Man falling down stairs
Suffering slip (trip) and fall injuries in and around your home can be incredibly traumatizing. It is hard to suddenly realize that the place where you feel the safest can also inflict such damaging injuries. This is true in mobile home parks just as it is true at any other residence. Unlike mobile homes in the past, the mobile homes of today are often rarely moved, leaving tenants at the mercy of the park owner. Fortunately, as a mobile home tenant, you have every right to sue the mobile home owners for negligence. However, if you were injured at a mobile home park after falling and are hoping to file a lawsuit, it may be in your best interest to hire a qualified legal expert. At Normandie Law Firm, our expert Los Angeles lawyers experienced in mobile home injury cases can guide you through the complicated process of building your case, filing your claim, and collecting compensation for the damages that you have had to endure. If you have any questions after reading this article, please feel free to reach out to our law firm for a free consultation by one of our top-rated legal advisors or experienced lawyers.
Premises Liability and Mobile Home Parks
As a tenant at a mobile home park, you are entitled to some rights that protect you from the damages of neglect and misconduct. In regards to this article, if you fell at a mobile home park and sustained injury as a result of said negligence or misconduct you have every right to file a lawsuit against the mobile home park owner. While the mobile home park owner is not liable for damages that are caused by your mobile home, if you were injured as a result of the mobile home park owner’s failure to maintain parts of the park then you can file a claim for compensation. Premises liability is defined as the liability for a landowner if said land somehow causes injury to one of their tenants or patrons. Regarding mobile home parks, the park owner is responsible for the space in which the mobile home resides, but not the mobile home itself. Contrary to what many may believe, suing a mobile home park owner is very different than suing a homeowner or landlord. The laws and regulations that influence mobile home park injuries are very different from those that influence homes or apartment complexes as well. For this reason, it is incredibly important to seek assistance from an attorney with experience in handling slip and fall accident claims that occur at mobile home parks. While the laws of mobile home parks differ to that of homes and apartment complexes, the process of proving the landowner’s negligence is nearly the same. With any successful claim of negligence, the plaintiff or injured party must prove the following exists in their case:
- Duty: The plaintiff (injured or damaged party) must be able to show that the defendant (mobile home park owner) owed a legal duty to the plaintiff under the particular circumstances of the case.
- Breach: The plaintiff must be able to show that the defendant breached said legal duty through specific actions or failing to act appropriately
- Causation: The plaintiff must be able to show that the defendant’s actions or lack thereof caused the plaintiff’s injuries
- Damages: The plaintiff must be able to show that they endured some specific damages. This can usually be shown through the presentation of medical records, a loss of wages, or a loss of potential income.
The same is said of the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations is essentially the time in which a plaintiff or injured party has to bring their case to court. If a plaintiff fails to bring their case to court within this deadline, they could risk having their case dismissed from court entirely. This time limit varies from state to state and changes depending on the nature of your case, however in the state of California most personal injury cases must be brought to court within two years of the date when the incident occurred. There are a few exceptions to this deadline, however, and it is in your best interest to seek the assistance of a skilled attorney with expertise in slip and fall injury lawsuits to ensure your lawsuit has the best outcome possible.
Slip (Trip) and Fall Accidents at Mobile Home Parks
Slip and fall accidents can be incredibly damaging and traumatizing to those unfortunate enough to have to experience them. It is important to note that they can happen anywhere at any time, however, for the sake of this article, we will be focusing on slip and fall accidents that occur at mobile home parks. In some cases, slip and fall accidents can cause minor bumps and bruises that may require little to no medical treatment. However, in more serious instances, slip and fall accidents can lead to truly damaging injuries that can affect an individual for a lifetime. When a slip and fall accident occurs at a mobile home park, the victim of the accident has every right to seek assistance from an accomplished lawyer with experience handling slip and fall injury claims to help them claim compensation for the damages they have had to endure. Some of the injuries caused by slip and fall accidents are listed as follows:
- Head Injuries: Head injuries can range from minor contusions (or brain bruising) to more severe traumatic brain injuries or TBIs. Some TBIs can cause ongoing seizures, mood changes, cognitive impairment and other debilitating symptoms. In most cases, head injuries require emergency room treatment, or hospitalization and in more severe cases can result in death.
- Hip Fractures: Hip fractures often require surgery and extended hospitalization. In some more serious cases, surgery may be necessary to implant an artificial hip. Out of every five hip fracture patients, one of them dies due to their injuries
- Back and Spinal Cord Injuries: Injury to the spinal cord can lead to permanent paralysis, temporary paralysis and other severe neurological and sensory impairments
- Shoulder Injuries: slip (trip) and fall accidents can result in shoulder dislocations or more severe forms of shoulder injuries called brachial plexus injuries. The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that connect the shoulder, arm, and hand to the spinal cord. These injuries are often treated with surgery followed by extensive physical therapy
- Sprains and Fractures: The force of slipping and falling can cause minor to severe bone injuries. In some cases, the impact of the ground could cause minor sprains, in others; it could cause debilitating bone breakage that may result in temporary disability. Some of the common fractures that victims suffer include hip, spine, forearm, leg, ankle, pelvis, upper arm and hand.
When a slip and fall injury has to be treated at a hospital, there is a high chance that the victim will be left with overbearing medical expenses that can be difficult to pay for out of pocket. For this reason, the victim of a slip and fall accident can file a lawsuit against the mobile home park owner if it is found their negligence to maintain the park resulted in their injuries. However, as mentioned many times prior, it is in your best interest to seek our adequate legal assistance when moving forward. Your best bet to reaching a positive outcome is through the help of an experiened attorney well-versed in fighting against mobile home park owners.
How Normandie Law Firm Can Help
If you or a loved one has suffered a slip and fall accident as a result of the negligence or misconduct of a mobile home park owner you may be eligible to file a claim for monetary compensation. Clients who file a claim with our firm can find some if not all of the following damages compensable to them:
- Past and Future Medical Expenses
- Loss of Income
- Loss of potential future income
- Emotional Damages (anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc…)
- Punitive Damages (which are difficult to win, and only a top attorney who has experience in mobile home injury cases will be able to secure them for you)
At Normandie Law Firm, our Los Angeles attorneys have a wealth of expertise in handling slip and fall accidents that occur at mobile home parks. While we are based in Los Angeles, we also practice in San Diego, Orange County, Riverside, Bakersfield, San Francisco, Fresno, Sacramento and throughout the state of California.
Free Second Opinions
Other attorneys will sign you up to their firm but will disappear once your name is on the paper as they are busy signing up more cases. In these instances, their business is based more on volume and will attempt to sign up as many cases as possible. In turn, they will spend less time on cases resulting in severely reduced settlements. Our firm will not treat you like a number. We will be in communication with you throughout our lawsuit and will treat you like family. So if you already have an attorney don’t worry, we’ll give you a second review of your case 100% free of charge.
Zero Fee Guarantee-No Upfront Fees Ever
If you contact our law offices today, we can walk you through the complicated process of filing your claim completely free of charge. As a show this commitment to you and your case we offer our clients the benefits of a zero fee guarantee policy. Under our zero fee policy, all clients don’t pay for our services until their case is won. If you feel in need of a second opinion, second opinion case reviews are also free under this policy. Please, feel free to give us a call, and one of our attorneys with experience in mobile home injury cases can guide you down the path of receiving proper compensation for your damages.
Premises Verdicts and Settlements
Our experienced injury lawyers have successfully recovered millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements on behalf of our clients. Below, we present to you a brief list of our more recent slip and fall, and premises liability verdicts and settlements. If you have any questions regarding your slip and fall case, feel free to contact our law office.
Our Recent Verdicts and Settlements
$1.5 Million