Foot Drop Surgery Error Lawsuit – Medmal Attorney

Foot drop or Peroneal nerve injury is a serious medical condition resulting from damage to the sciatic nerve. Every year thousands of individuals suffer from foot drop as a result of back surgery and other medical procedures that are improperly conducted by physicians. Victims of medical malpractice including neurological damage are entitled to compensation under the law.
Diagnoses – Noticing the Signs of Foot Drop
Some of the most common signs and symptoms of foot drop include the following.
- Unable to point toes in the correct direction; towards the body.
- General pain, weakness and numbness.
- Loss of function in the foot.
- Steepage gait or foot drop gait – a high stepping walk.
- Dragging your foot.
- Inability or difficulty in lifting the front part of the foot.
Foot drop may be an indication of severe nerve damage which can worsen in time resulting paraplegia, incontinence, Regional pain syndrome, and impotence in men.
Establishing Medical Malpractice and Surgical Error
Medical malpractice takes place when a deviation from the standard of care establishing my the medical profession and specialty is the cause of significant harm to the patient. Proving Negligence: There are five elements which need to be shown in order to prove a negligence based cause of action in the court of law.
(1) There was a duty owed by the medical doctor to the treating patient.
(2) The duty of care was breached the physician – on other words there was a deviation from the general standard of care.
(3) The deviation from the standard of care is the factual and approximate cause of harm that took place.
(4) A documentable physical injury or harm took place
Victims Right to COMPENSATION
Patients who have suffered harm during a surgery or medical procedure due to the negligence of a medical professional are entitled to compensation for all harms suffered. However certain states including California have placed some restrictions. A list of all types of harm compensable include the following…
- All medical and health related costs incurred.
- All future medical and rehabilitation costs.
- Non-Economic Damages including Pain and suffering and punitive damages: In the state of California non-economic damage compensation limited to $250,000.
- Economic damages – including loss of income and loss of future earning capacity.
Legal Consultation Available: If you have any further legal questions regarding foot drop nerve injury due to a medical procedure feel free to contact our law offices. All legal consultations are provided free of charge.
I have foot drop after hip surgery and post opp.instructions .can you help me
I was at ER in Ontario California needed a triple a repair urgently just prior to surgery I was transferred to keck hospital in which they continued postponement of surgery finally 4 day of screaming pain they finally proceeded to do the surgery was done I was alive my family happy.
Now the problem I had when I was able to communicate I asked my mom so I made it what were the stats what was odds of survival and potential complications if they did not do a consult and whom singed for the surgery was not given an answer (later i was reviewing my medical records that I signed for my surgery) reason for me asking was I could not feel my leg
I was repeatedly told that it was preexisting and that It was not there concern, I had asked that the dr was not to discuss or contact my mom that now im able I would be making my own decisions, I was continuously lied to and ignored and they would not contact me at all. All medical decisions were discussed with her only against my wishes, I had fully functional legs before the surgery I have done the nerve conduction tests And have damages to nerves at the base of the spine and damage up to the 6th vertebrae now I was to have the open surgery done the doctor postponed surgery the day of 26 December and have continuously tried to contact dr and now march 8 no response and Im in extream pain from crps and in a wheel chair now and in need of surgery
My surgeon did a total hip replacement on November 15, 2016. That afternoon after I woke up and was alert I found out that I could not move my foot and my leg was very numb The doctor came in to see me the next day and informed me it would resolve itself within 24 hours Two weeks later I went to see the doctor and he told me that this would heal within one year he handed me a brace for my ankle and told me to buy some hightops 30 days later the doctor him to be my records laughed in my face and then ordered an EMG but dismissed me as a patient In his notes he wrote that I had postoperative sciatic nerve palsy. I want to see another Doctor Who performed an EMG and stated that I had Drop Foot and it was permanent damage. I have not seen the surgeon since I have been through physical therapy however my foot is getting worse and my hip bothers me it is causing me not to be able to work at my job in which I may be losing it it also has taken it’s toll on me so I want to know if I would be able to sue because I do not have any money. I live paycheck to check. I was on disability for six months from work and then I went back to work for a few months and now I am off again due to my leg issue I get 60% of my paycheck which is not a lot I need to know if there’s a possibility that I could sue this doctor.. I am in the state of Ohio
During my rigjt hip replacement my sitaca nerve was dsmaged. Now i have a severe drop foof.
I had a back spinal fusion surgery in Sep 2018. After the surgery, I couldn’t move my left leg and Dr’s said the pain in the leg would get better and tried to discharge me from the hospital. I knew something was wrong and didn’t want to leave until I spoke to my surgeon. My surgeon’s partner operated on me again a few days later and found that I had very bruised nerves and another herniated disc (possibly related to the 1st surgery). When I came out of surgery my leg felt better, but I couldn’t walk because later I found out I had foot drop. The surgeon ordered PT and an AFO brace and said it would get better. He also said he had no idea why it happened and never ordered an EMG or any other studies. I still have foot drop and upper thigh pain in the left side and it’s been 11 months. I have all the records and images. I’m not sure if i have a case, but wanted to contact you to see if it’s worth pursuing legally.
Thank you very much for your time.
Jessie Lawrence