The term CRPS stands for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. It used to be called reflex sympathetic dystrophy or RSD. These terms mean essentially refer to the same illness. CRPS is a type of pain condition that is chronic and long-lasting, usually affecting the arms or limbs. It can present with some sensory, motor or other symptoms, including brain tumors or lesions. This is the reason many people with CRPS can have neurological issues as well. The general symptoms of CRPS include:
- Decreases in range of motion
- Skin color changes
- Motor weakness
- Tremors
- Change in hair, nails or skin
- Neurological issues
- Memory loss and cognitive issues
- Chronic pain
- Fixed joints
A doctor is able to diagnose CRPS after an accident based on the symptoms and signs reported by the individual who was in the accident. If this has happened to you after your accident, you might feel many different sensations that will lead to a diagnosis of CRPS. You may feel:
- Sensory changes
- Prolonged timeframes of pain
- Sweating in unaffected arms or legs
- Changes of hair or nails
- Weakness of the muscles
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Why Does CRPS Start After an Accident?
Unfortunately, the physiology and why this illness comes after an accident is not well understood by the medical community. It is just a disorder that can be triggered by an accident. It is a type of inflammation of the areas where there has been trauma in the tissues. This trauma tricks or triggers the spinal fibers and nerves to create a blockage or dysfunction of the blood circulating in the spine and other areas of the body.
Why Does CRPS Bring on Cognitive and Mental Changes After an Accident?
Again, the cognitive and mental changes associated with CRPS are not understood by the doctors in the medical community. There appears to be a neuropsychological change that happens to people with CRPS, where they get perception cognition deficits, and a disruption of neuropathways. Simply put, the have neurological changes that make the people with CRPS think that their bodies have changed size somehow. They see their arm or leg as distorted, misshaped, heavier than it really is, or have other perception disturbances related to the limb’s position on their body. They can present with a poor awareness of their body, tactile stimulation to their body, and some extreme cases have people with a wish to amputate a “healthy” limb for no reason. People who experience CRPS often also do not recognize pictures of their own body, are not cognitively fully alert, and have issues with motor skills in relation to their body. The other neurological symptoms and behaviors of CRPS include:
- Overthinking the size of their injured arm or leg
- No match of pain to the correct limb
- Distorted idea of limb
- Not recognizing their own body
- Problems with multisensory body tests
- Problems moving arms and legs normally
- Tactile recognition issues
- Poor numerical and language processing skills
- Deficits in verbal fluency
- Impaired speech abilities
- Memory impairments
- Problems staying fully alert
People who have CRPS will need physical rehabilitation, neurorehabilitation, constant care, physical therapies, mental therapies, brain stimulation, and prescribed medication for the experience of severe pain in their joints and limbs.
Can You Get CRPS After (From) Back Surgery?
It is possible to get CRPS after a back surgery. CRPS can be triggered by a back surgery, because of the associated nerves in the back that are attached to the spinal column. The developing of CRPS is involved with a person’s nervous system. If there are fractures or back sprains, the CRPS can develop because of an inflammation of joints in this area.
Does CRPS Develop After a Spine Surgery?
Yes, it does develop after a spinal surgery. Some people get CRPS after a lumbar spine surgery, especially where there is inflammation in that part of the body. Any time that there is soft tissue in the spine that suffered a trauma, there is the opportunity for CRPS to develop as well.
Can You Get CRPS After (From) a Fusion Surgery?
Yes, you can get CRPS in relation to a fusion surgery. In the case that there is nerve damage from an accident, it is quite possible that CRPS can be triggered in that case. The nerve damage will produce neuropathic pain in many other areas of the body. This pain can be severe to the point where the person experiencing it cannot stand the pain at all.
Reviews from Real Clients

I spoke to multiple lawyers, but no one wanted to take my CRPS case. Everyone was full of excuses. I found a lawyer willing to take my case at Normandie Law Firm, and I never looked back. My lawyer was amazing and helped me recover a fair settlement.
Jose R.

My CRPS was devastating, but I was happy to finally know what was wrong with me. My lawyer helped me understand my right to sue and fought to protect my rights every step of the way until getting me a fair payout.
Tania L.

After being rejected from several law firms, I ended up at Normandie Law Firm. To my surprise, they didn’t hesitate to take on my CRPS claim. They are more than ready to take on any type of case and fight for their client’s rights. I will always recommend them!
Tom C.

My lawyer went above it all to handle my CRPS claim successfully and get me the compensation that I was owed. There is no doubt in my mind that Normandie Law Firm is the best!
Thomas R.
Can People Develop CRPS After (From) a Neck Surgery?
Yes, it is possible to get CRPS after a neck surgery. The complexities of the neck surgery may trigger a muscle movement disorder in other parts of the body. Remember, tissue trauma can cause nerve injuries anywhere in the body, especially with an episode of inflammation.
Do People Get CRPS After (From) a Lower Back Surgery?
Yes, you can get CRPS after a lower back surgery. A lower back surgery can be associated with CRPS, where there are issues and inflammation in that area of the body. Any time that there are soft tissue injuries, the resulting trauma can change the structure of the cells to produce issues elsewhere on the body too. Do not feel less than confident about your lawsuit today. Talk to a lawyer on our team now if you suffer from CRPS after a lower back surgery.
You can call us today. When you call us, your team attorney will review the particulars of your case regarding acquiring CRPS after a surgery. You need to ask yourself if you are ready to get your lawsuit processed for this case? If you are ready to receive the compensation package that you deserve in this case, then you are coming to the right place by giving us a call today.
Treatments of CRPS Can Vary Depending on the Severity of Pain
The treatments of CRPS will vary, and will depend on how much pain a person is experiencing. The CRPS will be painful in the form of mild, moderate or severe pain. If the pan is mild, then physical therapy is suggested. This is only going to be useful if there is no pain when the person is just sitting in a chair and not moving about. If the pain is next level and moderate when you are moving around, then the treatment may include various pain management therapies and physical therapy.
Ultimately, if the pain for CRPS is severe, and the person feels pain even when not moving, then there need to be interventions to help stop the incidence of pain. Severe pain from CRPS is debilitating and can be a permanent disability for whoever is suffering from this condition.
Fortunately, we have lawyers who can help with bringing the at fault and negligent medical parties to light, and we will start an action for you to get the recovery compensation that you deserve. You just need to give us a call now. When you call, you will be held in conference with an experienced attorney in Los Angeles, who understands how to win CRPS cases just like the one you have for losses and damages right now.
Free Second Opinion
Our free second opinion is popular among our clients. You never need to worry that we will charge us for talking to you to give you a second opinion in your lawsuit. You never need to wonder, in relation to a personal injury lawsuit handled by our office. We are ready to work with you, and are able to help you win your case.
Can I Sue for CRPS After Back, Spine Fusion, Neck or Lower Back Surgery?
Of course, we can sue if you develop CRPS after a back, spine fusion, neck or lower back surgery. If you have CRPS and did not have it before the surgery, something may have gone wrong in the surgery. If this is the case, then the at fault parties need to reimburse you for their damage to your bodily systems. Other people will tell you that our Los Angeles case lawyers can file a lawsuit for you in this case and win – because we have won for them in the same or similar case!
Understand that our case attorneys in Los Angeles can sue when you have CRPS. We know that it can cause severe pain to you, and we know that you will need extensive time to heal. The healing procedure may include pain medication, pain management and other associated pain therapies, just to help you maintain a normal daily life. We will help you get the recovery compensation that you need to live in the future, and manage this pain that you still feel now because of the accident that you experienced.
Zero Fee Guarantee
It might be foreign to some attorneys, but we are not like other law offices. We don’t charge you any upfront fees when you come in and we start to work with you. We offer a zero-fee guarantee to you, every day. We are ready to start your lawsuit now, and will work until you get paid. We will get paid when you do, that is our promise to you. Just give us a call today. We are ready to help you if you have developed CRPS after a surgical procedure.
Call for a Free Consultation
It’s time that you had a lawyer with experience in winning CRPS cases, and we are those lawyers ready to be on your side today. We offer to you an attorney with expertise in people who have acquired painful and life debilitating CRPS as the result of a back, spine, fusion, neck or lower back surgery. We will keep your case as a top priority in our law firm, but you have to call us first to get the process started today. Call us now, we are here for you in your time of need.
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