CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome), otherwise known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), is a severe secondary disorder resulting from an initial trauma sustained to a specific part of the body. Individuals with CRPS suffer debilitating chronic pain and constant emotional anguish. Victims of severe injuries including secondary chronic pain ailments from an initial act of intentional or negligent harm have the right to seek compensation.
Our expert CRPS lawyers are always ready to sue the responsible parties to get plaintiffs the maximum amount of compensation for their injuries. Our top-rated law firm is proud to provide legal representation for victims of serious injuries on a contingency basis. Our goal is to see to it that you are fully compensated for your loss and vindicated in the court of law, and we fulfill that goal with the help of our skilled attorneys with experience in CRPS cases.
Common Signs and Symptoms of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Some of the most common signs of CRPS you should be aware of are as follows:
• Extreme sustained and prolonged pain
• Pain feels like pins and needles feeling of being squeezed
• Rapid changes in the temperature and skin color of the region
• Increase in sensitivity
• Stiffening of the joints
• Alteration in nail and hair growth
• Musculature coordination affected
If you have any of the above symptoms seek medical treatment immediately and contact our top law firm to learn more about your right to pursue legal action against liable parties. An experienced attorney with experience handling CRPS claims will be able to help you file a lawsuit.
CRPS Resulting from Surgical Errors – Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Information:
Acts of medical malpractice, including surgical errors, are a chief cause of CRPS in the United States. An act of medical negligence can be proven when the practicing physician actions resulting in the injury were a deviation from the practices established by the medical community at large. For example, during a knee replacement surgery, the accepted practice is to fasten the medial nerve to prevent it from being cut. If the surgeon failed to fasten the nerve and the failure to do so resulted in the cutting of the nerve and resulting CRPS then a claim for medical malpractice can be established. More information on medical malpractice here, or you can contact an accomplished attorney with expertise in CRPS injury lawsuits.
CRPS resulting from the Negligence or Wrongful Acts of Others:
CRPS can be caused by any trauma sustained to the body including injuries in auto accidents, workplace injuries, acts of intentional harms including assault and battery, slip and fall accidents, dog bites, and child abuse. There are several ways to prove liability on the part of an at-fault party, the most prevalent of which is the legal theory of negligence.
A qualified attorney who has experience in CRPS lawsuits can help you prove the negligence of a responsible individual.
Our Recent Verdicts and Settlements
$22 Million
Gym Accident
$5.5 Million
Motorcycle Accident
$2 Million
Auto Accident
$3 Million
Truck Accident
$1.5 Million
Slip and Fall
$1.4 Million
Dog Bite
Recovery Available for Victims of Personal Injury
What is the Value of My Case: Victims of severe injuries due to the negligent or wrongful acts of others are entitled to compensation for all damages sustained. If you would like to estimate the value of your CRPS lawsuit, it is best to contact a CRPS attorney because there are a lot of factors that will need to be considered. However, generally, the amount of recovery available in personal injury claims including individuals suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is based on the following…
• Level and magnitude of the harm suffered.
• Need for future rehabilitation care and medical expenses.
• Pain and suffering – individual with the ailment suffer unbearable pain and unspeakable levels of emotional anguish resulting in depression, PTSD and suicidal thoughts.
• The availability for punitive damages – punitive damages are awarded where the at fault party acted with either the intent to cause harms or acted in reckless disregard for the life and health of the injured victim. Only a lawyer experienced in CRPS cases will be able to win these damages, as they are very difficult to acquire.
• Lost wages and loss of future income due to inability to work.
What causes CRPS in medical malpractice cases?
CRPS is nerve-related, so it is no surprise that surgery and similar treatments are some of the main leading causes of CRPS. If a surgeon accidently snips a nerve or cuts a nerve, or if he applies too much pressure to a specific area, he can cause the neurological connection to be damaged in some way. CRPS from nerve damage tends to happen during open surgery, arthroscopic surgery, plastic surgery, reassignment therapy, trauma treatments, organ switching, tumor removal, and more.
The surgeon or nurse could make this kind of error at any point. He may hit a nerve when he is creating an incision, during the operation, or even during the stitching.
Reviews from Real Clients

I spoke to multiple lawyers, but no one wanted to take my CRPS case. Everyone was full of excuses. I found a lawyer willing to take my case at Normandie Law Firm, and I never looked back. My lawyer was amazing and helped me recover a fair settlement.
Jose R.

My CRPS was devastating, but I was happy to finally know what was wrong with me. My lawyer helped me understand my right to sue and fought to protect my rights every step of the way until getting me a fair payout.
Tania L.

After being rejected from several law firms, I ended up at Normandie Law Firm. To my surprise, they didn’t hesitate to take on my CRPS claim. They are more than ready to take on any type of case and fight for their client’s rights. I will always recommend them!
Tom C.

My lawyer went above it all to handle my CRPS claim successfully and get me the compensation that I was owed. There is no doubt in my mind that Normandie Law Firm is the best!
Thomas R.
Treatment for CRPS
There has been no universally agreed-upon treatment for CRPS, but various procedures and methods have proven to be effective in reducing pain and lessening the severity of it. You could be given the following:
- Pain relievers, like ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen, to try and ease mild pains or assuage minor outbreaks; these pain relievers are available for over-the-counter purchase
- Antidepressants, which may cause the brain to modify the signals coming from the damaged nerve
- Anticonvulsants or muscle relaxants, which aim to keep the body from overexerting, overreacting, or moving too much
- Steroids, which promote muscle growth, reduce inflammation, and more; they often increase mobility and allow the muscle to stretch more
- Nerve-blocking medication that can be injected into the body to prevent the nerve from sending excessive signals to the brain
- Medical ketamine, which functions as an anesthetic, can greatly reduce the pain of CRPS
- Heat therapy to reduce swelling and regulate skin that may feel chilly or numb
- Over-the-counter creams to reduce hypersensitivity and reduce pain, such as lidocaine cream and capsaicin cream
- Physical therapy and exercise, but light and not overexerting, as the goal is to get the area used to moving; it may need to be stretched to clear up blockages and stagnation
- TENS, which involves electric stimuli to the nerves, and can reduce pain
- Spinal cord treatments, such as by sending electric stimulants through the spine or by injecting pain-relieving medication into the back
- Acupuncture, which involves needles to hit certain points and stimulate certain areas
No matter what, you should seek an adequate medical professional who can give you the best treatment available for your CRPS. If you need help, our team of expert CRPS lawyers can help you find a skilled doctor or therapist.
Statute of Limitations on CRPS Lawsuits
The statute of limitations is the time during which you can file a claim and pursue compensation; if you fail to sue within that time period, you won’t be able to receive any restitution for your injuries, and you will have to pay off any debts yourself. The responsible party will essentially be off the hook for any negligent actions.
Personal injury cases have a statute of limitations of 2 years from the date of the injury. This is the most common form of lawsuit, and many types of accidents fall under this area of law. On the other hand, medical malpractice cases have a statute of limitations of 1 year from the discovery of the injury, or 3 years from the date the injury occurred – whichever comes first. This can be confusing; it means that if you noticed the CRPS, you have 1 year to sue the doctor or hospital. If, however, the CRPS did not appear until over a year later, you will then have the remaining time to sue, as you did not exhibit symptoms.
There are some ways in which the statute of limitations can be extended, however. For example, if you were a minor at the time of the injury, your statute of limitations will not begin until you turn 18 years old. Minors cannot legally sue, but a parent or legal guardian can take action on their behalf ahead of time. It may be wiser to sue quickly on behalf of a minor if there is a long gap between their current age and their birthday for legality. Further, you may be left incapacitated or unable to mentally function after an incident. This can cause the statute of limitations to be paused until you return to health or awareness. Additionally, the defendant must be present in California. If he is not, then there is no way for you to sue, so the statute of limitations will not count down until he returns.
The principle reason that many individuals fail to sue is because they do not know what the proper statute of limitations is. They may not know how much time remains and might think they are able to sue whenever they wish. If you want to guarantee that your case is filed on deadline and that no crucial dates are missed, come to our law firm for more assistance.
A Los Angeles CRPS Attorney Will Fight after the Death or Injury of a Loved One:
Sadly, in many instances, the severe magnitude of the pain from CRPS results in the tragic death of a loved one. In certain jurisdictions relatives of the deceased are entitled to file a wrongful death lawsuit against all at fault or responsible parties for financial compensation. For more information regarding wrongful death claims, you can speak with one of our experienced lawyers by contacting our law firm.
Free Legal Consultation: All legal consultations regarding a possible claim against an at fault party are provided free of charge by our attorneys. If you have any further legal questions feel free to contact our law offices toll free at (800)790-5422.
Further Reading:
One Comment
I cut my right foot 16 years ago on a light bulb n 10 years later it start hurting n the podiatrist did surgery 5 times on the same foot he reopened the same cut 5 times n now after this surgery on January 29 2018 i haven’t been able to wear a shoe on my right foot it’s been 8 months I try but it burns my feet and my foot hurts sooooooo bad it be tingling and it feel like a blood pressure cup squeezing it sometimes i can’t drive and i work standing on my feet so i wear 1 gym shoe on the left n a sandal on the right foot so I just saw a new doctor September 14 n now i been diagnose with crps n i never had therapy he also put a surgical screw in and took half out because it came aloose and he left the other half in because he said he couldn’t grab it can i sue him