DComplications from deep vein thrombosis (DVT) result in more than 50,000 deaths every year. Unfortunately, many of the cases of DVT are due to medical negligence. DVT can often be symptomless; therefore, medical professionals could easily misdiagnose or fail to diagnose the condition. Because of that, DVT results in life-threatening complications.
When you seek medical assistance, do you trust that your doctors will treat you to the best of their abilities? Do you trust that your doctors will use their medical expertise to ensure that you are well taken care of? If you are like most people, you probably trust that doctors and other medical staff members will give you the care necessary to prevent DVT and its complications.
If you were the victim of a DVT wrongful diagnosis—missed diagnosis or misdiagnosis—you might have grounds to file a lawsuit and receive compensation. You could sue the emergency room, sue the hospital, or sue the doctor if you were the victim of a wrongful DVT diagnosis. You must seek legal assistance as soon as possible and speak with a DVT malpractice attorney today.
If you are interested in filing a DVT wrong diagnosis lawsuit, you must contact Normandie Law Firm as soon as possible. Normandie Law Firm is a San Diego law firm with experience in missed wrong diagnosis of DVT. Our experienced DVT failure to diagnose lawyers in San Diego are ready to evaluate your claim and help you fight for your rights. You can trust that our missed diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis lawsuit attorneys in San Diego can handle your claim and help you recover the compensation that you deserve.
In the following sections, you should find helpful information about your rights after being victimized by DVT malpractice in San Diego. Although you should find the sections below informative, you should not interpret the details below as any form of legal advice. For a comprehensive evaluation of your DVT medical malpractice claim, you must contact Normandie Law Firm as soon as possible and request to schedule a free consultation or a free second opinion. Do not hesitate—contact our law firm as soon as possible.
What is DVT?
Deep vein thrombosis—otherwise known as DVT—is a medical condition that results in blood clots in the legs after extended periods of inactivity. DVT blood clots lead to a loss of effective circulation and are often accompanied by pain and swelling in the legs. DVT is most common after surgeries in which extended bed rest is required. If patients are bedridden or in bed rest, they are not walking or moving their legs enough to maintain the constant circulation needed to prevent blood clots from forming in the veins in the legs. DVT can result in complications, such as postphlebitic syndrome and pulmonary embolism. Postphlebitic syndrome can lead to chronic pain and swelling of the legs; sometimes, postphleitic syndrome can affect a victim’s mobility. Pulmonary embolism, on the other hand, can be deadly. Blood clots from the patient’s legs could travel into the lungs and lead to shortness of breath, fainting, dizziness, coughing blood, and elevated heart rate, for example. There are many risk factors that should be taken into consideration by medical professionals to prevent DVT. For more information about DVT, contact our law firm as soon as possible.
Were You a Victim of DVT Malpractice?
As mentioned above, there are many risk factors associated with DVT. Some of the risk factors associated with DVT include heart problems, smoking, obesity, hormone intake, pregnancy, vein injuries and surgeries, blood-clotting disorders, and prolonged bed rest, for example. Doctors must identify and address the risk factors associated with developing DVT. Were you affected after an emergency room failed to diagnose your deep vein thrombosis? Did you receive a wrongful DVT diagnosis? As mentioned in the sections above, DVT is due to a lack of activity and a lack of circulation. Medical professionals must identify all the risk factors present in their patients. If they do not identify the risk factors present, they cannot address the risk factor and take action to prevent DVT. For example, if a patient who has a history of blood-clotting disorders is scheduled for surgery, doctors should administer blood-thinning medication as a precaution to avoid DVT. During the patient’s recovery, medical professionals should also ensure that the patient is up and walking as soon as possible to promote circulation and prevent DVT from developing. If you are at high risk of developing DVT, your doctor should follow-up with testing to ensure that you do not develop DVT after your treatment. If you believe that the medical professionals who treated you did not take the necessary steps to ensure that you did not develop DVT or to quickly diagnosed and addressed the diagnosis, you might have been a victim of medical malpractice. You must contact a deep vein thrombosis malpractice lawyer in San Diego to discuss your rights after being victimized by the medical professionals who treated you.
Who is Liable for Your DVT Claim?
If you are interested in filing a claim, you might be concerned about who carries liability for your claim. For help establishing liability, you must contact a failure to diagnose DVT attorney in San Diego. To establish liability in medical malpractice cases, there must be negligence. Negligence consists of four elements: a duty of care, breach of duty, cause, and harm. All medical professionals have a duty of care towards their patients; they must exercise a standard level of care to ensure that their patients receive the best medical care available. The duty of care includes taking the necessary precautions to ensure that patients do not develop DVT. If patients developed DVT, the duty of care includes following the proper testing methods to confirm the diagnosis followed by starting the appropriate treatment. As soon as medical professionals breach their duty of care to patients, they could be found negligent. If a mistake leads to the patient developing DVT, they could be found negligent and liable for the patient’s harm. If you suffered DVT or went undiagnosed as a result of medical professionals’ negligent actions, you must contact a San Diego lawyer for suing your doctor for wrongful diagnosis of DVT. The DVT misdiagnosis lawsuit attorneys at Normandie Law Firm can help you establish hospital liability for DVT. Our attorneys will evaluate your claim and help you understand whether you can sue urgent care for your DVT malpractice.
What Compensation is Available for DVT Medical Negligence Claims?
If you were affected by urgent care failure to diagnose DVT, you might be eligible to receive compensation. If you file a medical malpractice claim for DVT wrongful diagnosis, a San Diego attorney who can file a deep vein thrombosis lawsuit should be able to provide you with the information necessary to understand the compensation that you could recover. Although monetary compensation cannot reverse the harm done by the incompetence of the doctors and the medical team that treated you, compensation could help ease some of the financial, mental, and emotional distress caused by the DVT. The victims of medical malpractice are often eligible to recover the following types of compensation:
- Medical expenses
- Lost income
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of consortium
- Funeral and burial costs
- Punitive damages
As you can see, there are many categories of compensation available for recovery. Some of the categories listed above—loss of consortium and funeral and burial costs—are only available in wrongful death claims in which the DVT malpractice results in death. If you have any questions about the specific compensation that you might receive, you must contact our law firm as soon as possible and discuss your claim with our attorneys. Our experienced DVT lawyers will evaluate every detail of your claim and help you establish your claim’s value. You can also be certain that our attorneys will always fight for your right to recover the maximum amount of compensation available for your claim. Our experienced attorneys will never settle for less—they will fight until you receive the compensation that you deserve.

Normandie Law Firm

Many of our clients have become victims of DVT medical malpractice at the following hospitals: Scripps Mercy Hospital San Diego, Kindred Hospital San Diego, Sharp Memorial Hospital, Vibra Hospital of San Diego, Alvarado Hospital, Jacobs Medical Center, Saint Joseph Hospital of San Diego, and Kaiser Permanente San Diego Medical Center. No matter where you were affected by DVT malpractice, you can trust that our attorneys have the expertise necessary to handle your claim and help you recover the compensation that you deserve.
Our law firm is based on the foundation of accessibility; therefore, our firm always ensures that all the victims of medical malpractice regarding DVT have access to the legal assistance necessary to reach successful claim outcomes. Because of that, our law firm offers free consultations and free second opinions to all parties affected by DVT medical malpractice. During our free consultations and free second opinions, our experienced attorneys will provide you with all the information you need to file your claim and recover the compensation that you deserve. Even if you have already spoken to an attorney at another law firm, you can trust that our DVT medical malpractice lawyers can dispel the doubts and confusion left by the incompetent attorneys to which you might have spoken. Our experienced attorneys will always aggressively fight for your rights and will not rest until you recover the maximum amount of compensation for your claim.
Our free consultations and free second opinions are available because of our Zero-Fee guarantee—a guarantee that ensures that our clients never have to worry about paying any upfront legal fees. Our guarantee also ensures that our clients do not pay anything until they win their claims. Since our firm is strictly based on contingency, our clients are not required to pay anything for our services until our attorneys win their claims. Do not hesitate; our DVT lawyers are ready to help you sue the parties liable for your medical malpractice.