Laboratory Error Lawsuit – Lab Malpractice and Testing Mistake Attorney

One of the most overlooked yet increasingly dangerous phenomenon taking place in the medical community is mistakes taking place in medical labs across the country. Proper medical testing is an essential component in providing the proper response and treatment for diseases and other medical complications. The failure of a medical facility to provide for proper testing can result in a furtherance of a patients ailments. Patients who have suffered harm due to a mistake in testing or analysis at a medical laboratory are entitled to compensation for all harms suffered.
Common Errors That Take Place:
Some of the most common errors in laboratories resulting in injury or harm to patients are as follows:
- Mislabeling on tests results and specimen.
- Misrepresentation of testing results.
- Failure to properly collect specimen and MRI, X-ray, CT and other imaging.
- Failure to imaging department to properly identify and diagnose cancer or other diseases.
- Losing or misplacing labs samples.
- Sterilization issues during testing resulting in harm to the patient.
- Clerical errors.
- Transfusion of the wrong blood type in a patient.
- Blood work errors, such as a misreading, or switching the samples with another individual
- False positive on a blood work sample, which may lead to procedures and surgeries that would otherwise be unnecessary; it is highly recommended that numerous samples of your blood are tested, and you should always request second opinions and tests
- False negative, which may give you a sigh of relief but can actually lead to a missed diagnosis
- Urine sample testing error, as many urine samples are more easily contaminated or misread due to filtration and lab mistakes
For any of these reasons, your health might be impacted. If you suffered a problem because of a laboratory’s mistake, you can file a medical malpractice lawsuit with the help of our law firm.
Our Recent Verdicts and Settlements
$1.5 Million
Medical Malpractice Laws:
Usually under common laws medical malpractice will be established when a deviation in the standard of care established by the medical community result in harm to the patient.
Compensation for Victims – Recovery for Those Harmed: Individuals who have suffered harm due to the wrongful or negligent actions of others are entitled to compensation for all harms suffered. A calculation of damages recoverable in personal injury and medical malpractice cases is dependent on several factors described below…
- The severity and extent of harm suffered.
- All medical and rehabilitation costs associated with injuries suffered.
- Economic harm suffered – including lost wages and loss of future income capacity.
- Non-economic damages – including emotional distress, pain and suffering and PTSD.
- Availability of Punitive Damages – punitive damages can be provided in special circumstanced where the at fault party acted with the intent to causes harm or reckless disregard.
- MICRA restriction – Under the California Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act there is a cap of $250,000 that is placed the recovery of non-economic damages including an assessment of punitive damages.
Legal Consultation Available: If you or a loved one have suffered harm due to the medical laboratory error or an acts of medical malpractice feel free to contact our law offices. All legal consultations are provided by our attorneys free of charge.
Further Information:
Hospital lab mis labeled specimen tubes
Said I had high potassium , was admitted into hospit all overnight before they found error.
Spent over 24 hours in hospital, lost day at work and was very distraught.
LabCorp told me I have O+ twice (while pregnant) when I’m O- (hospital test multiple times). Son needed extra care at birth due to not receiving a shot. Just got a call that it came back O+ again (I’m pregnant again) when I’m O-.
My father in law had test today for INR and A1c which is test for blood and the lab got blood and send wrong test results to us , i call them and they said they will test the right one with sameblood that they got this morning
What can i do now.?