As the victim of a spine injury, you are sure to be filled with concerns and questions as you realize your entire life could have changed drastically in the fraction of a second that caused harm to your spine and spinal column. These injuries are much more worrisome and potentially life-altering than back injuries such as a pulled muscle or strain. But please know that while you focus on your recovery and remaining relaxed and focused on a positive outcome, the staff at Normandie Law Firm can be on task working to secure any compensation that is owed to you for spine injuries you suffered due to someone else’s negligence.
The office team at Normandie Law Firm can be reached 24/7 to assist you by answering your questions and helping you understand how the legal system and our skilled professionals will work diligently to protect your rights and your future financial stability. In addition, they will help you book your free consultation with Normandie Law Firm’s spine injury lawyer to evaluate the facts of the case and answer more specific questions about your possible lawsuit.
When you meet with your spine injury lawyer, you will discuss the details of the injury incident, your injuries, and prognosis, and answer any additional questions they have to provide the most accurate information possible about the legal merit of the case, your ability to file a lawsuit, and the time frame to complete the case based on your injuries, the other parties involved and other extenuating facts. Once you have all the answers to your questions and know you have grounds for a lawsuit, the choices are all yours. The staff at Normandie Law Firm will never pressure you to file a lawsuit, and you are never obligated to hire our firm, even if you decide later to pursue legal action.
Our only purpose in providing so much free and reliable legal guidance is to ensure that all personal injury victims understand their options and how the legal system functions to protect them. We understand that many, if not all, aspects of your life have changed due to the spine injury you sustained. Our dedicated staff is here to help you explore your options and select the resolution that will best meet your immediate and long-term needs. But please reach out to our office staff as quickly as possible to ensure you understand the time limit to take legal action. In some cases, the time provided by the court is shorter than most victims might expect.
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$1.5 Million
The Impact Of A Spine Injury On Your Life
Sadly, there are few injuries that can have as sudden and complete an impact on your entire life as harm to your spine. A spinal injury typically involves some of the 33 bones in the spine or the nerves that comprise the spinal cord. These nerves are the gateway of communication between your brain and other body parts, while the spine bones offer added protection to this delicate soft tissue. When the bones of the spine are damaged, even a small chip of bone can cause damage to the vital spinal cord,
An incomplete injury is damage that does not serve the nerves and complete connection between the brain and other body parts. In these cases, there is a possibility for healing and continued feeling and function in those areas of the body below the level of the spine injury. In the case of a complete spine injury, the connection between the brain and parts of the body below the level of the spine injury is severed, and there is no possibility of healing or restoration of the feeling and mobility lost. Please know that the compassionate legal staff at Normandie Law Firm will work tirelessly to ensure you get the help and compensation needed to provide the most positive outcome from this troubling and difficult event.
Recognizing Spine Injury Symptoms
It is often very easy to identify a serious spine injury because of the loss of feeling and mobility of the body parts below the level of the spine injury. However, victims who suffer a less severe spine injury might assume that they only pulled a muscle or strained their back. Sadly, when the signs of a spine injury are ignored, the harm can become exponentially worse over time. Small chips of bone can cause damage to the nerves and result in loss of function that could have been prevented. So, if you notice any of these indications of a spine injury, please seek immediate medical care:
- Tingling or numbness of extremities
- Pain or discomfort in the spine area
- Weakness of extremities
- Paralysis of extremities
- Loss of bladder or bowel control
- Muscle spasms
- Difficulty walking
These could be symptoms of spine injuries that need immediate treatment and include:
- Herniated discs
- Dislocations
- Ligament damage
- Vertebrae fractures
- Damage to or severing of the nerves and spinal cord
Who Is Responsible For My Life-Altering Spine Injuries
There is nothing worse than the feeling of your life spiraling away from you and that everything is out of your control. After suffering a spine injury, you are worried about your health but know that there is very little you can do but wait and see the results of your injuries. In addition, you are sure to be stressed about the cost of medical care and the mounting bills, such as living expenses, and the challenge of your lost income. The one question you are certain to be pondering and need an answer to is who could be responsible for the harm you sustained. The staff at Normandie Law Firm is here to find that answer for you and then help you hold that person or entity accountable for the pain and suffering you are enduring.
The list of possible responsible parties is a bit long but can often be narrowed down by the kind of incident that caused your spine injury and the location where the incident occurred. For example, if the injuries result from a vehicle accident, the person who caused the car accident is likely also liable for your injuries. In less common cases, the accident might have been caused by blocked road signs or damaged road surfaces. In these cases, the liable party might be the property owner who failed to meet their legal duty of care by trimming their trees or even the city or county who failed to repair damage to roadways, which resulted in your accident and spine injuries.
Trip and fall, slip and fall, and incidents involving falling objects are also common causes of spine injuries. In these cases, the liable party is often the property owner who fails to meet their obligation to maintain the space in a safe manner. Premises liability law requires a certain level of property care from the owners of all private and public spaces. When those obligations are not met, the owner is negligent in their duty of care and can be held responsible for any harm caused by that negligence. Finally, spine injuries can be the result of violent actions, such as a fight that involves a kick or punch to the back or neck. The party who struck you is usually held accountable for the injuries. However, because California is a compared liability state, you could be found to share in the responsibility for the actions and the expenses they caused. Please reach out to the staff at Normandie Law Firm today to discuss these possibilities and gain a better understanding of who could be to blame for the spine injuries you suffered.
How Much Is The Average Compensation For A Spine Injury?
Victims of personal injuries need to know that the court awards no predetermined compensation amounts for specific injuries or incidents. Instead, the actual losses and expenses incurred by the victim due to their injuries are compiled to determine the compensation they receive. Working with your Normandie Law Firm legal team, you will gather the documents needed to verify your allowable expenses, which typically include:
- All medical expenses related to your treatment and care of the spine injuries
- The cost of all legal services related to preparing, filing, and litigating your spine injury case
- The replacement cost of any personal property damaged or destroyed in the incident
- Your lost income if the spine injuries you suffered prevent you from working at your regular job until healed
What Is The Time Limit To Seek Compensation?
Victims of personal injuries are given two years from the date of their injuries to file a claim with the court. If the case is not filed with the court before the time limit expires, the victim loses the right to seek compensation and justice for the losses and expenses created by that injury incident. The most common exception to this time limit is when the responsible party is a government entity or organization, such as the city, state, or federal government. In these cases, the time limit is decreased to only six months from the date of the injury. Please contact Normandie Law Firm to discuss the time remaining to file your claim.
Free Second Opinion Consultations
If you have questions about your existing spine injury lawsuit or how it is being handled, please contact Normandie Law Firm for a free second opinion consultation. Our spine injury lawyers will answer all your questions and can assist you if you wish to remove the current legal team and hire Normandie Law Firm to resolve the matter more quickly. You will be pleased to confirm that we never charge any upfront fees and only get paid after you get paid when the case is resolved. Finally, if our spine injury lawyers fail to win the case and deliver that compensation, you owe Normandie Law Firm nothing for its time and investment in building the case. Please contact our staff now to book your appointment.
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