Gallagher Bassett insurance is a third-party insurance administrator—or claims adjuster. Gallagher Bassett represents small companies and businesses, with a focus on self-insured entities. Gallagher Bassett was founded in 1962 and has consistently grown to what it is today—a claims adjuster company with over 3,400 clients and more than 4,500 employees throughout the nation. Gallagher Bassett is one of the most profitable third-party insurance administration companies, with impressive revenue of almost $402 million.
Gallagher Bassett handles many types of claims including those for property damage, medical malpractice, professional liability, auto accidents, and worker’s compensation, for example. Gallagher bassett also handles claims involving many of the common personal injuries, such as the following: car accidents, slip and falls, and trip and falls, for example.
Normandie Law Firm is dedicated to helping the victims of personal injury cases sue and receive the compensation to which they are entitled. Many of our clients’ claims are negotiated through Gallagher Basest. Our clients are often impatient to settle their claims. They have spent many months and even years struggling financially after suffering their unfortunate injuries. After filing their claim, they often come to us with the following question: how long does it take to settle a car accident claim with Gallagher Bassett Insurance? The context of the question might vary depending on the type of injury case, but the nature of the question remains the same—clients want to learn more about the average time to settle an injury claim against Ghallagher Bassett insurance.
In the following sections, we have described some general information about the amount of time it takes to settle a personal injury case with Gallagher Bassett Insurance. If you would like more information about settling a personal injury case, you must seek legal assistance immediately. The experienced attorneys at Normandie Law Firm could help you gain a better understanding of the time it takes to settle an injury case with Gallagher Bassett. Our attorneys have negotiated with insurance companies and third-party insurance administrators for many years; when you contact our law firm, you can be certain that some of the most knowledgeable and experienced attorneys are handling your claim and fighting for your right to compensation. Do not hesitate to contact Normandie Law Firm as soon as possible—our skilled lawyers are ready and available to help you file and settle your claim.
Our Most Recent Victories Against Gallagher Bassett
$2 Million
$1.5 Million
Before Settling a Claim
Before victims of personal injury accidents can settle their claims, three things must happen: victims must finish their treatment or attain maximum improvement; legal experts must have all medical bills and other records; legal experts must send a demand package. Let us consider a hypothetical example to better explain the three elements necessary before settling a claim—a man is involved in a car accident and suffers severe injuries. The hypothetical victim takes legal action and brings forth a car accident case against the liable driver.
To work towards settling the victim’s claim, the three elements mentioned above must be present. First, the victim must have finished his medical treatment or attained maximum improvement of his injuries. The victim suffered a broken leg and a back injury. He receives treatment for his injuries, recovering from the broken leg but not the back injury. The doctors claim that the victim cannot continue to receive further treatment because he has reached maximum improvement for his back injury. The second element consists of legal experts collecting all medical bills and records. Since the victim already completed his treatment, the legal experts have access to complete medical bills and records. In many cases, medical treatment is not completed. In those cases, doctors can provide legal experts with estimated costs of future treatment. The third element consists of legal experts sending a demand package. A demand package makes a demand for restitution—or compensation—for an injury. The demand package often consists of all medical bills and records necessary to support the claim.
As mentioned, these three elements must be completed before victims reach settlements with insurance companies. The time it takes to complete the three elements depends on the extent of treatment necessary; however, it could be affected by the lawyers you allow to handle your claim. The process of treating injuries, collecting medical records, and sending demands might be hindered because of incompetent attorneys. When you contact a law firm to handle your claim, you must be certain that their lawyers are experienced in settling personal injury claims. The attorneys at Normandie Law Firm have settled many personal injury claims. If you need to settle a slip and fall case or a trip and fall injury case, in addition to any other personal injury claim, you can be certain that our attorneys have the expertise necessary to handle your claim and successfully reach a settlement.
Reviews from Real Clients

Thanks to this amazing team, I was able to successfully pursue my injury claim against Gallagher Bassett and recover the compensation that I was owed.
Sandra M.

Normandie Law Firm handled my Gallagher Bassett claim amazingly and quickly got me the best settlement available. Thank you for fighting for my rights and helping me win!
Josh F.

My Gallagher Bassett claim was going nowhere, that’s until I found Normandie Law Firm. The guys here at Normandie took care of everything and were able to help me recover the compensation that I was owed.
Julian V.

I tried dealing with Gallagher Bassett on my own, but I quickly figured out that I needed a lawyer. The guys At Normandie Law Firm took care of everything from the start and were able to deal with the insurance company to get me the best payout possible.
Will G.
After the Demand
After our attorneys send Gallagher Bassett the demand package, the insurance company must respond with an offer. An accident case often requires approximately three weeks for insurance company investigation. That is, the insurance company evaluates and investigates the demand package and all records provided. What needs to be evaluated? The extent of the investigation depends on the type of compensation being demanded. Common compensation for personal injury claims consists of medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering, for example. Therefore, the insurance company is likely to evaluate documents and information related to those three categories of compensation. For example, insurance companies might evaluate medical bills and records—both for physical and psychological harm—and the victim’s wage history. After the insurance company investigates, they will respond to the demand and make a settlement offer. Although responses and settlement offers can occur in as little as three weeks, responses can take up to sixty days. Therefore, it is important for clients to understand that it can take some time for insurance companies to respond.
When the insurance company finally responds to the demand package, settlement offers are often well below the estimated value of client’s claim and its demanded value. Initial settlement offers are often low—insurance companies will do everything possible to reduce the amount of money they must pay the claimants. Of course, if the initial settlement offer is too low, neither the claimant nor the attorney would be willing to accept the offer. In that case, the initial settlement offer is rejected, and a counteroffer is made. Many counteroffers are minimally below the original settlement demand. The process of making offers and counteroffers can continue for many weeks or months.
The insurance company might make a final settlement offer. The final settlement offer is often above the initial and subsequent offers but continues below the original settlement demand and any counteroffers. If the offer is still not acceptable based on the estimated case value, claimants might reject the final offer and file their lawsuit. After a lawsuit is filed, insurance companies are likely to speed up the process and increase their offers. After filing a lawsuit, claims can be settled immediately after file, during mediation, or a few moments before entering court for trial.
In general, considering all factors that might affect the time it take to settle a claim with Gallagher Bassett Insurnance, it can take anywhere from one year and a half to two years and a half to settle a personal injury claim—or eighteen months to thirty months. For more information about the average length of time to settle an accident case with Gallagher insurance, you must contact our law firm as soon as possible.
Normandie Law Firm

Normandie Law Firm is a personal injury law firm dedicated to helping all victims of personal injury accidents receive the compensation they deserve. If you suffered a car accident, slip and fall accident, or any other type of personal injury accident, you can be certain that our attorneys can represent you. Now that you know that it can take up to two years and a half to settle a car accident case against Gallagher Bassett, you should act with urgency and begin your legal process as soon as possible. If you are interested in speaking with our attorneys experienced in negotiating with insurance companies, you must contact our law firm as soon as possible and request a free consultation or free second opinion. During our free consultations and free second opinions, our expert lawyers are available to answer all your questions and concerns. You can be certain that you will have all the information necessary to help you recover the compensation that you deserve. If you have already started your legal process at another law firm, you could benefit from our free second opinions—which are designed to clear all doubts and confusion negligently created by the incompetent attorneys with whom you might have previously spoken.
Our free consultations and free second opinions are available through our Zero-Fee guarantee—a guarantee that ensures that our clients never have to worry about paying any upfront legal fees for our services. Our law firm’s contingency status ensures that clients do not have to pay legal fees until our attorneys win their claims. If you do not win your claim, you will not be required to pay any legal fees. Contact our law firm today—our experienced attorneys are ready to guide you through the process of settling your personal injury claim against Gallagher Bassett Insurance.