Trident Ultraviolet Sanitation for Pools Recalled Due to Serious Fire Hazard

Recall Update: According to the Consumer Product Safety Administration the Ultraviolet Sanitation Systems manufactured by Trident has been recalled due to the risk of fires. The specific name of the product is Trident Series 2 Ultraviolet Sanitation Systems for pools; the recall included over 3,500 units.
So far there have been close to forty reports of the sanitation system melting or catching on fire resultign in burn injuries and extensive property damage. Victims of severe injuries due to a defective product may be entitled to compensation.
Proving the Existence of a Defect in a Product – Winning A Product Recall Injury Claim
There are several ways in which a defect in a product can be proven in the court of law.
1. Defect in the products original design.
2. Defect in the manufacturing process of the product.
3. Defect on the labeling – failure to warning or have a warning label.
Steps To Take After You Have Been Harmed By a Defective or Recalled Product
There are several important steps which should be followed in order to preserve your rights under the law and strengthen any future litigation against the at fault party.
1. Seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
2. Preserve the evidence, do not throw the product away or have any individual attempt fix the problem.
3. Do not return or exchange the product.
4. Contact and attorney.
Contacting and Attorney: If you have any further questions regarding your right to seek compensation for your injuries resultign from the use of defective product feel free to contact our law offices. All legal consultations are confidential and provided free of charge.