UCLA Vehicle Water Damage Lawsuit Info

The Normandie Law Firm is currently investigating possible class action and single party claims for the destruction of property including vehicles due to the recent flood which took place on UCLA Campus resulting from the bursting of the water pipe on Sunset Boulevard.
Right to Compensation
All too often claims adjuster in cases such as mass flooding and property damages attempt to greatly reduce the amount of compensation available for victims by low balling any offers that are provided. Our law firm will help fir for your right to full and just compensation for any property damage you have suffered. At fault parties in this matter can include the DWP (Department of Water and Power), UCLA and state and federal entities. If you have any further questions regarding the filing of a lawsuit feel free to contact our law office. All legal consultations are provided by our law firm free of charge.
Latest News
According to UCLA officials more than 200 vehicles suffered extensive damage by the massive flood which poured millions of gallons of water into the underground parking lots of UCLA. However more than 1,000 vehicles may have sustained water damage.
More Information: If you have any further questions regarding the filing of a claim for recovery of property damage to your vehicle feel free to contact our law offices.