff has two years from the date of the incident to file a personal injury lawsuit filed under the premises of product liability against Axon in the state of California. However, as mentioned prior, this time limit changes depending on the state, and circumstances involved in your case. For this reason, it is incredibly important that you seek legal representation from an attorney well versed on product liability cases filed in your state. This is especially true when filing a lawsuit against a large company like Axon. Large manufacturing companies, in most cases, have the resources to employ a whole host of legal experts to dispute your case. So while you can go it alone and represent yourself in court, the best way to reach a positive outcome for your case is to seek adequate representation.
How Normandie Law Firm Can Help
If you or a loved one has experienced injury as a result of the design defect in the X2 Taser, you may be eligible to file a claim for monetary compensation. Clients who file a claim with our law firm could find some, if not all of the following damages compensable to them:
Past and Future Medical Expenses
- Loss of Income
- Loss of potential future income
- Emotional Damages (anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc…)
- Punitive Damages
Victims of the X2 design defect can contact our Los Angeles law offices to learn more about how to receive compensation for their injuries. At Normandie Law Firm, our California attorneys can put you on the path to finding a favorable outcome for your case. While we are based in Los Angeles, we also practice in San Diego, Orange County, Riverside, Bakersfield, San Francisco, Fresno, Sacramento and throughout the state of California.
Free Second Opinions
Other attorneys will sign you up to their firm but will disappear once your name is on the paper as they are busy signing up more cases. In these instances, their business is based more on volume and will attempt to sign up as many cases as possible. In turn, they will spend less time on cases resulting in severely reduced settlements. Our firm will not treat you like a number. We will be in communication with you throughout our lawsuit and will treat you like family. So if you already have an attorney don’t worry, we’ll give you a second review of your case 100% free of charge.
Zero Fee Guarantee-No Upfront Fees Ever
If you contact our law offices today, we can walk you through the complicated process of filing your claim completely free of charge. As a show this commitment to you and your case we offer our clients the benefits of a zero fee guarantee policy. Under our zero fee policy, all clients don’t pay for our services until their case is won. If you feel in need of a second opinion, second opinion case reviews are also free under this policy. Please, feel free to give us a call, and we can guide you down the path of receiving proper compensation for your damages.