Can I switch lawyers in the middle of a car accident case? Can I change my lawyer in the middle of an auto accident case? How can I hire a new car accident lawyer if I am not happy with my current lawyer?
Our law firm is often contacted with many of the questions mentioned above. Many people hire attorneys to find later that they are dissatisfied with the way that they are handling their claims. Many people are not aware that they have the right to switch attorneys at any time; therefore, their claims are negatively affected by incompetent attorneys.
Normandie Law Firm is a firm dedicated to helping the victims of car accidents. If you are not satisfied with how your current attorney is handling your claim, you can contact our law firm for a free second opinion. Our attorneys will evaluate your claim and provide you with all the information your current attorney might have missed. In the sections below, you will find additional information about switching attorneys.
Why Do You Want to Switch Attorneys?
If you are taking legal action after being injured in a car accident, you need to be satisfied with the attorney you choose to represent you. Switching an attorney in the middle of a case is more common than you might think. What are some valid reasons to change your attorney?
There are many reasons that might cause a victim of a car accident to want to change his or her lawyer. The most common reason for victims of personal injury accidents to want to change their legal representation is a lack of communication. Client-attorney relationships should be built on trust and communication. You should feel comfortable communicating with your attorney—from the moment you initially relay the details of your accident to the moment you call to check the status of your claim. If you believe that your attorney is constantly forgetting to mention things or unable to answer your calls, for example, there might be a problem in communication. You might also be interested in switching attorneys if your current attorney has proven to be inexperienced in car accident claims. If you are concerned about his or her lack of experience affecting the outcome of your claim, you might be interested in switching attorneys as soon as possible. Another common reason to change attorneys is the belief that the attorney cannot recover all the compensation available for your claim. Unfortunately, many attorneys are only interested in settling claims as quickly as possible—attorneys who rush through settlements often only recover a low compensation for their clients. If you believe your car accident claim is worth more than the settlement offers your attorney is considering, you might need to hire another attorney.
After realizing that your current attorney was not handling your claim satisfactorily, you might have asked yourself the following question: can I fire my lawyer in the middle of a car accident case? You might have also asked yourself the following question: can I hire a new lawyer in the middle of a case? The answer to those questions is the same; yes, you can fire your current lawyer and hire a new lawyer in the middle of your car accident claim.
California Attorney Substitution Laws
What does the law state about switching attorneys? The California law regarding firing your car accident lawyer and hiring a new lawyer is found in the Code of Civil Procedure (CCP). According to CCP§284, an attorney might be changed at any time upon the consent of the client and attorney, or upon the order of the court. According to CCP§285, there must be a written notice of change of former attorney and substitution of a new attorney. The notices must be given to all parties involved. You might have asked yourself the following question: is there a California law regarding hiring a new lawyer to represent me in a car accident case? As mentioned above and supported by CCP§285, you must give a written notice to your former attorney and the court to inform them of your new lawyer. For more information about these laws, do not hesitate to contact our attorneys as soon as possible.
Your Retainer Agreement
When you hire a lawyer, you have to sign a retainer agreement. A signed retainer agreement establishes that you hired an attorney for your legal representation. Within the retainer agreement, you should find a section that explains that clients can discharge their attorneys at any time during the case. Likewise, an attorney can withdraw from the case at any time. Based on the section of your retainer agreement, both the client and the attorney agree to sign the required documents to finalize discharge or withdrawal. The same section of the retainer agreement should highlight information about payment of legal fees. If you fire your lawyer, all fees for services provided up to the date of discharge become due. In many cases, former attorneys might place a lien for these fees; therefore, the former attorney’s fees might be charged after your new attorney settles your claim. For more information, you should review your retainer agreement and speak with an attorney.
Considering All Timelines
Can I change my attorney in the middle of a case? As discussed in the sections above, you could change your attorney at any time during your case. However, you should always be conscious of all timelines and deadlines that apply to your claim. When you fire your attorney and hire a new attorney to handle your claim, the new attorney is suddenly at the front of the claim. The attorney must spend time and effort to examine your claim to be prepared to handle it efficiently. In car accident cases, there is always many deadlines and timelines to follow. For example, if your trial is in two days, switching your attorney would not give your new attorney enough time to prepare to represent you. Additionally, although the courts are often willing to adjust deadlines, a last minute change in trial date, for example, might not be possible. Considering this information, you should try to switch your attorney as early as possible.
The Process of Switching Attorneys
How do I switch to a new lawyer for my car accident case? How can I fire my lawyer and hire a new lawyer for my car accident? You might have thought about the process of switching attorneys. If you are dissatisfied with the way your current lawyer is handling your claim, you might want to fire your attorney as soon as possible. However, firing your attorney before you have a new attorney might be a mistake. As soon as you start having doubts about your lawyer, you should start searching for a new attorney. Do not rush into meeting with the first attorney that you find—consider your options before you make a decision. Many law firms and attorneys offer free second opinions. Normandie Law Firm, our firm experienced in handling car accident claims, is one of these firms that offer free second opinions. Free second opinions are designed to allow those unhappy with their current attorneys to have their claims evaluated by a fresh set of eyes. During a free second opinion, you can expect an experienced attorney to give you all the information that your current attorney might have failed to mention. Based on your free second opinion, you could decide whether you want the new attorney to handle your claim. If so, you would begin the process of switching your attorney. Many attorneys are willing to help you complete the paperwork associated with switching attorneys. For example, your new attorney might write a letter to give notice of the substitution to your former attorney.
Our Law Firm

Normandie Law Firm is a personal injury law firm dedicated to helping the victims of personal injury accidents. Our law firm is based on the belief that all victims of personal injuries should have access to legal assistance. Unfortunately, many victims of car accidents never receive the legal guidance that they deserve. Because of that, they do not have the representation that they need for a successful claim.
Our law firm offers free consultations and free second opinions to all victims of personal injury accidents. During our free consultations and free second opinions, our experienced car accident attorneys are available to answer all your questions and all your concerns. You can be certain that our attorneys will always be there for you when you need them. Many people hesitate to take advantage of our free second opinions because they already have attorneys with other law firms. However, we offer free second opinions to ensure that all victims—even those who have already hired other attorneys—have access to our legal assistance. If your current attorney left you confused and with unanswered questions, you could benefit from our free second opinions. To schedule a free second opinion or a free consultation, you must contact our law firm as soon as possible.
Our free consultations and free second opinions are available through our Zero-Fee guarantee. Our Zero-Fee guarantee ensures that our clients never have to worry about paying any upfront legal fees for any of our legal services. Our law firm is also strictly based on contingency; therefore, our clients will not be required to pay any legal fees until our car accident attorneys win their claims, and they recover compensation. Do not hesitate to contact our law firm at any time during your claim—whether you want to start your claim or switch attorneys in the middle of your claim, our attorneys can help you.