DHave you ever sought medical assistance at an Orange County hospital either for urgent care or emergency care? If so, did you visit the hospital trusting that the medical professionals would treat you efficiently? Did you expect the medical staff to harm you? Orange County is full of hospitals—and the community trusts that the medical staff in these hospitals are well-trained and ready to deal with any medical case that they encounter.
However, there have been many instances of medical malpractice throughout Orange County, many of them involving DVT. What are your rights if you were a victim of DVT misdiagnosis? Could you sue the hospital? Could you sue urgent care? If your wrongful DVT diagnosis was caused by the negligent actions of a medical professional, you might have grounds to file a DVT misdiagnosis lawsuit. You must contact a deep vein thrombosis malpractice lawyer in Orange County as soon as possible to discuss your rights after you were victimized in a hospital.
If you need to reach a DVT misdiagnosis lawsuit attorney, you must contact Normandie Law Firm. Normandie Law Firm is an Orange County law firm with experience in missed wrong diagnosis of DVT. Our law firm has successfully handled many medical malpractice claims, including deep vein thrombosis claims. Our attorneys are ready to fight for your right to sue and help you receive the compensation that you deserve. Do not hesitate to contact our law firm to request to speak with our missed diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis lawsuit attorneys in Orange County.
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a medical condition that causes those affected to develop blood clots in their legs. The blood clots confine leg circulation, resulting in painful and swollen legs that could feel warmer than normal. When DVT is not addressed quickly, victims could develop serious complications, such as postphlebitic syndrome and pulmonary embolism. Postphlebitic syndrome can cause chronic pain and sometimes affect mobility in the affected leg. Pulmonary embolism can occur when the blood clot dislodges from the vein in the affected leg and travels into the lungs—creating respiratory problems that could be fatal. Complications due to DVT cause more than 50,000 deaths every year—most of these deaths could have been prevented by medical professionals.
What Caused My DVT?
DVT occurs when circulation is compromised. Deep vein thrombosis is associated with many risk factors, including a history of blood clotting illnesses, prolonged bed rest, history of poor circulation, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases, for example. If any of the risk factors above go unaddressed during the shortest hospital stay, patients could suddenly develop DVT. As mentioned above, DVT could be prevented by medical professionals. When patients visit hospitals for urgent care, emergency care, or scheduled procedures, medical professionals must evaluate all the risks present in patients to take the necessary preventive measures. If they do not evaluate the patient’s medical history or if they fail to perform the necessary tests to diagnose DVT, the patient could develop DVT and additional complications. If the emergency room failed to diagnose your deep vein thrombosis even after you made them aware of your leg pain and your blood-clotting history, you might have been a victim of medical negligence.
Negligence and Liability for My DVT Claim
To file a DVT malpractice claim, you must establish liability to prove that you were a victim of medical negligence. Negligence consists of four elements—duty, breach, cause, and harm. All medical professionals have a duty to their patients. They must care for their patients with skill and diligence to ensure that they receive the treatment necessary to better their health. However, some medical professionals breach their duty of care and do not treat their patients to the best of their abilities. For example, they fail to evaluate the elevated risks of developing DVT, and they do not ensure that their patients are on blood-thinning medication or on their feet walking improving their circulation immediately after being immobile on bed rest for long periods. If medical professionals breach their duty of care, they could cause their patients to be negatively affected, resulting in harm. For example, a lack of preventative measures could result in a patient developing DVT. Further, a lack of diagnostic testing and treatment could cause the patient to develop life-threatening complications of DVT. Are the doctors liable? Urgent care failure to diagnose DVT, for example, could leave doctors liable, but liability could also be placed in the hospital. Hospital liability for DVT is based on vicarious liability in which hospitals are liable for the negligent actions of all their employees, including doctors. If your wrongful DVT diagnosis was caused by the negligent actions of an alleged medical professional, you must contact an Orange County lawyer for suing your doctor for wrongful diagnosis of DVT.
Compensation Available for DVT Claims
You might be eligible to receive compensation if you file a DVT malpractice claim. You might be eligible to receive compensation for medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and punitive damages. If you are filing a claim for the wrongful death of a member of your family caused by DVT malpractice, you also might be eligible to recover compensation for funeral costs, burial costs, and the loss of consortium, for example. The compensation available for recovery depends on the specific claim details; therefore, you must contact a failure to diagnose DVT attorney in Orange County to discuss the value of your claim as soon as possible. The DVT attorneys at Normandie Law Firm understand the importance of recovering compensation; therefore, they are dedicated to helping you recover the maximum amount of compensation for your claim.
The Statute of Limitations for DVT Malpractice Claims
If you are interested in filing a claim to sue the emergency room for your DVT wrongful diagnosis, you must adhere to the statute of limitations that applies to your claim. What is a statute of limitations? How can a statute of limitations affect your right to sue? A statute of limitations is a deadline to sue which applies to all claims. If the claim is not filed within the time allowed by the statute of limitations, victims could lose their right to sue. What timeline applies to your Orange County DVT malpractice claim? There are two timelines of which you should be aware if you are interested in filing a DVT malpractice claims. Medical malpractice claims must be filed within one of the following:
- Three years of the malpractice
- One year of discovering the malpractice
There could also be exceptions that affect the timelines listed above. The exceptions that could apply to your claim depend on your claim’s specific details. Therefore, you must contact an Orange County attorney who can file a deep vein thrombosis lawsuit as soon as possible to discuss the statute of limitations that applies to your claim.
Normandie Law Firm—Orange County Attorneys

Orange County, the smallest county in Southern California, is home to many hospitals. Orange County hospitals include the following: CHOC Children’s Hospital, West Anaheim Medical Center, Orange County Global Medical Center, Chapman Global Medical Center, La Palma Intercommunity Hospital, Garden Grove Hospital and Medical Center, Memorial Care Saddleback Medical Center, Huntington Beach Hospital, Hoag Hospital Irvine, Los Alamitos Medical Center, Mission Hospital Mission Viejo, South Coast Global Medical Center, AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center, Kaiser Permanente Orange County, and Fountain Valley Regional Hospital, for example. If you were a victim of DVT malpractice at any of the Orange County hospitals mentioned above, you must seek legal assistance as soon as possible—you have the right to sue and receive compensation.
If you were the victim of a wrongful DVT diagnosis, you must speak with a DVT malpractice attorney immediately. Our law firm is based on a foundation of accessibility. Our legal guidance is designed to remain accessible to all victims of medical malpractice. Therefore, our firm offers free consultations and free second opinions to all victims of DVT malpractice interested in suing the parties liable for their harm. During our free consultations and free second opinions, our experienced attorneys are available to answer all your questions and address all your concerns. Our lawyers will provide you with all the information you need to file a successful lawsuit and receive the compensation that you deserve. If you have already spoken with an attorney who left you with doubts and unanswered questions at another law firm, you could benefit from speaking with our attorneys for a second opinion. Our attorneys will focus on dispelling your doubts and clarifying the misinformation relayed by your previous incompetent attorney. You can always be certain that our lawyers will ensure that you receive all the information you need to recover the compensation that you deserve.
The free legal services offered by our law firm are part of our Zero-Fee guarantee—a guarantee that ensures that our clients never have to worry about paying any upfront legal fees. Our Zero-Fee guarantee also establishes our strict contingency; therefore, our clients will not pay legal fees until our DVT failure to diagnose lawyers in Orange County win your claim. If you do not win your DVT wrong diagnosis lawsuit, you will not be required to pay any legal fees. Do not hesitate to contact Normandie Law Firm—our experienced lawyers are ready to represent you and fight for your right to compensation.
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