Home Depot Stores Are Full of Hazards
The Home Depot Stores are retail stores where people can buy items for home renovation, home repair, construction equipment and tools, residential and commercial replacement of materials and HVAC materials for new or old construction of homes and buildings. The stores are made in an open warehouse floor area, that allows easy access to the products on the shelves. The customers are encouraged to walk about the store freely, to have access to the products they are looking for at any given time.
Although there are orange-aproned sales and service people walking about the Home Depot Stores at all times, hazardous conditions can sometimes slip the attention of the staff. When this happens, there can be a serious hazard that is available to hurt someone who is wandering around the premises. If you have been injured at a Home Depot Store, you need to talk to a lawyer today. It is important to get the recovery compensation that you need after an injury at Home Depot Stores, when there are several people or parties at fault for your losses. You need to call us to speak to an attorney who knows how to get the best results in this type of case. You will need to file a lawsuit for the damages incurred, and the personal injuries suffered in this situation.
Home Depot Stores Have Trip and Fall Hazards
If you have been injured in the Electrical Area of a Home Depot Store, you need to call an attorney. You might have tripped over any of the electrical cables, extension cords or other products that may have fallen by accident from the shelves. If you were looking in the area of Light Fixtures, you may have been injured when one of the overhead fixtures fell from the ceiling onto your head or body.
Or if you have been in the Home Projects seasonal section, you may have tripped and fallen over holiday home decorations, outdoor home projects or stackable outdoor patio design or workshop tools, fixtures or furniture. If this has happened to you, then you are best served to discuss this case with a lawyer with experience in trip and fall injuries at a Home Depot Store.
Large Doors and Window Displays Can Fall Without Notice
If you have perused the area of the Doors and Window displays at a Home Depot Store, then you know that the full-sized doors are often on display on the floor of the department. If someone who was shopping in the area before you took down a barn door, closet door or patio door, then that apparatus might be loose and could fall onto you as you walk by. There would be no notice to you that a storm door, screen door or window display was going to fall onto you, but it might have happened to you. This is not your fault. Rather, it is the fault of the store for not securing these items again, after other customers have taken them out to look over the merchandise.
When a storm door falls onto you and you are injured, you need to advise the staff of the injury and the circumstances immediately. They will need to write up a report of an injury at the Home Depot Store. The stores all have to keep track of any customer or employee injuries at their store. Each store gets rated for the amount of their injuries each year. Also, if any employees are injured in their store, there needs to be a report for the same reason. OSHA notes the number of injuries in the store, and a store can be rated low if there are too many injuries in a certain number of days or months.
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Garden Center Area Tripping Hazards Outside of the Store
Outside of the Home Depot Store is the Garden Center area of the store. The store has stacked fertilizer, lawn mulch, various garden tools, fire pits, composters, planters, plant stands and sod. These organic and fertilizing the lawn products are stacked evenly by the staff in carefully managed piles. There are even some products that cannot be stacked together. This is because of the dangerous nature of the chemicals in the bags, which cannot ever be mixed in proximity on the floor. But the other customers in the store often misarrange the piles, and make a mess of the area when no one is looking. They are indecisive and move bags of things around willy nilly creating hazards in their wake.
This random movement of products in the outside garden area of a Home Depot Store creates a major tripping and falling hazard. It is dangerous to unsuspecting customers who come up to that area after these customers are through moving things around, without being told to do so by the staff. You may turn a corner and stumble over a fertilizer bag that has been dragged into the middle of an aisle. Or something may have fallen by accident from a customer’s pallet without the person knowing it, creating a large obstacle unbeknownst to you right in your walking path.
If this has happened to you, you should give us a call right away. Accordingly, you need to talk to an attorney with expertise in falling objects and trip and fall injuries at a Home Depot Store. We are able to sit down and discuss your case with you. We will pair you with attorneys who specialize in a clear at-fault party situations at a Home Depot Store.
Reviews from Real Clients

After my injury at a Home Depot, Normandie Law Firm came through. They provided me with all the information that I needed to successfully pursue my injury claim and get the payout that I was owed.
Sam L.

If you are looking to sue Home Depot after an injury at one of their locations, this team is the team for you. They are more than ready to represent you and help you recover the highest amount of compensation available for your injury claim.
Paul F.

The guys at Normandie handled my Home Depot injury claim effectively and was able to get me an amazing settlement. Thank you so much.
Sandra G.

I don’t know how my Home Depot injury claim would’ve been successful without the help of this amazing team here at Normandie. They are truly the best lawyers around.
Saul C.
There Are Slip and Fall Hazards at Home Depot Stores
If you have been in the Paint Section of a Home Depot Store, then you know that there can be hazardous spills and slippage in that department as well. The employees assigned to that department do work the mixing paint machine exclusively, but it does not stop prying customers from opening paint cans. These customers are curious as to the “real” paint color as advertised on the can. The customers may have opened up a paint can, decided that the color was not to their liking, and just put the paint can back surreptitiously back onto the shelving. When you come along and pull down another paint can, you will be shocked to find that a paint can that is not properly closed may fall down on you, spill around you, or have already fallen in your path.
If you slip and fall on concrete stain, acrylic paint, oil paint or wood stain, you have a case against the store. You need to talk to a lawyer with specialty in this type of case, when you require relief from your expenses and damages related to the loss. You may have injured your back, limbs, broken bones or twisted your ankle, bruised yourself when you fell, or have other serious injuries such as a concussion. If this has happened to you at a Home Depot Store, you need to converse right away with lawyers who can help with understanding the proper interpretation of the law in this case.
Products Are Often Falling Objects at Home Depot Stores
If you have been injured from a product falling from a high shelf, you may want to make a claim for your losses. You may have had a small appliance fall at you from a shelf, or have had a product fall towards you while you were reaching for another object. Oftentimes, the products on the higher shelves are not fully secured. In those cases, the object will fall down onto our head or hurt you by falling onto your body causing pain. This can be the case in any department of a Home Depot Store where there are objects stored at heights above eye level.
If you have been injured by a falling object in any department of a Home Depot Store, you need to give us a call. You need to talk to an experienced attorney in Los Angeles when your right to reimbursement is obvious, and we will get you the money you deserve. You may wonder, “Can I sue in this type of case?” The answer will be, “Yes, we can sue when you need to be reimbursed for your losses at a Home Depot Store.”
When you give us a call, our Los Angeles case lawyers can file a lawsuit, where there is a danger that the at-fault parties will not pay otherwise. You need to be reimbursed for your personal injuries, lost wages, damages and emotional suffering and we are here to resolve the case for you in an expedited way.
Free Second Opinion
You have an absolute right to seek out a second opinion to this case. If for any reason you are uneasy or uncomfortable with your current representation on this case, you can make a call to us to get a free second opinion. We will talk to you in complete confidence, and discuss your case with you with sensitivity to your confidential situation. We will not let an at-fault party just skate away without reimbursing you your due, especially if you have sustained personal injuries. Just give us a call to talk to our case attorneys in Los Angeles. We can sue, when there are issues that cannot be resolved or mediated in the case, and we are here for you 100%. We have your best interest at heart.
Zero Fee Guarantee
We are able to explain to you the general rules of law in our case, and offer to you a zero-fee guarantee. That means that we do not take any money from you up front to assist you with your legal case or claim. We will get paid when you do, and we don’t want you paying any money to us before that occurs. That is our promise to you, and we stand by it. We have handled cases like this one in the past, and are comfortable telling you that we are prepared to fight for you to win your case in the first instance.
Call for a Free Consultation
Your reward is predicated on an attorney making all the right moves for you. We are here to achieve a win in your regard on this case. You will not be able to get the right advice from your family, friends and coworkers. Even if the exact same incident happened to them, each person’s claim, case, losses, damages and personal injuries are different. We are able to sit down with you and discuss your unique case, to tell you how we can get you the recovery compensation that you need to recover from your losses in this type of case. Just give us a call today to schedule a time to come in for your free consultation.
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Home Depot Slip and Fall Attorney
Trip and Fall on A Misplaced Pallet Injury
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