Being involved in a car accident is something many people go through every day, but not every person is injured. Those who do sustain damages may not have any reason to pursue compensation, although they are likely entitled to some form of coverage. Individuals who suffer whiplash injuries should especially seek out compensation due to the adverse effects the damage can have on their lives. Perhaps the most disheartening way to sustain a whiplash injury is when you are not in control of the vehicle but you are merely a passenger. Those who are customers in Lyft vehicles fit this category: although we as drivers place our trust in the other people on the road, patrons in rideshare vehicles must also hope that the person transporting them around is careful and doing everything in his power to protect them. Sometimes, accidents happen, and they lead to injuries like whiplash. Our clients often call us with questions concerning a whiplash claim and what they may be able to receive if they pursue legal action. Examples of these questions include:
- How much does Lyft’s insurance pay for whiplash after a car accident?
- How much does Lyft’s insurance settle a car accident claim for a whiplash injury?
- What are York insurance settlement offers for a whiplash after an auto accident?
- How much are average York Insurance offers for a whiplash injury?
Whiplash Information
While in a Lyft vehicle, you are to be given the highest level of care possible. The driver must do everything in his power to protect you duet o the fact that you are a paying customer; nay negligent actions by the driver that result in an accident could be used as grounds for a lawsuit. However, there are many times wherein the Lyft driver is as careful as he can be and exercising caution on the road. Despite all of his safe actions, another driver may strike the vehicle and cause damage.
If you are involved in an auto accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, or rear-end incident that results in a whiplash injury, you may be able to sue various parties for compensation, Lyft included.
Whiplash results from a sudden, rapid back and forth movement in the neck. It is often the result of an unexpected collision, usually from the rear; the head will shoot forward with momentum only to be brought backward or sideways, resulting in strain to the area and possible tears and sprains. If you feel you may have whiplash, look for the following symptoms:
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Neck pain, especially while in motion
- Tingling or numbness in the neck and arms
- Headaches that start at the back of the skull as opposed to the temples and behind the eyes
- Reduced range of motion in the neck
- Tenderness in the arms, shoulders, and upper back
These are the main symptoms of whiplash. You may notice that they are also symptoms of neck sprains and back injuries. A doctor can give you more information. However, you should also be aware that whiplash can be spotted by other symptoms as well. It is important to tell your doctor everything you know or suspect so that you can receive an accurate diagnosis. Other symptoms that are similar to concussions and mild traumatic brain injuries include:
- Blurry vision
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Sleeplessness
- Tinnitus
- Memory problems
- Depression
- Difficulty concentrating
Symptoms may not manifest until well after the accident due to the rush of adrenaline. However, if there are symptoms immediately, you should go to a doctor and seek treatment. A doctor will usually prescribe some kind of pain medication, as well as advise you to rest and alternately ice and heat the area. If your whiplash pain does not go away for some months, he may also suggest muscle relaxants, physical therapy and stretching exercises, acupuncture, prescription painkillers, and more.
Whiplash may prevent you from completing your job duties at work or from resuming your normal life. It can be difficult to keep your head up and moving may induce severe pain; you may even be affected by a constant wave of discomfort and find it difficult to sleep or sit up. Because of the potential severity of the damage, you should look into finding a Los Angeles attorney to sue Lyft for your car accident whiplash injury.
Lyft’s Insurance Information
Lyft is a rideshare company that is defined as a common carrier. Because of this, its insurance policy that is afforded to all drivers is very high – $1,000,000 coverage when the Lyft driver is on his way to picking up a customer and when the customer is actually in the vehicle. While the app is on but there is no scheduled customer pickup, the driver is given the benefit of a $50,000 coverage limit.
When driving, all people on the road are expected to keep each other safe. An injury case arises when the duty of care that is owed to you is breached, resulting in an accident which causes actual physical harm. For example, as a passenger in a Lyft vehicle, the driver is expected to keep you safe; if he rear-ends another car due to not paying attention while looking at his phone, which causes you to suffer a whiplash injury, he can be held responsible for your damages, but Lyft can also be deemed liable as well. An attorney with experience in handling whiplash claims against Lyft will be able to assist you in suing Lyft for your damages.
It should be noted that you can likely sue Lyft for various reasons: perhaps the driver was negligent and had a history of reckless accidents that Lyft should have picked up on or used to bar him from driving, but they did not; perhaps the opposing driver in an accident was uninsured and Lyft must pick up the remainder of the damages. An experienced attorney in Los Angeles will be able to give you more information.
Lyft Settlement Amounts for Whiplash Injury
If you have sustained a whiplash injury while riding in a Lyft, you likely want to know how much your case is potentially worth. Unfortunately, there is no settlement calculator that tells you the average compensation or payout amount for injuries. Insurance adjusters will evaluate the various parts of your claim and determine how much your case is worth. Often, they base their calculations on the extent and severity of your damages, as well as the effect they have on your life.
For example, a person who suffered an amputation is likely to receive a higher settlement than someone who suffered a sprain; however, other factors come into play as well, such as your age and career. If you are expected to make a full recovery and not have your job or future job opportunities compromised, you may be looking at less compensation. A person whose career is greatly affected may be able to receive much a much larger settlement to offset the lost wages and drop in quality of life.
Some people try to observe other cases that have been settled to get a ballpark amount of what they can earn, but because each case is different, this only serves to show what you may possibly earn, not what those injuries and damages necessarily yield. Average Lyft Insurance settlements for a whiplash injury can help you understand what courts have paid out and what insurance companies have decided, but not what your particular case may hold.
For this reason, it is crucial that you contact an experienced attorney with expertise in personal injury cases who can give you more information on the average Lyft settlement offer for a whiplash injury.
Normandie Law Firm’s Role
Many times, clients who come to us with questions about average settlement offers already have legal representation, but they are unsure if their lawyers are properly helping them. Sadly, many lawyers are content to rush through cases and pursue quick, small settlements so they can take a cut and move on to the next case. They often do not have their clients’ best interests in mind, and the only party that loses is the client – the lawyer gets paid, the law firm gets a paycheck, and the insurance company does not take too large of a hit. Call us today to receive a free second opinion on your case and we will tell you if we believe we can earn more for you. We will also give you our advice regarding your current legal situation.
Additionally, you can receive a free consultation on your case with an experienced attorney. We invite you to ask any questions you have and we will gladly answer them. You can discuss your case, other legal options, the litigation process, and your choices moving forward with respect to your Lyft whiplash injury. Further we offer you a zero fee guarantee on your case if you choose us for our legal services. This means you pay no out of pocket expenses throughout your case – if we lose, you pay nothing at all, and if we win, our fees are taken from the settlement we earn for you, ensuring that your savings remain untouched.
Contact Normandie Law Firm today to speak an attorney about your whiplash injury from a Lyft car accident.
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