Steps to Follow – Restoration Hardware Table Lead Poisoning Recall

The Consumer Product Safety Administration has issued a recall of metal top dining tables form Restoration Hardware due to a heightened risk of lead poisoning. Restoration hardware has arranged a buyback program where they will refund you the cost of the table, remove the table from your home, and provide you with a cash incentive on top of the tables price.
However, this is merely an attempt by the company to hamper any potential claims for lead poisoning on behalf of victims. Below are important steps that you should follow in order to protect any rights you may have against restoration hardware. If you have any further questions or would like to learn more about your rights to a defective product claim feel free to contact our law offices. All consultations and case reviews provide by our office are 100% confidential and free of charge.
What Should I Do – Steps to Take – Restoration Hardware Table Lead Poisoning Threat
Below is a list of important steps you should take in order to protect your rights.
- DO NOT return the lead table to restoration hardware. The table is the evidence that will be needed in order to prove the existence of the dangerously harmful element.
- NO NOT accept any refunds or cash settlements. Restoration hardware will attempt to induce you to settling the claim by making a fast settlement offer. In reality the potential value of a lead exposure case is many times greater than the offer they have provided.
- Protect yourself and your children from the table: Place a plastic covering on the table and if possible remove it from any place where children can be exposed.
- Lead Testing of the Table: Contact a local lead testing company. The company will take samples to their facility and will likely have the results within one to two weeks.
- Seek medical attention: Contact your children’s pediatrician. They will likely have recommendations where testing for lead levels in the body can be conducted.
- DO NOT speak with any representatives from Restoration Hardware or any insurance adjusters regarding any damages you and your family may have suffered. Any comments you make to them can and will be used against you on order to reduce or eliminate any chances you have of recovery.
Further Information:
Restoration Hardware Lead Poisoning Recall
CDC – Lead Poisoning Checklist
WHO – Lead Poisoning in Children