Gateway Insurance Agency was founded in 1990 as an independent insurance collective that focuses on providing auto and home insurance. It is primarily operated by two individuals out of Oceanside, California, and represents various other insurance companies. It provides commercial coverage to businesses that employ truck drivers and freighters. As such, it is responsible for paying out accident claims to people who are involved in crashes with employees of the companies Gateway represents Gateway is not always fond of paying out such claims, though, and as a result, you will need an attorney who can fight Gateway Insurance Company for a truck accident injury lawsuit. Our team of lawyers at Normandie Law Firm can help you take legal action against the company. Contact one of our lawyers for Gateway Insurance Company injury claims today to get started.
Truck Crash Information
Employers must ensure that their truck drivers are not left unprotected while on the road. Although they may provide insurance, they also need to take care of other crucial details. For instance, it is necessary that trucks be in working order and do not have any problems; the company must have a mechanic check the vehicles and fix any potential issues that could cause accidents. Allowing a truck driver to go on a trip with a truck with a defect could point to negligence and be ample basis for a lawsuit in the event of a crash. Some defects include brakes and emergency brakes that don’t function, dimmed or broken lights and hazard lights, a lack of warning symbols and signs on the trailer, electrical troubles, improperly filled and pressurized tires, and more.
Of course, truck drivers can also be held largely at fault. Most commonly, truck drivers operate their vehicles while tired after driving for long shifts. They only take a few hours to rest, often on the side of the road, before resuming their journeys. This is dangerous; truck drivers that drive fatigued are more likely to fall asleep at the wheel or have a dwindling attention span and inhibited reaction time, which contributes to accidents.
They are also advised to not drive if the roads are too troublesome, such as in fog or rain, or if their trucks cannot make it up mountain roads. They also need to use low gear to travel when there’s a steep grade, and some trucks may not be able to stop at higher speeds because of the increased weight and size.
Further, truck drivers that transport goods need to have the materials properly distributed and stored. Some dock workers may overfill truck beds or improperly distribute the weight in a trailer, which can cause the balance to be thrown off and the trailer to sway when turning or when touched, leading to detachment or accidents.
No matter what the situation, you should contact a law firm that can file a lawsuit against Gateway Insurance Company for a truck accident if you were injured. The best attorney for Gateway Insurance Company truck accident can be found at our group, Normandie Law Firm.
Injuries from a Crash
Truck accidents can result in severe injuries, usually much more damaging than regular car crash injuries. This is because of the size of trucks and how much more power they exert when they crash. It is not uncommon for victims to be afflicted with broken bones, fractures, internal organ damage, concussions, traumatic brain injuries, closed head injuries, neck and spinal cord damages, severed limbs, and more. In the worst cases, victims may suffer paralysis or even perish from their injuries. Treatment for your injuries could take weeks or months, and you may be left with permanent scarring or disfigurement. You should not try to take legal action if you’ve been hurt to such an extent.
Let a Los Angeles lawyer for accident injury claim with Gateway Insurance Company help you file your lawsuit.
Proving Negligence
After a truck crash, you must be able to prove that you were the victim of negligent action by the truck driver. This can be shown by establishing four points: that you were owed a duty of care, the duty of care was breached, the breach led to an accident, and the accident caused your physical injuries.
Each driver on the road owes everyone else a duty of care; that is, they will do everything possible to protect other drivers by not carelessly or dangerously operating vehicles or raising the risk of accidents. Driving recklessly and breaking the law by speeding, tailgating, driving while intoxicated, and more can all be considered breaches of said duty. They are also factors in many accidents.
Importantly, you must be physically harmed in order for you to file a personal injury claim. If you were not hurt, you could only collect certain compensation; for instance, only property damage to your vehicle.
You will have a good chance at proving the negligence of a truck driver with the help of an attorney in Los Angeles who can sue Gateway Insurance Company for a truck accident.
Gathering Evidence
Your evidence should begin to be gathered as soon as the accident occurs. You need to take photos of your injuries and the damage to your vehicle. You must record the accident scene and take down the information of the responsible truck driver. Any witnesses and bystanders who wish to give testimonies or statements can be recorded. Most of all, you will need to get medical attention so your medical bills can be included in your evidence bundle. If you were seriously hurt, the paramedics can take you to the hospital, but even if you weren’t injured, you should still be checked out just to make sure; some injuries may take a few days to show up, especially if you were filled with adrenaline.
An expert Los Angeles lawyer for accident injury claim with The Hanover Insurance Group can submit your evidence and make a request for compensation.
Statute of Limitations
The statute of limitations to filing a personal injury claim is two years from the injury or the discovery of the injury. If you take too long to file a claim, you will not be able to receive any compensation and the lawsuit will be thrown out. You should seek the counsel of an injury lawyer for truck accident claim against Gateway Insurance Company as soon as possible to ensure that you are able to submit your evidence and request within the appropriate time frame.
You may be eligible for a temporary suspension of the statute if circumstances allow it. For example, if the truck crash left you physically or mentally incapacitated and unable to file a claim, the deadline would not have begun until you were healthy and aware. Further, if you were underage at the time of the crash, the time limit would not start counting down until you turned 18. Talk with a lawyer for Gateway Insurance Company truck accident lawsuits to learn more.
Types of Compensation
A truck accident lawsuit can bring you different kinds of compensation. You could have your medical expenses covered, damaged property repaired or replaced, lost wages from work reimbursed, and emotional damages valued.
You may also receive punitive damages if the defendant were particularly egregious in his negligence or if he intentionally tried to harm you.
Further, if a family member or loved one passed away because of a truck accident, you could have wrongful death damages come your way, such as funeral and burial expenses, pre-death medical bills and pain and suffering, loss of consortium, and more.
A lawyer who is experienced with truck accident cases with Gateway Insurance Company can win you ample compensation.
Sample Settlements
Clients usually want to know how to value their lawsuits. Essentially, an insurance agent at Gateway will determine the impact of your injuries and how much of an effect they had on your life and career. If they were particularly significant, you could likely earn more. However, the insurance agent will make an offer, and our lawyers will negotiate a better deal if we feel it’s too low.
You can find it helpful to look at other cases with similar situations to see what the results have been. There is no guarantee that you will earn the same type of compensation, but you could learn what is possible. Some sample cases include:
- $430,000 Settlement: A man in his 30s was struck by a dump truck when the truck suddenly crossed the roadway and hit his vehicle head-on. The victim sustained various fractures and bone damages, needing multiple surgeries for each. The company paid out the settlement prior to trial.
- $13,000,000 Verdict: While crossing the street, an older man was struck by a garbage truck that made an illegal turn on red, not paying attention to the pedestrian at all. The victim suffered a severed leg and various injuries to his chest and abdomen. Two suits were filed, one by him and one by his wife for a loss of consortium.
- $90,000 Settlement: A mother on her way home was hit by a semi-truck from the rear while she was stuck on the highway in traffic. She suffered shoulder damage, spinal cord injuries, and a head injury, all of which required surgery.
For more information on similar lawsuits and results, call one of our lawyers with experience in truck accident cases against Gateway Insurance Company. We will gladly assist you.
Bilingual Lawyers
Clients sometimes call us needing legal representation because they do not speak English. It is difficult to file a claim if you have limited English, and a Spanish speaking truck accident attorney can help you bridge the gap. Our lawyers speak Spanish so as to give you the fairest representation possible; we will translate all the details for you and help you through your case. Not speaking English is not a valid reason to choose not to pursue legal action. For help, call our Los Angeles offices to speak with a lawyer that can sue Gateway Insurance Company for a truck accident injury.
Our Firm

Some clients ask us where to go if they wish to file a lawsuit against Gateway Insurance. The best law firm to sue Gateway Insurance Company for a truck accident is none other than ours: Normandie Law Firm. We have been in business for years and have handled numerous cases against Gateway. Our team of aggressive lawyers will do everything we can to ensure that the insurance agent offers a worthwhile amount. If we feel the need, we will bring your case to trial to win you a satisfactory verdict.
Call us today for a free legal consultation with an expert attorney. If you have any questions about the legal process, we will enlighten you. We will also look over your case and tell you what we believe we can earn. If you hire us, we’ll give you our zero fee guarantee that states that you will not have to pay any out of pocket expenses for our help. We only get paid if we win your case, and the money comes from the settlement, not your savings; if we lose, you owe us nothing, and we collect no fees from anywhere.
Contact a Los Angeles truck accident attorney that can sue Gateway Insurance Company at Normandie Law Firm today.