Home Depot Store Injury Information
Home Depot stores are a well-known retail store chain that sell home improvement merchandise. The store does focus on people in so far as making sales, but it often falls short when it comes to keeping the customers safe within the environment of the store. People have been seriously injured in a Home Depot store because of unsafe conditions within the store area. These injuries can have serious and lasting impact on the lives of the customers who were injured. When this is the case, it is necessary for you to call our office right away. We will need to start the process to begin a Home Depot lawsuit on your behalf.
Home Depot Injury Lawsuit
Injuries and damages sustained from people who have had losses while shopping at a Home Depot may be plentiful. But every person who brings an action does not get the same amount of recovery. Look at it from the perspective of everyone with an injury has a different opportunity to recover compensation. But many people don’t talk to an attorney who knows what to do with this type of case.
Home Depot Customer Injury Attorneys
There is such a thing as a Home Depot Customer Injury Attorney. This is an attorney who has a firm understanding of how to win a case for a person who suffers personal injuries at a Home Depot store. People who are injured in Home Depot can be injured in a variety of different ways. The injury will need to be managed by an attorney who understands what to do to win the case.
This type of personal injury lawsuit is not for an attorney who is new to the practice of law. You need to talk to an experienced attorney who knows specifically about Home Depot and how they operate. You also need an attorney who understands the insurance companies working for Home Depot and how they want to resolve and settle out their cases. You need someone like this on your side, to get you the money you deserve in these types of cases.
Free Second Opinion
Everyone can benefit from a free second opinion. Why do you think that it is important to get a free medical second opinion? You get it because you want to be absolutely sure that what you are being told to do will make the most sense for your situation. You can call us about getting a free second opinion. We are here for you and can offer a free second opinion any time that you need us. We will talk to you in plain language, and ensure you fully understand all of your options.
Suing Home Depot for Injury
If you are injured at a Home Depot store, you need to consider suing the company for your personal injuries. The insurance company for Home Depot will want to settle the case out, for the minimum amount of money possible. It is not that they are against you, it is never personal towards you. It is the case that the insurance agents are tired, overworked and underpaid, and they would just as soon settle out a case then let it drag on.
But these are the times that you need to carefully weigh all of your options. How would you know what every option is, unless you talked to us first? We don’t want you to miss out on an option, just because you took the advice of a friend of the family first and foremost.
Our Recent Verdicts and Settlements
$1.5 Million
Home Depot Injury Policy
The Home Depot strives to keep its stores clean at all times. But sometimes there are messes on the ground at the store, or tripping hazards that have been created by other customers sorting through merchandise at the store. The managers of the Home Depot stores are responsible to ensure that the stores are safe for the customers. They are tasked with reviewing the store on an hourly basis, where they walk around the store to look for hazards.
The managers are the pulse of keeping a large warehouse type of store such as Home Depot safe on a daily basis. Oftentimes, the managers will miss a hazard, or a hazardous condition can be created in between the times that they have walked around and checked the store. Just a few minutes is all that it takes for someone to be seriously injured in a Home Depot store.
When a person is injured at a Home Depot store, an incident report is filled out. It is a customer accident report, that will be reviewed by the regional managers of the store each quarter. The types of questions that will be asked of you after a loss in a Home Depot store include:
- Your injury?
- Whether an ambulance was called for you?
- How you were injured?
- The location of the injury in the store?
- Did you trip, slip or fall in the store?
- Was the weather outside rainy?
- Was the area under construction?
- Was there any witness to your accident?
- Who in the store did you tell first about the accident?
- Do you wear glasses to see clearly?
- Do you have any issues walking?
Can I Sue Home Depot If I Was Injured at a Home Depot Store?
Yes, you can sue Home Depot if you were injured at a Home Depot store. You need not suffer in silence, hoping that your personal injuries will just “go away” on their own. We understand that you need time to heal from your personal injuries. We are here to give you the peace of mind that you deserve. We are effective at managing cases against Home Depot, you only need to call us to get the ball rolling in this case.
Can I Sue Home Depot If Something Fell Off the Shelf and Hit Me?
Yes, you can sue Home Depot if something fell off the shelf and hit you causing a personal injury to you. Understand that you have a valid action in this type of case, and are within your rights to bring a lawsuit. You need to discuss your case exclusively with a Home Depot injury lawyer. We are your #1 resource for Home Depot accident injury attorneys in California. When you have been injured from an item falling off a Home Depot shelf, you can have a variety of injuries. No one goes into a Home Depot to shop, expecting to be hit by an item falling from a shelf. You can sustain serious injuries with an item that fell off a shelf at Home Depot, including:
- brain injury
- concussion
- broken leg
- eye injury
- hit you in the eye
- sprained your ankle
- ER visit
- went to the emergency room
- stitches
- report to the manager
- witnesses
- forklift operator
- hit by a forklift
- plywood
- heavy objects
Lumber Falling on Customers
Many people purchase the lumber that they need for their projects from Home Depot. Lumber is usually stacked up relatively high. As employees and customers grab lumber from these stacks, the stacks can become unstable – so much that they can topple over and hit anyone who is walking by or trying to get more lumber. If lumber falls on customers injuries can occur, as lumber is very heavy. Customers could suffer devastating injuries, some of which could result in permanent injuries or even death. Some injuries that customers could suffer due to lumber falling on them can include the following: traumatic brain injuries, concussions, shoulder injuries, neck injuries, back injuries, spinal cord injuries, crushing injuries, lacerations, and more. If you or a loved one suffered harm in an incident resulting from lumber falling, you could have grounds to file a lawsuit against Home Depot.
PVC Pipes and Metal Pipes Falling on Customers
Similarly to lumber, PVC pipes and metal pipes are available for purchase at Home Depot. These pipes are usually stored upright in containers and separated by type. These pipes can be quite large and difficult to handle, so employees and customers alike can have difficulties when trying to get these items. If pipes fall, anyone nearby can be struck and suffer a number of injuries. Some of the injuries associated with PVC pipes and metal pipes include facial injuries, eye injuries, mouth injuries (including broken teeth), impalement, etc. If you or a loved one suffered any of these injuries due to an incident involving pipes at a Home Depot location, then you could have grounds to sue. For more information about the legal options available to you, contact the experts here at our law firm today.
Reviews from Real Clients

After my injury at a Home Depot, Normandie Law Firm came through. They provided me with all the information that I needed to successfully pursue my injury claim and get the payout that I was owed.
Sam L.

If you are looking to sue Home Depot after an injury at one of their locations, this team is the team for you. They are more than ready to represent you and help you recover the highest amount of compensation available for your injury claim.
Paul F.

The guys at Normandie handled my Home Depot injury claim effectively and was able to get me an amazing settlement. Thank you so much.
Sandra G.

I don’t know how my Home Depot injury claim would’ve been successful without the help of this amazing team here at Normandie. They are truly the best lawyers around.
Saul C.
Injured By a Forklift at A Home Depot Store
The Home Depot stores are a good place for DIY home improvement merchandise. It is also unfortunately a good place to get a personal injury, due to unsafe conditions within the stores. If you are in the store, you are susceptible to having be a victim of a forklift accident at Home Depot injuring a customer. In those cases, there could be the potential for serious accidents and injuries at Home Depot from a forklift used in the store to transport merchandise around the store or to the loading docks.
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
The Home Depot stores are regulated by OSHA to be safe havens for customers to go to the store to buy their merchandise for DIY projects. But when the Home Depot is an unsafe place to shop, there is the potential for negligence lawsuit settlements. It is true that you can try suing Home Depot in small claims court, but there is no guarantee of the outcome. You may not even get enough money back to support paying off your medical bills and expenses. Is that the result that you really want?
Home Depot Accident Compensation
Any time that a person is injured in a Home Depot store, that individual will need accident compensation. If you are injured because of the actions of someone else, or from the actions of people in a store, why would you sign up to pay for your own medical bills? If someone else is at fault for your loss, personal injury or damages, that person needs to reimburse you for your medical bills and expenses. It is only fair in this case that you don’t pay for something that you did not cause to happen.
Home Depot Accident Claim
When you give us a call regarding your Home Depot accident claim, we are able to work with you to get the claim settled to your satisfaction. We will work with you tirelessly, but you have to call us today, to get the ball rolling.
Zero Fee Guarantee
We offer to you a zero-fee guarantee. We don’t get paid until you do, it is just that simple. We want you to feel comfortable working with us, and do not require any upfront fees. That is our promise to you, and we stand by it every day.
How Can I Sue Home Depot?
You can sue Home Depot by calling us today. We are the Los Angeles Home Depot injury lawyers, and we know what to do to win an action against Home Depot. You will have every advantage to win your case, when you talk to a lawyer in Los Angeles with experience in Home Depot injury cases.
We are you #1 resource in Los Angeles, and we are attorneys who specialize in Home Depot accident lawsuits. You can be injured at a Home Depot from any number of instances, including:
- falling timbers
- falling wood
- falling ladder
- falling merchandise
- merchandise fell off the shelf
- hit by a bar
- hanging over the edges of high shelves
Call for a Free Consultation
We are here for you, whenever you need to call us to talk about your case. We understand that this is all new for you, and you need time to heal from your personal injuries as well. You can feel comfortable calling us for a free consultation any time. We are here for you. We will give you the peace of mind that you deserve in this type of case.
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