Recalled Bed Handle Injuries – Wrongful Death Lawsuit

The United States Consumer Product Safety Agency has issues a recall of all Adult Portable Bed Handles manufactures by Bed Handles Inc for strangulation hazards. According to investigators the use the handles has resulted in dozens of injuries and al lest three death to date. When attached the handle can shift out of its place resulting in a dangerous gap between the bed and the handle. Our law firm is currently investigating possible product liability claims by individual who have been harmed by the use of the defective product.
Lawsuits for those Injured by Defective Bed Handles Manufactures by Bed Handles Inc.
Class Action or Single Party Claims – Understanding the Difference – Generally class action lawsuits take place where there are a large number of victims who have an actionable cause of action against an at fault party (ie manufacturers of the defective product). However class action lawsuits require nearly identical injuries across the board amongst all its members. In the matter against the manufacturers of the defective bed handle the extent and severity of the injuries seem to wide widely divergent with at least three reports of deaths with dozens more suffering moderate to severe injuries.
Recovery for Victims of Defective Products
Those harmed by the production, distribution and sale of unsafe consumer products have the legal right to seek compensation for all injures incurred. Specific types of harm compensable in personal injury lawsuits including those involving defective products include the following (1) All health and recovery related costs including cost of future medical and rehabilitation care (2) All pain and suffering harms including mental anguish and PTSD (post traumatic stress). (3) Economic harms including property damages, loss of wages and/or future income.
Punitive Damages and Product Liability Claims
Is some cases victims of defective products are entitled to punitive damage recovery. Punitive damages can be awarded when the at fault party acted with the intent to cause harm or grossly reckless endangerment of consumer. Reckless behavior may take place when the manufacturer knew or should have known of the high probability of harm associated with the use of its product but failed to properly warn the public.
Wrongful Death lawsuits
The death of a loved one due to a harmful product is a tragedy. Statutory laws allow for certain relatives of the deceased to file wrongful death lawsuits against those found liable for the death of their loved ones.
Legal Consultation Available
If you have any further question regarding the filing of a lawsuit against the manufactures of the Adult Portable Bed Handle for injuries or fatalities to loved one feel free to contact our law offices. All legal consultations regarding your claim are provided free of charge.
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