Certain personal injury accidents are likely to lead to the eventual development of CRPS. Some of these personal injury accidents include vehicular accidents, including truck accidents and rear-end auto accidents. If you were involved in either a truck accident or a rear-end car crash and you developed CRPS as a result of your injuries, you might have grounds to sue.
Are you interested in learning more about the possibility of pursuing a claim for your CRPS resulting from your truck accident or rear-end accident? If you are interested in exploring the possibility of pursuing a claim, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance immediately. Depending on the details surrounding your incident as well as the harm that you suffered and/or developed, you might have grounds to take legal action – you might even have grounds to recover monetary compensation.
You can trust the experts at Normandie Law Firm to provide you with the guidance that you need to take legal action for the harm that you suffered. Our lawyers have successfully handled all sorts of claims – including truck accident claims, rear-end accident claims, and CRPS claims. If you are in need of legal representation, do not hesitate to contact our lawyers as soon as possible. Our lawyers are ready to aggressively fight for your right to recover the highest amount of compensation available for harm that you suffered.
The CRPS attorneys at Normandie Law Firm are ready to help you sue the parties or entities liable for the harm that you suffered and recover the compensation that you are owed. Contact our firm today.
About Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a complicated condition that results in chronic pain. CRPS is associated with severe chronic pain that can be both debilitating and disabling for those affected by the condition. There are two types of CRPS, which include Type I and Type II.
CRPS Type I is known to occur after minor nerve injuries and even soft tissue injuries; some of the common soft tissue injuries that could lead to CRPS Type I include fractures, sprains/strains, fractures, and burns. On the contrary, CRPS Type II is known to occur after major nerve injuries (CRPS Type II is sometimes referred to as Causalgia or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), which are simply outdated medical terms).
CRPS affects the limbs; it can affect skin, muscles, joints, and bones. Those afflicted with CRPS have often described the chronic pain as an intermittent or constant severe, burning pain. Although CRPS is typically associated with the limbs, there have been cases in which the condition spreads to other areas of the body – areas that would not typically be affected. This happens as the condition advances.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for CRPS. Pain management, including via prescription medication or physical therapy, can help with the condition. Although affected individuals try to continue living their life as normally as possible, many simply cannot return to their normal routines because of the chronic pain that they live with.
Truck Accidents
Truck accidents are among some of the most dangerous accidents. In cases that involve trucks and normal passenger vehicles, the damage to the normal passenger vehicles is often devastating – simply due to the difference in the vehicles’ sizes. Because of these the occupants of passenger vehicles typically suffer critical injuries. Some of the injuries that the victims of truck accidents could suffer include the following: traumatic brain injuries, skull fractures, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, neck/back injuries, crushing injuries (including crushed limbs), nerve injuries, broken bones, and lacerations, for example. In cases in which victims survive, the injuries suffered could result in significant pain.
Rear-End Collisions
Rear-end auto accidents are quite common. Even rear-end accidents that occur at low speeds could result in significant injuries. High-speed collisions can result in severe injuries. Some of the most common injuries associated with rear-end collisions include whiplash, neck injuries, spinal cord injuries, and head injuries, for instance. Depending on the severity of the accident, however, other injuries are possible. For instance, affected parties can suffer broken arms, wrists, or hands, as well as broken legs, ankles, and feet. Both minor and major nerve injuries are also possible. If victims of rear-end accidents survive, they are likely to experience significant pain.
Liability in General
To establish liability for your CRPS, liability for your accident must be clear. In general, liability can be established given that the four elements of negligence are present. The four elements of negligence consist of a duty of care, a breach of duty, cause, and harm. Consider the following points:
- A party or entity owes you a duty of care. The party or entity must exercise care to ensure your safety.
- A party or entity breaches their duty of care towards you. The party or entity acts recklessly or carelessly, putting you in danger.
- The breach of duty causes an incident. The incident was a direct result of the breached duty of care.
- The incident leads to harm. The harm suffered can be directly associated with the breached duty of care.
Regardless of the incident, these elements must be present to be able to establish liability. As the incidents change, there are minor changes in terms of who can be liable; however, the general principle of liability stays the same.
Let’s consider liability in truck accidents. Truck drivers, truck owners, and even businesses can be liable in instances of truck accidents. This is because each of these parties/entities have a specific duty of care. For instance, truck drivers have the duty to exercise care while driving on the road. Similarly, truck owners have a duty to ensure that their trucks are safe to be driven on the road (specifically, in terms of mechanical issues). Businesses that employ truck drivers have the duty to ensure that their drivers are being safe while on the road.
In terms of rear-end collisions, liability usually falls onto the individual who caused the accident. In cases that involve work vehicles, liability for the incident could fall onto the employer (i.e. if the employer was rushing the driver, failed to ensure that the driver was licensed, etc.).
For more information about establishing liability for your accident – and for your CRPS – do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our firm at your earliest convenience. Our lawyers are ready to provide you with all the information that you need to pursue your claim.
You Could Sue and Recover Compensation
Without a doubt, you might have grounds to sue for the CRPS that you suffered resulting from either a truck accident or a rear-end car accident. If you have grounds to sue, you might also be eligible to recover monetary compensation for the harm that you suffered – and will likely continue to suffer. What compensation could you be eligible to recover if your claim reaches a positive outcome?
Depending on the details surrounding your CRPS claim, you might be eligible to recover some of the following categories of compensation:
- Medical bills – for all expenses associated with the harm that you suffered associated with your accident, including your CRPS
- Lost earnings – for the lost wages associated with the harm that you suffered (could include future lost income in some cases)
- Pain and suffering – for the mental and emotional distress associated with the harm that you suffered, including depression, anxiety, fear, PTSD, etc.
- Loss of consortium – for the lost ability to have a normal, family relationship with the victim
- Punitive damages – awarded as a sort of punishment towards the defendant (not awarded often)
Are you interested in learning more about the type and amount of compensation that you could be eligible to receive? If so, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our firm at your earliest convenience. Our CRPS truck accident and rear-end auto accident attorneys are ready to fight for your right to recover the highest amount of compensation available. Our lawyers will not rest until you receive the compensation that you are owed – whether our lawyers have to negotiate a settlement or take your claim to trial.
What Should You Do after Your Accident?
Whether you were involved in a truck accident or a rear-end car accident, there are a number of things that you should do to ensure that you could hold the liable party or entity accountable for the harm that you suffered. What should you do? After your accident, you should consider following these recommendations:
- Seek a medical evaluation for the harm that you suffered
- Take photos of all the injuries that you suffered
- Take photos of the scene of the accident (including the damage to the vehicles involved in the accident)
- File an accident report (with the appropriate authorities)
- Speak to all involved parties and collect their insurance information (you should also collect their contact information)
- Speak to witnesses (and their contact information)
- Identify surveillance cameras that might have captured your accident (request footage from businesses)
- Gather medical records associated with the harm that you suffered during your accident
- Seek legal assistance to learn more about pursuing a personal injury claim immediately
If your injuries healed but the pain just seemed to get worse, you might have developed CRPS. If so, there are a number of additional steps that you will need to follow, as CRPS claims are amount the most complicated types of claims to prove. Consider the following additional recommendations:
Seek multiple medical opinions. CRPS often goes undiagnosed because pain is subjective. In most cases, affected parties must seek multiple medical opinions before finally being correctly diagnosed.
Gather all medical records associated with your CRPS diagnosis. This includes information relevant to CRPS treatment attempts, prescription medications, physical therapy, and follow-up care, for example.
Gather information associated with lost earnings. For many affected individuals, CRPS is severe enough result in reduced ability to work, which is synonymous with lost income.
There is no way that you could have known that you were going to develop CRPS associated with your truck accident or rear-end accident. However, following the steps above immediately after your accident ensures that you have grounds for your CRPS claim if you ever develop the chronic pain condition. For more information about the importance of the steps listed above, or to learn more about what you could do if you did not follow the steps listed above immediately after your accident, do not hesitate to contact our experts at your earliest convenience. Our CRPS attorneys are ready to guide you every step of the way.
Reviews from Real Clients

I spoke to multiple lawyers, but no one wanted to take my CRPS case. Everyone was full of excuses. I found a lawyer willing to take my case at Normandie Law Firm, and I never looked back. My lawyer was amazing and helped me recover a fair settlement.
Jose R.

My CRPS was devastating, but I was happy to finally know what was wrong with me. My lawyer helped me understand my right to sue and fought to protect my rights every step of the way until getting me a fair payout.
Tania L.

After being rejected from several law firms, I ended up at Normandie Law Firm. To my surprise, they didn’t hesitate to take on my CRPS claim. They are more than ready to take on any type of case and fight for their client’s rights. I will always recommend them!
Tom C.

My lawyer went above it all to handle my CRPS claim successfully and get me the compensation that I was owed. There is no doubt in my mind that Normandie Law Firm is the best!
Thomas R.
File Your Claim on Time
If you are interested in pursuing a CRPS claim after your truck accident or rear-end auto accident, it is important that you file your claim promptly. All personal injury claims are subject to strict deadlines. This means that claimants must file their claims within the deadline; if they fail to file on time, they could lose their right to sue along with their right to recover any sort of compensation. In California, personal injury claims are normally subject to a two-year statute of limitations, which gives affected parties only two years to file their claims. However, some exceptions could apply – resulting in a tolled or paused deadline. To learn more about the total length of time that you have to pursue your claim, do not hesitate to contact the experts at our firm at your earliest convenience.
Contact Normandie Law Firm Immediately
If you are thinking about the possibility of suing for the CRPS that you developed after a truck accident or a rear-end car accident, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our firm at your earliest convenience. At Normandie Law Firm, our lawyers are ready to provide you with all the information that you need to hold the liable parties (or entities) accountable for the harm that you suffered. If you are ready to discuss your claim with our CRPS lawyers, do not hesitate to contact our firm at your earliest convenience.
Our firm offers free legal services, which include free consultations and free second opinions. During these free legal services, our lawyers will be available to answer all your questions, address all your concerns, and provide you with the information that you need to start or continue your CRPS claim. If you are ready to discuss your truck accident CRPS claim or your rear-end accident CRPS claim with the experts at our firm, do not hesitate to contact us immediately.
Our firm offers a Zero-Fee guarantee which ensures that our clients will never be required to pay any upfront legal fees. Our firm is also based on contingency; therefore, our clients will not be required to pay anything until after a successful outcome. If you do not win, you will not pay any legal fees.
If you are ready to discuss your CRPS claim with the experts at Normandie Law Firm, do not hesitate to contact us today.