If you suffered an injury to your hands, fingers, or wrists as the result of a traffic accident, you may be entitled to a certain amount of compensation. However, the settlement value depends on the type of injury and the extent of it, and there is no simple way to determine your case worth. An expert lawyer with experience handling hand injury claims will be able to give you an estimate, but it may not be wholly accurate.
Hand Injury Statistics
The national average for settlements awarded to victims whose hands and fingers have been injured in car accidents is $630,000. The median, however, is $70,000, meaning that there are very many cases that are both extremely debilitating and sufficiently minor. This middle value shows that many injuries are not as damaging or rewarding as some may claim.
Examples of Settlements and Verdicts
The goal of settlement statistics is to observe similar cases and see how juries have decided. It is important to learn many facts about each case, as you can make comparisons to your own claim and see how you fit in. If you have to ask how much is your case worth, you should be aware that there is no way of calculating it beforehand – in fact, you may not have any idea what you will earn before the trial is concluded.
Your hand injury lawsuit is worth over $100,000 depending on the amount of damage and the severity of the injuries. For example, losing multiple fingers in a car accident or work accident wherein the responsible party was grossly negligent could net you a lawsuit worth over $1,000,000. Similarly, losing both of your hands because of a faulty truck could value your case at over $2,500,000. If only a single finger were affected or if your wrist were slightly damaged, you could earn over $250,000. Minor injuries that heal quickly or don’t have an impact on your job usually make lawsuits worth less than $50,000.
Further, these examples are meant to show you the possibilities of what you can earn in hand injury cases in car accidents, but not what you should expect to receive.
- 2013, $19,000 and $34,000 Verdicts: A vehicle containing two people was struck by another car that drove across two lanes of opposing traffic and hit them head-on. The victim driving suffered lacerations on his right hand, back injuries, and knee damage. The passenger’s sternum was fractured. They were awarded different amounts, as the fractured sternum is a more debilitating injury to sustain.
- 2012, $390,000 Settlement: A man was driving his motorcycle on the Baltimore 695 Beltway when a truck used the emergency U-turn section of the freeway to change directions. He pulled directly into the path of the plaintiff, who crashed into the truck and received numerous injuries, including fractured ribs, cuts, abrasions, arm damage, and comminuted fractures to his left elbow and thumb. These latter two injuries necessitated the use of screws and other hardware to help heal.
- 2012, $80,000 Settlement: A young woman was driving down the East-West Highway when an oncoming vehicle struck her head-on. She received a broken wrist and was fortunate to not have any other serious injuries.
- 2012, $1,000,000 Verdict: An odd case that occurred happened in Montgomery County in which two men got into a fight, with one ultimately biting off part of the other’s index finger. This resulted in numerous surgeries to preserve the finger. The plaintiff sued the attacker as well as the owners of the restaurant they were at, claiming both assault and a negligence in security. The plaintiff ultimately was awarded over $1,000,000 dollars, but his claim against the restaurant was thrown out and the defendant was unable to pay due to having no insurance or assets. This is a good example of an extreme case that bloats the national average compensation of hand injuries.
- 2011, $22,000 Verdict: A woman was rear-ended while stopped at a red light and transported to the emergency room, where it was revealed that she sustained numerous right-hand injuries. She was required to wear a cast for some weeks and was left in pain for the duration of the healing process. Although the defendant did not deny responsibility for the accident, he did provide evidence of the car and claim that the injuries were clearly present prior to the accident. The jury awarded a $22,000 verdict regardless.
- 2011, $1,000,000 Verdict: Two patrons at a Nordstrom store were attacked by a homeless woman who brandished knives at them. The sales representatives also came under attack. The plaintiffs received multiple stab wounds to the hands and arms and were left with scars and disfigurement to the areas. They sued Nordstrom, citing a total lack of security and practice of safety procedures. Nordstrom claimed that the attack was a random act of violence and should not be attributed to the store, but the jury ruled the other way. The plaintiffs were awarded damages of over $1,000,000.
- 2010, $50,000 Verdict: A teenager crashed into a storage container that was placed in the middle of the road. He claimed it was unavoidable due to the flow of oncoming traffic; the defendant claimed that it was visible from a ways off and could easily be avoided. The victim received a fracture to his hand, and his claim was bolstered by the fact that other residents in the area had issue complaints regarding the placement of the storage container. As a result, the teenager was awarded $50,000.
- 2005, $377,000 Verdict: During a blizzard, a female nurse slipped and fell in the snow and broke and her wrist. She was initially offered $18,000, but the jury awarded her $377,000.
Average Settlement Value for a Fractured Hip Injury
Reviews from Real Clients

I suffered severe hand, wrist, and finger injuries in a workplace accident. Thanks to my lawyer, I was able to sue my boss and fight for my right to recover the highest payout available. I am very happy with the outcome of my injury claim.
Julian C.

Normandie proved to be the best law firm for hand, wrist, and finger injuries. Other lawyers hesitated to take my case and really undervalued my case. This firm did the complete opposite. They took on my case right away and made sure that I got the highest possible payout.
Hank B.

If you are in need of a lawyer after hand, wrist, and finger injuries, look no further than Normandie Law Firm. This team is really the best team around to fight for your rights after an accident.
Gabriel S.

Normandie Law Firm went above and beyond to fight for my rights and get me the highest payout available for my hand, wrist, and finger injuries. Thank you so much for doing so much for me and making sure that my claim was successful.
Ruben F.
Additional Verdicts
These verdicts also give more data on the average value of hand injury cases in the United States. To get a much more accurate ballpark figure of your case worth, contact a personal injury attorney today.
- 2017, South Carolina, $87,000 Settlement: A middle-aged man was struck by another vehicle while driving on the highway. He fractured his right hand and was ordered to undergo surgery and ensuing physical therapy. He sued the responsible driver for negligence; the defendant did not deny his responsibility, but he did claim that the injuries to the man’s hand were already present or lingering, and that he should not be held accountable for worsening the issue. The two men settled for $87,000.
- 2016, Georgia, $30,000,000 Verdict: A woman driving her vehicle was struck by a Jeep that crossed the center line. Her hand was pushed through the window and dragged by the Jeep, resulting in crushed bones and arm fractures. After multiple reconstructive surgeries, she lost tissue, tendons, nerves, her middle finger, and had metal equipment inserted into her arm for stability. The driver of the Jeep denied responsibility, saying that the steering controls stopped functioning; regardless, the jury ruled in the plaintiff’s favor, awarding her $30,000,000.
- 2016, New York, $1,900,000 Settlement: A man jammed his hand when transporting a heavy tank down the stairs with some co-workers. The man had his ring finger amputated, suffered a herniated disc, and was exposed to psychological damage from the incident. He cited not being able to work anymore, while the employer disagreed; he was awarded nearly two million dollars.
- 2016, Washington, $140,000 Settlement: A female passenger in a vehicle was injured after another driver ignored a stop sign and ran into the vehicle head-on. She was sitting in the backseat at the time. She received hand injuries, a fractured thumb, and back damage. The two parties reach a settlement of $140,000.
- 2016, Nevada, $50,000 Settlement: While a baby was being born at the hospital, he suffered an injury to his right hand. The parents sued for medical malpractice and were awarded $50,000.
- 2016, Washington, $21,000 Settlement: A woman was bitten at her apartment complex by a neighbor’s terrier dog bit her. She sustained injuries to her hand that required stitches and resulted in complex regional pain syndrome. They agreed to settle for $21,000.
- 2016, Texas, $19,000 Settlement: While at a daycare facility, a child was injured when a gate closed on his hand, resulting in hand damage. His mother sued for negligence; although the facility denied responsibility, it did pay out a settlement of $19,000.
- 2016, Connecticut, $14,000 Verdict: A man who was mixing cement found that the machine got stuck; when he tried to remove the clog, he suffered severe injuries to his hand. As a result, he sued for negligence, landing a $14,000 settlement.
- 2016, Washington, $14,000 Verdict: A man was driving along the road when the defendant turned into his path, ignoring the right of way. The plaintiff received injuries on his left hand, including fractured fingers, and also suffers back pain. He was awarded $14,000.
- 2016, New Jersey, $7,000 Settlement: A young girl had a door closed on her hand by a teacher at her school. She suffered a hand injury, prompting her mother to sue the school for negligence and carelessness; she and the school reached a settlement, netting her $7,000.
- 2015, Alabama, $110,000 Settlement: A pipefitter suffered a severe hand injury when a clamp fell on his hand. He accrued thousands of dollars of medical treatment. He sued the company and received $110,000, which would help with his disability and work impairment.
- 2015, Florida, $78,000 Verdict: A passenger in a vehicle was struck by a falling ladder, which was not properly secured to a utility pole. The victim fractured his pinky and required surgery. Although the defendant argued that there was already an injury present, the jury awarded the plaintiff $78,000.
- 2015, Washington, $45,000 Verdict: A man at a complete stop in his car was struck by a vehicle. He was injured and received tendon damage on his ring finger; he was awarded more non-economic damages than economic, totaling $45,000.
- 2015, Washington, $42,000 Verdict: An older woman slipped in a parking lot that was coated with a fine layer of snow. The lot was not properly sanded or plowed, and she was unable to get back to her feet. She suffered a sprained thumb, edema, and knee damage; the property owners of the lot were made to pay $42,000.
- 2015, Washington, $28,000 Verdict: After a woman suffered lacerations to her hand after an object fell on her, she went to the hospital for an evaluation. She was not properly examined, and later reported having no feeling in one of her fingers. It was revealed that there were foreign objects present in her hand that the doctors did not look for. After her stitches were removed, she underwent surgery to remove the glass and other materials. As a result, her tendons were damaged and she could not move her last two fingers together. She was awarded $28,000 in damages.
Contact an Adequate Attorney
When you need more than the average compensation for your hand injury, you can be sure that our law firm will deliver on our promises. Your health is important to us, and we are willing to fight as much as we can to bring you a sizeable payout. You should not be held responsible for expenses coming from an injury if you were not at fault.
FREE LEGAL CONSULTATION: Contact us today for a free legal consultation with one of our attorneys. We will go over your case with you and explain what we believe you can earn. Our firm operates on a contingency fee basis, meaning you pay us no expenses until we win your case, at which point our fees come from the settlement itself. If we lose, you don’t owe us a cent.