The average case value for a SLAP tear injury can range from $20,000 to over $175,000 based on many factors, which include:
- Your age
- Lifestyle
- Medical history
- If the SLAP tear shows up in imaging tests
- If you need surgery
SLAP tear injuries are common among victims of fall accidents like slip and falls and trip and falls. Those who are in car accidents can also experience a SLAP tear and other injuries to the shoulder. It can be challenging for injury victims to obtain compensation, as insurance companies tend to argue that the claimant’s active lifestyle is the cause of injury, and not the accident itself. Furthermore, soft tissue injuries like SLAP tears may not show up on CT scans and X-rays, thereby making it harder to prove the source of your pain and suffering.
Our Recent Verdicts and Settlements
$2.5 Million
$1.1 Million
$1.5 Million
What Is A SLAP Tear Injury?
Officially known as a Superior Labrum Anterior and Posterior tear, a SLAP tear is essentially a shoulder injury to the labrum, a ring-shaped formation of cartilage that surrounds the socket of your shoulder joint. The labrum in each of your shoulder sockets provides stability to the area by locking the humerus (arm bone) inside the socket. When there is significant damage to the labrum due to an accident or repetitive motions, you can end up with a SLAP tear.
A SLAP tear causes chronic pain in the affected shoulder, especially when you are lifting your arm or reaching overhead. You may also have popping sensations or hear clicking sounds when you move the shoulder. A SLAP tear can also make the shoulder joint unstable, which leads to a “locking” or “catching” sensation.
Diagnosing a SLAP tear involves a physical exam, along with imaging tests, like an MRI. Alternatively, your doctor may need to perform an arthrogram – a form of X-ray imaging where dye is injected into your shoulder joint. Once your doctor verifies the extent of the injury and your health / activity levels, they will recommend treatment options, such as physical therapy and surgery to repair the labrum.
Common Symptoms Associated with SLAP Tear Injuries
There are various types of shoulder injuries you can end up with from an accident. Thus, you will need to see a doctor, who can determine the exact injury you are dealing with. As we mentioned before, many people end up with a slap tear injury from a car accident or an unexpected fall. Here are some of the symptoms that may indicate that you have a torn labrum:
- Significant pain when lifting your arm overhead
- Grinding, locking, or popping sensation
- Decreased range of motion
- Loss of strength in the shoulder / arm
- Pain at night that makes it difficult to sleep
- Instability in the shoulder area
- Unexpected pain during normal activities
Please seek legal representation as soon as possible if you were diagnosed with a SLAP tear following an accident. Whether you need a slip and fall lawsuit attorney or a lawyer that can help you sue for a car accident, Normandie Law Firm is here for you every step of the way.
How Long You have to File a Compensation Claim
The general deadline for a personal injury case in California is 2 years. That’s 2 years starting from the incident that left you with an injury, whether it’s a car accident or a slip and fall. Please note that the statute of limitations is different if you are suing a public entity, like a school district or city / county agency. You only have 6 months from the accident date to file a liability claim against government entities under the California Tort Claims Act.
Keep in mind that extensions are extremely difficult to obtain once you are past the statutory deadline for an injury claim. Another consideration is the long-term impact on your finances if you wait on a lawsuit for monetary damages. For example, many people end up with destroyed credit scores due to medical bills that end up in collections. Retaining a personal injury lawyer right away is the best way to protect your health and finances.
Contact a Shoulder Injury Lawyer Today
The legal process can be daunting for anyone, but you are not alone in your right to recover compensation from the negligent party. Our law firm is here to provide answers to all your questions and fight for the payment you deserve.
All of our attorneys work on contingency, so you can hire us for $0 upfront if you choose to go ahead with a SLAP tear injury claim. At the end of your case, we collect a percentage of your settlement to cover legal expenses. If you don’t receive compensation from an accident case, the Zero Fee Guarantee is there to ensure that you owe us $0 in legal fees.
Reach out to us as soon as possible and learn about the ways we can assist you during a free consultation.
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