



    Average Value of an Elbow Fracture Claim

    Average Value of an Elbow Fracture Claim sue liability incident compensation injury

    Based on our record of settlements and trial verdicts, we estimate that the average settlement for an elbow fracture lawsuit is somewhere between $50,000 and $150,000. As with any other injury claim, the severity of injury is the most significant factor in settlement amounts.

    Elbow fractures are a common injury among those who are involved in a car accident. Motorcycle accidents are another common cause of elbow fractures, along with slip and falls and other fall-related incidents. In fact, if we had to choose one over the other, we would say that arm injuries are more common in slip and falls than in car accidents. We have also represented clients who fractured their elbow as pedestrians.

    Average Value of an Elbow Fracture Injury liable lawsuit liability sue
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    How Much is an Elbow Fracture Case Worth?

    The bone in your elbow is extremely vulnerable, since there is no cushion of fat or muscle to protect this area. When there is a forceful impact to the elbow bone, there’s a good chance that you will experience a break or fracture.

    One of the most common elbow injuries is a fracture in the radial head, which is the ball of the forearm that’s connected to the elbow. When there is a break in the head and neck of the radius, this can cause severe damage to the tendon.

    As we mentioned before, the majority of elbow fracture claims are worth $50,000 to $150,000. However, payments can be higher depending on the resulting complications, your ability to resume your job duties, and whether you are permanently disabled.

    Another important factor is other injuries you sustained from the accident, aside from a fracture to your elbow. Additional injuries can add another $100,000 or more to the total value of your elbow fracture case.

    Other Arm Injuries That are Eligible for Compensation

    Arm fractures resulting from an accident include multiple injuries that result in different levels of pain, mobility issues, and other symptoms. Doctors must also consider the patient’s age, pre-existing health conditions and other factors to determine the best course of treatment.

    Certain types of fractures in the elbow and other areas of the arm have the potential for severe complications that can impact functionality on a long-term or permanent basis. Such injuries are likely to result in higher payments, starting at around the $100,000 mark and going all the way up to $2,000,000 and above. Below is a list of the worst arm fractures that you can end up with:

    • Compound (open) fractures– with this type of fracture, the break is serious enough to cause a piecing of the bone through the skin. This creates a high risk of infection and makes the healing process much more complicated.
    • Communicated fracture– this is a fractured where the bone is broken into 3 or more pieces. Surgery is typically required for these injuries, as the bone pieces need to be aligned with screws, pins, and/or plates. The most common causes of communicated fractures are serious car or motorcycle accidents.
    • Monteggia fracture– There is a fracture to the ulna (forearm bone) along with dislocation of the radial head. In essence, this is a combination of an elbow and forearm injury that can cause instability and reduced function in your elbow joint.
    • Intra-articular fracture– A type of fracture in a bone that crosses the surface of a joint, leading to issues like stiffness, arthritis, and limited mobility.
    • Scaphoid fracture– A fracture in one of the wrist bones that can cause non-union or necrosis (death of bone tissue from reduced blood flow). This is a permanent injury, so compensation amounts are normally in the 6 to 7 figure range.
    • Galeazzi fracture– Similar to a Monteggia fracture, but the dislocation of the ulna occurs at the wrist. This is a very challenging injury to treat and recover from, and immediate medical attention is needed to prevent permanent complications.
    • Supracondylar Humerus Fractures– the fracture is just above the elbow, which is dangerous due to the potential for nerve injury and impaired blood flow. You often see this type of fracture from a fall injury more than auto accidents.

    How Much can I Settle an Elbow Fracture Case for?

    The answer to this question requires us to examine many details that are specific to your accident and the injury you sustained to your elbow. But a sampling of case values from across the county can help you get an idea of the amounts that are recovered by experienced elbow fracture lawyers:

    • $68,734jury verdict in Maryland for a plaintiff who was hit by another driver that ran a red light. He reached a settlement with the defendant’s insurance company, but filed an underinsured motorist claim against the company due to the severity of his elbow injury.
    • $250,000 in Californiafor a 91-year-old woman, who was hit by a vehicle that was reversing in a parking lot. She was suffered an elbow laceration, an elbow fracture, and concussion, among other serious injuries. The plaintiff claimed that the driver failed to check for and yield to a pedestrian before reversing the car, and settled her case for $250,000.
    • $459,055 Verdict for a 45-year-old man in Florida, who was injured from a trip and fall at Dollar Tree. He was left with a knee injury and a left elbow fracture, which required surgery to stabilize the elbow bone. Even after treatments, he continued to experience pain in his knee and elbow.
    • $104,695 verdict in New York for a man who broke his elbow from a slip and fall at a convenience store. He filed an accident claim against the store owner on the basis that the store created a hazardous condition (a mat that failed to stay in place) and did not warn others of the potential for injury.

    Average Value of an Elbow Fracture Claim lawyer attorney attorney lawyer compensation

    Law Firm Specializing in Elbow Fracture Cases

    Those who have been injured by another party’s negligence usually have a tough road ahead when it comes to obtaining a fair settlement from an accident claim. But achieving success in a bone fracture lawsuit is possible with help from an experienced arm injury lawyer.

    Our legal team operates under the Zero Fee Guarantee, so you pay absolutely nothing if you decide to hire us for a personal injury claim. If we are successful in obtaining your damages, all legal fees are paid for by the individual or entity that harmed you. If we fail to win your case, you owe us absolutely nothing for the cost of legal services.

    A lawyer with expertise in elbow fracture cases is available to speak with you during a free, private consultation, so please contact us today.

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