State Farm is a fairly well known Insurance company that offers more than just auto insurance. It has branched out into home insurance, renter’s insurance, pet insurance, life insurance, and more. Still, even through serving all of these different areas, the company still has a tendency to take a long time paying off settlements. This is not unique to State Farm; many insurance companies practice the same tactics, and we believe they should be forced to issue a check in an acceptable timeframe or else face legal consequences. If you filed an accident claim with State Farm that has not been responded to, that you have not received any information on, or that has been outright and wrongly denied, you should get in touch with one of our lawyers at Normandie Law Firm. An attorney experienced in State Farm car accident claims will be able to assist you. Our clients usually come to us with various questions about the insurance company and the legal process behind filing a claim. Sometimes, they want to proceed by themselves, which is a choice we advise against. It is much better to enlist the help of an experienced attorney with skillful negotiation tactics to navigate your claim and represent you. Still, examples of these questions include:
- How long does it take for State Farm to settle an accident claim?
- How long does it take for State Farm insurance to settle a claim?
- How many months do I have to wait to get paid by State Farm after an accident?
- How long does State Farm take to send a settlement check?
- How long does it take State Farm to pay a claim?
- How long does State Farm take to process a personal injury claim?
Our Most Recent Victories Against State Farm
$2 Million
$1.5 Million
State Farm – No Different than the Others
State Farm is just like any other insurance agency – it waits as long as possible to respond to claims, and when it does, it will do everything possible to avoid paying out a settlement. Insurance adjusters will refuse to acknowledge relevant points on your insurance policy and will claim that you are not covered for a variety of reasons. For example, if you have an insurance policy that covers damages to your body provided you were not at fault, your insurance agent may deny that you were even injured at all. This can be alleviated by providing adequate doctor’s notes and medical records proving that you were hurt in the accident, but unfortunately, insurance companies are under no legal obligation to pay unless ordered to do so by a court.
For some cases, such as those purely involving property damage, you may be fortunate enough that State Farm will be reasonable. The reason for this is simple: claims that involve damage to your car or other belongings are very simple to negotiate and generally have a fixed amount of damages that must be covered. A mechanic’s estimate for the cost of repairs, as well as tow truck fees and days of lost wages from lack of transportation, for instance, can be given to State Farm. State Farm, in turn, will have nothing to negotiate with you; they would have to dispute with a mechanic, and more often than not, they will it as a waste of time and will opt to pay the settlement quickly.
Keep in mind, however, that if you were the party at fault, you would have a much harder time earning any compensation at all. Additionally, if you are seeking compensation yourself with no legal help, you may find it exceptionally difficult to get anywhere. For this reason, we believe you should hire an expert attorney for more assistance.
With respect to any accident that usually involves injuries, such as a motorcycle accident or truck accident, your claim may not be reviewed by a State Farm insurance adjuster for some weeks. They often have to sift through many different requests and deal with each one on an individual basis. Even after they read your claim, they may not give you a reply for some time. Many people accept this is as a part of dealing with insurance agencies, but we believe this is an act that can be cleaned up. Therefore, our experienced Los Angeles lawyers will aggressively hound the State Farm agent responsible for your claim, making sure he keeps your case at the top of the queue and works to resolve it as quickly as possible.
How much time it takes for State Farm to send a check for a car accident claim depends on many factors. Ideally, a settlement will be reached within a few weeks, but with how concerned State Farm is with retaining profits and not paying out any money, that is a very hopeful timeframe. Regardless, Normandie Law Firm promises to work bring you a settlement as quickly as possible – even if it means suing State Farm for its actions.
Reviews from Real Clients

I don’t know what I would’ve done without Normandie backing me up. Dealing with State Farm was a nightmare. If it wasn’t for my lawyer, the insurance company would’ve gotten away with trying to unfairly deny my claim.
Tony S.

State Farm Insurance tried to take advantage of me after my accident. I called a lawyer immediately, and they were put in their place. Thanks to my lawyer, I was able to recover a significant settlement for the harm that I suffered.
Ronald R.

Thank you, Normandie Law Firm! This team handled my State Farm claim like a dream. I could’ve never dealt with the insurance company on my own.
Karla M.

Thanks to my lawyer, I was able to successfully file my State Farm Insurance claim and get a fair amount of compensation for my injuries. I really wouldn’t have been able to win my lawsuit without the help of my lawyer, as State Farm tried to make things as difficult as possible.
Kelly A.
State Farm Acting in Bad Faith
An insurance company is said to act in bad faith when it does not perform its due diligence to its customers. There are numerous ways for this to occur, but many people do not pursue any legal action either because they feel it will ultimately amount to nothing or because they are not aware the possibility even exists. Our attorneys with expertise in insurance bad faith claims can help you earn your rightful compensation from any insurance agency that is treating you poorly, State Farm included.
In order for you to file a lawsuit for bad faith, State Farm must have acted in a certain negligent manner. For example, an insurance agent or group of agents must have:
- Failed to notify you of any damages to your vehicle upon inspection.
- Advised you not to seek the assistance of an attorney or pursue any legal help at all.
- Misguided you or misrepresented you with respect to coverage details.
- Lied about damages or misattributed damages on the investigation report.
- Refused to offer or pay reasonable compensation for damages stemming from an accident.
- Failure to reply, whether by accepting or denying, a claim within a reasonable timeframe.
These acts of bad faith, sadly, are not all black and white. For example, a “reasonable timeframe” may mean different lengths of time to different individuals; to some, 3 months is reasonable, while to others, 6 months is. Insurance agents will usually argue that any length of time they deem reasonable is so; they can claim that as years go by, and will be satisfied knowing they are not losing any profits by paying out claimants.
What usually takes long is the medical aspect of an injury. An insurance claim cannot be adjusted to a settlement until you have reached MMI, or maximum medical improvement, or if you have reached a full recovery. Your medical bills must be fully established before State Farm will consider your claim; therefore, injuries that require a long time to heal and extensive therapy, such as damage to the spine, necessitate a longer wait time for a claim than something like a sprain or a concussion.
Our attorneys at Normandie Law Firm can help you sue State Farm for acts of bad faith, and help you recover damages. You should not have to move forward alone.
What You May Earn
If you were involved in an accident and State Farm is refusing to pay your damages, let Normandie Law Firm help. We will tirelessly work to bring you the settlement you deserve, and we will not hesitate until you are satisfied. If you select us for legal representation and choose to sue State Farm for bad faith as well as for your original damages, you may be able to earn a sizeable settlement. We can help you receive:
- Medical Costs, including coverage of surgery fees, hospitalization, physical therapy, and future treatments.
- Property Damage, including any broken or lost belongings, damage to your vehicle, and more.
- Lost Wages, which can be recovered both from past days of missed work and future days of missed work due to an injury or required treatment.
- Pain and Suffering, or emotional damages such as PTSD, fear, anxiety, mental scarring, and psychological problems.
- Punitive Damages, which are handed out in the event of gross negligence or an intent to cause harm. These damages are very difficult to win, and only an expert lawyer will be able to acquire them for your settlement.
Reach out to an attorney at Normandie Law Firm today to receive a free consultation on your case. We will answer any questions you have about your claim and the legal process, and tell you what we believe we can earn for you if you select us for legal representation.
If you choose us for our services, we also offer you a zero fee guarantee on your claim – you do not pay any out of pocket expenses throughout the litigation process. Our fees are covered only if we win your case, and the money is taken from the settlement we earn for you. If we lose, you don’t owe us a penny. We believe that all individuals have a right to legal representation despite their monetary situation and that your financial security is important.
Contact Normandie Law Firm today for more information on handling a State Farm insurance claim.
More Information
How Much Is the Average Settlement for a Claim with State Farm Insurance
State Farm Insurance Lawsuit Attorneys
What Is the Average Settlement of a StateFarm Whiplash Accident Lawsuit