DHL is a delivery service that functions much in the same way that FedEx and UPS do. It employs drivers that go out in trucks to transport packages from facilities to customers. It is also popular with international shippers. Naturally, in the way that FedEx and UPS drivers will leave their trucks unattended or drive recklessly to meet deadlines and deliver packages on time, DHL drivers will operate similarly. It is not uncommon to see DHL drivers get into accidents, and if you are involved in an accident with a DHL truck, you could earn ample restitution. Your case could be worth a sizeable amount of compensation, and the best way to ensure that you receive it is to enlist the help of our law firm, Normandie Law Firm. We have some of the best attorneys in Los Angeles who will be able to net you the money you deserve for your injuries. We often field calls from clients who have been embroiled in accidents with DHL; these clients often ask us questions like:
- What is the average settlement amount of a DHL accident lawsuit?
- How much is a DHL truck accident case worth?
- How much is the average settlement for accident with a DHL truck?
- What is the average case value of a DHL truck crash case?
- How much is the average settlement amount for a DHL express truck accident case?
DHL Drivers and Accidents
DHL drivers are commissioned to deliver packages to customers. They work separately from the Post Office and other delivery services, and like many transportation companies, these drivers may be awake at early hours and drive into the depths of night. Operating a van or truck for that long can be extremely draining; the drivers may not have time to rest or nap, which can impair their driving abilities. The majority of DHL drivers are not freighters who travel across the country on extended trips, and thus, they do not have sleeper cabs to rest in. Instead, they clock in for their morning shifts and clock out when they finish.
Tired driving can lead to accidents on any road, and when operating a dangerous vehicle such as a track or van that is loaded down with merchandise, crashes can be devastating.
An omnipresent problem that affects delivery truck drivers is the tendency to leave their trucks or vans in the middle of the road while delivering packages. Although this is less of a problem in the daytime when visibility is high, it can be very dangerous at night, especially in less populated areas. If the van is parked and turned off, there will be no lights on if the driver did not engage his hazards. Approaching drivers could easily crash or not stop quickly enough, while those who want to pass the truck will be at risk of being struck by oncoming traffic. Additionally, drivers who come back to their vehicles are at risk of being hit, since they usually start up and drive without warning other cars.
Because deliveries should be on time, DHL drivers may try to make up time and rush to their different locations. They may speed, ignore the right of way laws, fail to yield at sections of the street, fail to use turn signals, and drive recklessly You need to be extra careful when driving near DHL drivers, as you may find yourself a victim of a crash.
Accident Procedure
If a DHL driver hit you, you should take care to check yourself for injuries and make sure you are not severely harmed. If you are, your priority should be making it to the emergency room; the paramedics can transport you there. If, however, you are fairly safe, you should still receive some treatment from responders, as there may be hidden wounds or damages that you cannot feel because of your adrenaline. After that, you should proceed to take down as much evidence as you can in the form of insurance information, photographs and videos of your injuries, pictures of the accident scene and the damage to your vehicle, the name and information of the DHL driver, eyewitness and passenger statements and testimonies, a police report, and any medical notes or bills that you can acquire.
By having your wits about you and being aware that you should take all of this evidence down, you can make sure that your DHL truck accident case will have a greater chance of succeeding. Your case could be worth much more if you provide ample evidence and proof that you were not at fault for the crash.
Statute of Limitations
The statute of limitations on personal injury cases is two years from the date of the injury or two years from the discovery of the injury. This means that you have a fair amount of time before you are ineligible to file a lawsuit. If you suffered damages in the accident that did not manifest until later – for example, back pain that degenerated into a spinal condition some months later – you could still file a lawsuit within the two year deadline, even though over two years may have passed since the incident (for example, you were in the accident January 1st, 2018, but did not notice the condition until June 1st, 2018; your statute of limitations would run out June 1st, 2020).
The statute of limitations can be postponed, however, if you were a minor at the time of the incident, or if the defendant left the state for any period of time. There are numerous other reasons for the statute to be temporarily suspended, and an experienced attorney can help.
Filing a Lawsuit
In order to successfully win a DHL express truck accident lawsuit, you must be able to prove these four points of negligence: you were owed a duty of care, that duty was breached, the breach led to an accident, and the accident caused actual physical harm. It can be difficult to prove these points by yourself, and you will greatly benefit from the assistance of an attorney.
Types of Compensation
An attorney from our top-rated law firm can help you receive:
- Medical Expenses (surgery, hospitalization, medication, physical therapy, future procedures, and more)
- Property Damage
- Lost Wages (from both the past and future)
- Pain and Suffering (emotional anguish, psychological trauma, PTSD, anxiety, and more)
- Punitive Damages (additional forms of monetary compensation meant to punish the defendant; however, many courts view these damages as excessive and do not hand them out, so only a skilled lawyer will be able to win them for your case)
How much you can receive as compensation depends on many factors.
How Much is a Case Worth?
The value of an accident case against a DHL van depends on the extent of your injuries and how much they impact your life and career, as well as how much of the accident was your fault. You may also notice that the settlement offer will change if you are of a certain age or if you will make a full recovery. The compensation amount is put together by insurance adjusters and negotiated over by our attorneys. Every DHL van accident case is different, and thus, every settlement offer will be slightly different as well.
Here are a few examples of what other freight and delivery truck accident settlements have yielded:
- $425,000 Verdict: After a tractor trailer rear ended a man stopped at a red light, various damages and injuries happened. The driver and the company did not believe that the crash caused the injuries but agree that they were at fault for the crash itself.
- $1,400,000 Verdict: A tractor trailer struck a woman and forced her into the guardrail. He tried to flee the scene, but another driver followed him. The truck river did not signal that he intended to change lanes. The woman suffered back injuries from the accident, and was deemed a bit negligent because she sped up to avoid the lane change. The company was found partially at fault, as was the truck driver.
- $180,000 Settlement: A semi-truck driver was distracted while driving. He struck a man who then suffered neck and back injuries, as well as a closed head injury. He was given just over $180,000.
Second Opinion
If you are curious as to what the average settlement amount for a DHL accident case is, you may be asking because you already have an attorney and want to make sure you are not receiving drastically less than what is usually offered. Unfortunately, many attorneys do not dedicate themselves to their clients, and they see these cases as opportunities to make quick money. They will settle for low amounts and not fight for compensation.
We will give you a second opinion on your case and tell you if we believe you can earn more than what your current lawyer is claiming. If you are being misrepresented, we will inform you; you do not deserve a lawyer who will take advantage of you for his own gain.
Choose Us

Our law firm, Normandie Law Firm, does not treat you like a number. We promise to work hard to bring you the compensation you deserve. We will do everything we can to aggressively negotiate with DHL and their insurance agents to secure a settlement value you will be satisfied with.
Call our law firm today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced attorney. Any questions you have about DHL accidents can be answered. We will gladly look over your case and tell you what we believe we can bring you. Further, by choosing our law firm, you will receive our zero fee guarantee, which promises that you will not have to pay us any expenses from the start of your case to the finish. Our fees will come only if we win, and they will be taken from the settlement itself. If we lose, you are off the hook and owe us nothing at all.
To learn more, get in touch with one of our accident lawyers in Los Angeles.