Our attorneys at Normandie Law Firm often face cases where our clients have been harmed in car accidents. There are numerous types of injuries you can sustain in a car crash, and one of the most common is whiplash – an injury to the neck that often comes about from a rear-end accident. Whiplash injuries can be evaluated and diagnosed by doctors with ease, and as a result, they should be readily compensated by insurance companies; however, as is usually the case, insurance agents are frequently loath to approve claims and pay out settlements. Liberty Mutual Insurance is no exception to this practice; their insurance agents are among those who deny claims for any injuries brought about by car accidents, not just whiplash and other neck-related damages. Our lawyers are here to help you earn the fairest compensation possible under the law. Clients come to us with questions about how to best proceed with a whiplash claim, as well as concerning the average compensation of these types of cases. Examples of these questions include:
- Average Liberty Mutual settlement offer for a whiplash injury
- Average Liberty Mutual Insurance settlements for a whiplash injury
- How much does Liberty Mutual pay for whiplash after a car accident?
- How much does Liberty Mutual insurance settle a car accident claim for a whiplash injury?
- Where can I find a law firm that’s experienced in handling whiplash claims against Liberty Mutual?
Car Accident Information
As a driver on the road, you owe the rest of the population a duty of care – that is, you endeavor to not put anyone in harm’s way by reckless driving or careless actions. If you are involved in a auto accident, truck accident, or motorcycle accident and suffer a car accident whiplash injury due to a negligent driver, you may be able to sue for damages.
Keep in mind that in order to sue for a whiplash injury from a car accident, you must be able to prove four points of negligence. These points are:
- The driver owed you a duty of care. This is apparent, as drivers automatically owe others this duty.
- The driver breached that duty of care. This can take the form of careless driving, running a stop sign, not slowing down at intersections, speeding, or not paying attention to the road.
- The breach caused an accident. By not driving safely, the driver could have rear-ended you or hit you broadside.
- The accident resulted in physical harm. If the accident did not outright harm you, you have no case; provided the crash caused damage, you are able to sue for compensation of various damages.
If you suffered a car accident whiplash injury and wish to sue Liberty Mutual Insurance, contact our law firm today
Liberty Mutual’s Problems
Liberty Mutual Insurance handles all types of insurance claims, but when it comes to car accidents, they are unreasonably obtuse. The insurance agents know that the goal is to preserve profits and avoid having to pay out hefty settlements; as a result, they use all the tactics they know to delay sending out settlements, lowball offers, argue against medical costs, and negotiate with attorneys over the true worth of a case.
It can be difficult to win a whiplash case against Liberty Mutual. You should be aware that some of their actions can be considered bad faith; for instance, it is illegal for Liberty Mutual to continuously deny your claim without providing you with a reason for their actions. It is also required that they offer you a reasonable settlement amount and do not give you a tiny payout that would not cover anything. Additionally, if a Liberty Mutual Insurance agent requests that you do not seek legal assistance, you can take legal action. All of these actions constitute grounds on which to file a lawsuit for acting in bad faith, and our attorneys can help.
A whiplash injury can be disputed by Liberty Mutual because the agents will declare numerous doubts: that the injury was caused by the accident, that it required the care and treatment you received, that it may have existed beforehand, and even that the crash itself may have been your fault. For this reason, it is crucial that you find an experienced attorney in Los Angeles who takes personal injury cases seriously and will fight for your fair compensation from your whiplash injury.
What is Whiplash?
Whiplash is a neck injury that comes about from rapid swinging motions, or back and forth throws of the neck. It is often the result of a sudden trauma or onset of force, as in that from a car accident. Whiplash is not a fatal condition, but it may be accompanied by sprains and fractures in the neck and upper back and shoulders. Victims of whiplash should seek compensation from Liberty Mutual for their damages.
The symptoms of whiplash can be confused with other head and neck injuries, like concussions and sprains, so it is important that you seek a doctor’s diagnosis before you start medical treatment. You may suffer from whiplash if you have:
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Blurred vision
- Stiffness or pain in the neck
- Decreased range of motion in the neck
- Tingling in the upper back, shoulders, and arms
- Headaches
- Persistent pain from moving the neck
- Tinnitus
- Sleeplessness
- Concentration problems
For many people, whiplash is treated with simple pain medication, rest, and ice and heat pads. This is done to reduce inflammation and promote looseness; if the neck is immobilized in a brace, it will likely stiffen and may even atrophy. In some more severe cases of whiplash, your doctor may prescribe acupuncture, muscle relaxants, and physical therapy. These treatments can be covered by Liberty Mutual, provided you find an experienced attorney.
Whiplash Injury Liberty Mutual Insurance Settlement Amounts
Clients who ask us how much they can earn are often disappointed to hear that there is no surefire way of determining case value. Neither we nor Liberty Mutual Insurance has a settlement calculator that produces a payout when you insert damages and expenses. This is fair to the clients, however; no two cases are the like, and you should not be given a blanket sum for an injury that could potentially be more debilitating for you than for someone else.
For example, a person whose job requires him to be constantly upright and looking around, perhaps as a police officer, may earn more in a settlement than someone who works in data entry. Data entry does not require your head to be on a swivel, for instance.
Liberty Mutual evaluates claims based on the extent and severity of the injury you sustained, as well as the impact it has on your quality of life and career opportunities. The insurance company will not hand you a settlement without evaluating all the angles of your case, as well as considering what you can earn for a whiplash claim.
With the assistance of a Los Angeles attorney to sue Liberty Mutual Insurance, you may be able to receive coverage for:
- Medical Bills, such as hospitalization fees, surgery, medication, and physical therapy. You can also be covered for future medical procedures as well.
- Property Damage, which could have accrued in the accident and includes damage to your belongings as well as to your vehicle. Your mechanic’s estimate can be used to determine the amount you receive for these damages.
- Lost Wages, stemming from days you missed work due to your injury. You can also be reimbursed for future days of missed wages that will occur because of recovery time or any other procedures.
- Pain and Suffering, which are emotional damages that are hard to measure. They can include fear, anxiety, PTSD, mental problems, psychological scarring, and more.
You may find it good to look at other settlement values from similar cases to judge what you have the potential to earn. Keep in mind that these cases do not indicate how the insurance company will decide or how the court would rule; we recommend viewing them to see the possibility as opposed to a certainty. Still, an expert attorney can give you a fair estimate of how much your case may be valued at.
Reviews from Real Clients

Without the help of this amazing law firm, I wouldn’t have been able to win my claim against Liberty Mutual. There is no doubt in my mind that I won only because of my lawyer’s help.
Bobby P.

Normandie is the best law firm to for claims against Liberty Mutual. They know exactly how to deal with the insurance company to get clients the best payout possible.
Samantha B.

Thank you for such amazing legal help. From the very first time that I spoke to the experts at Normandie, I knew that I would be in good hands form the start. My lawyer didn’t disappoint me and handled my claim against Liberty Mutual very effectively.
Michael R.

I was tired of fighting with Liberty Mutual, so I called my lawyer for assistance. As soon as I got my lawyer involved, the insurance company started cooperating and wanting to settle. My lawyer didn’t settle for less and was able to get me an amazing payout for my claim.
Michelle D.
Free Second Opinion
There is the chance that you are already represented by an attorney. Many clients who already have lawyers come to us wondering if they are receiving more or less than the average compensation for their whiplash cases. Sadly, in many instances, attorneys just sign clients up with no intention of fighting for them. They are content to negotiate a small settlement out of the insurance company convince the client to accept it, and move on to the next case. Rinse and repeat and earn another paycheck. This practice is something we do not condone, and we will be happy to give you a second opinion on your case. We will tell you if we think your current attorney is misrepresenting you or if you can earn much more than what you are currently being offered.
Normandie Law Firm is Here to Help
Contact us today to speak to an experienced attorney about your whiplash case. Our legal team will aggressively seek out the insurance agents at Liberty Mutual and work to bring you a fair settlement for your damages. We will not stop until we earn you compensation you are satisfied with.
Reach out to an attorney today to receive a free consultation. You can discuss your case and your injury, as well as ask any questions you have. We will be glad to answer you and discuss your options moving forward. We will also inform you of our zero fee guarantee, which promises that you will pay no fees for our legal services if you let us take on your case. Our payment comes only if we win, and it is taken out of the settlement we earn for you, thus ensuring that your savings remain untouched.
Call Normandie Law Firm today for more assistance in filing a whiplash claim with Liberty Mutual Insurance.
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