Transguard insurance is one of the leading specialty insurance companies in the nation. Transguard is headquartered in Naperville, Illinois and is licensed in all states. With underwriting offices in Pasadena, California and Kansas City, Missouri, Transguard holds an excellent rating from a popular insurance rating agency.
Transguard provides the following insurance coverage: commercial auto physical damage; commercial auto liability; general liability; commercial crime; commercial property; commercial umbrella; general liability; ocean marine; inland marine; workers’ compensation; occupational compensation; non-trucking liability; occupational accident; contract liability.
If you were recently involved in a truck accident, you might have to file a claim against Transguard insurance. If you have considered filing a Transguard truck accident claim, you might have many of the following questions:
- Could you file a lawsuit against Transguard?
- Could you receive compensation if you file a Transguard truck accident lawsuit?
- How much is a truck accident case with Transguard insurance worth?
- What factors affect the value of a truck accident claim against Transguard?
- How much can you receive from Transguard in case of a truck accident?
It is normal to want more information about the average settlement of a truck accident claim with Transguard before you begin a legal process. For many people, the possible value of the claim also determines if it is worth the trouble of pursuing. To get more information about the average compensation and payout you could receive for your truck accident, you must contact the experienced attorneys at Normandie Law Firm as soon as possible.
Normandie Law Firm is a personal injury law firm that has dedicated many years to help the victims affected by truck accidents. If you were involved in a truck accident that left you with injuries, or if a member of your family lost his or her life after a truck accident, you have the right to sue. You must contact our law firm as soon as possible to speak with our attorneys and discuss the compensation that you could recover. Do not hesitate—our attorneys are ready to represent you in your claim against Transguard insurance.
How Are Claim Values Determined?
Many people mistakenly believe that they are automatically entitled to a certain amount of compensation after suffering injuries. However, the average settlement value of a Transguard truck accident lawsuit depends on many factors. To determine the value of a truck accident claim against Transguard or any other commercial truck insurance company, legal experts must thoroughly evaluate your claim. Every detail—even the most minuscule and seemingly unimportant detail—must be evaluated to establish the estimated value of a claim. If you would like to speak with our truck accident lawyers to discuss how much the truck accident case with Transguard insurance could be worth, you must contact our law firm and request to speak with our attorneys.
The Effect of the Injury Factor
One of the major factors that affect the average settlement amounts for truck accident lawsuit against Transguard insurance is the type and severity of injuries sustained. Truck accidents often result in critical injuries, which lead to higher medical costs associated with treatment and rehabilitation, for example. So, what types of injuries are commonly sustained in truck accidents?
Victims involved in truck accidents might suffer the following injuries:
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Mild to moderate concussions
- Leg injuries
- Arm injuries
- Severed limbs
- Back injuries
- Neck injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Lacerations
- Hip injuries
- Shoulder injuries
- Knee injuries
As you can see, there are many injuries that victims of truck accidents could suffer. Each of the injuries listed above has a specific value. For example, traumatic brain injuries could be valued anywhere from $85,000 to $3 million—considering the life-long care that is often required. Broken bones in the limbs have average values from $10,000 to $15,000. Spinal cord injuries that result in paraplegia are often valued near $500,000. Quadriplegia, on the other hand, is often valued closer to $770,000. The figures mentioned are just a few examples to demonstrate potential injury values. Often, the value of the injuries sustained is used to establish a base claim value that continues to increase as the other factors are introduced.
The Effect of the Insurance Factor
Another factor that is essential in establishing the average value of a truck accident case against Transguard is insurance. If you have been involved in any accident in the past, you might be familiar with this thought: does the liable party have enough insurance coverage for all my expenses? How does insurance affect the value of your claim?
Trucks are federally required to carry insurance policies. Small trucks that weigh less than 10,000lbs are required to be covered by a minimum policy of $300,000. Full-sized trucks heavier than 10,000lbs are required to have a minimum of $750,000 coverage. Depending on the cargo being transported by the trucks, minimum insurance requirements could be as high as $5 million.
If your claim is valued at $900,000 and the defendant has a policy limit of up to $850,000, the compensation you could receive might need to be adjusted to adhere to the maximum. For example, you can receive $1.5 million if the defendant’s policy limit is equal to or higher than the value of your claim. Likewise, your claim could be worth $3 million, but you could receive $1.5 million if that is the maximum amount allowed by the policy. Although the possibility of your claim’s value being adjusted exists, the majority of truck accident claim values do not have to be adjusted because the policy limits are enough to cover the entirety of the victim’s compensation. For more information about how truck accident settlement amounts for a truck accident claim with Transguard could be affected by insurance and policy limits, you must speak with our attorneys as soon as possible.
The Other Affecting Factors
In addition to injuries and policy limits, many other factors can affect the outcome of your claim. What are the other factors that could affect the value of your claim with Transguard? The value of your claim could be affected by all of the following:
- Whether the victim died
- Claimant’s lost income
- Claimant’s mental and emotional distress
- Claimant’s total property damage
- Compensation limits established by the state
For an in-depth discussion of how the factors listed above could affect the value of your Transguard truck accident claim, you must speak with our attorneys as soon as possible. You might assume that your claim’s worth is only determined by your injuries, but it could be worth more based on these additional factors—contact us today.
The Categories of Compensation Available for Recovery
Based on all the factors that establish the value of a claim, you could be eligible to recover many categories of compensation. The following compensation is often available for recovery:
- Medical costs
- Lost income
- Pain and suffering
- Property damage
- Funeral costs
- Burial costs
- Loss of consortium
- Punitive damages
There are many categories of compensation available for recovery; however, you should not assume that you could recover every type of compensation available—especially since the compensation you are eligible to receive depends strictly on the details of your claim. Are you worried receiving less than what you rightfully deserve?
When you allow our experienced truck accident attorneys to handle your claim, you can be certain that your claim is in the best of hands. Our skilled lawyers understand the value of your claim and will not rest until you recover the compensation that you deserve. Our lawyers will aggressively fight for your right to receive the maximum amount of compensation for your truck accident claim. If you want the peace of mind of knowing that you will receive every penny that you deserve, you must contact the attorneys at Normandie Law Firm as soon as possible.
Normandie Law Firm’s Truck Accident Attorneys—Here to Help You

Normandie Law Firm is dedicated to helping all parties affected by truck accidents. It does not matter if you lost a family member in a truck accident or if you suffered severe injuries; our attorneys are here to represent you and help you recover the compensation that you deserve. Whether you are interested in starting your legal process or if you have started your claim at another law firm, you can trust our attorneys to handle your claim effectively.
Normandie Law Firm offers free consultations and free second opinions to all victims affected by tragic truck accidents. Our free legal services ensure that all victims have access to comprehensive legal assistance regardless of their financial status. During our free consultations and free second opinions, our experienced attorneys will answer all your questions and address all your concerns—ensuring that you receive all the information you need to file a successful claim against Transguard insurance. It does not matter if you were left feeling doubtful and confused about your truck accident claim; our experienced attorneys will clarify all the misinformation given to you by any incompetent attorney with whom you might have previously spoken. Do not hesitate—contact our law firm as soon as possible and request to speak with our truck accident experts.
Normandie Law Firm offers a Zero-Fee guarantee to keep our legal services accessible to all parties. Our Zero-Fee guarantee ensures that our clients never have to worry about paying any upfront legal fees for any of our services. Our guarantee also establishes our contingency status. Because our firm is strictly based on contingency, our clients will not be required to pay any legal fees until after our attorneys win their claims. To start your legal process, you must contact our law firm.