



    Average Settlement Value of a Broken Finger Case

    Average Settlement Value of a Broken Finger Case sue liability incident compensation

    Based on national data, we know that the value of a broken finger injury case can range from $26,000 to $630,000. Many of the lawsuits that result in 6-figure payments are tried in court, but it’s possible to achieve out of court settlements that are $125,000 and above. That being said, the gap between $26,000 and $630,000 illustrates the varying degree of injury, monetary losses to the victim, and other elements that play a role in average settlement values.

    While severity of the injury is the primary consideration, the specific finger that’s injured and whether it’s on the dominant hand and how those factors affect the claimant’s job and daily life must also be examined. That’s why the amount that can be awarded to those with a fractured finger must be determined on an individual basis, with help from an experienced hand and finger injury lawyer.

    Average Settlement Value of a Broken Finger Case liable lawsuit liability sue
    Our Recent Verdicts and Settlements

    $2.5 Million

    Premises Liability

    $1.1 Million

    Personal Injury

    $1.5 Million

    Shoulder and Back Injury


    Shoulder Injury


    Head Trauma


    Back Injury

    How Much Do Broken Finger Cases Settle for?

    How much a finger fracture accident claim is worth is not something that can be calculated by using a universal formula. This is due to a variety of factors, including how the injury will impact the victim’s life not just today, but long into the future.

    With hand injuries, it’s important to note that we are talking about a complex, vital part of your body that’s needed to do most of the tasks that are necessary to your daily life. Opening a jar, driving a car, tying your shoelaces, cutting up your food – it’s hard to imagine doing any of these things without fully functioning hands.

    While the hands can do so much that we normally take for granted, the 27 bones that make up each hand are quite fragile. It’s very easy to sustain a fracture, ligament tear, or some other injury in the fingers and hands, which can lead to permanent disability or complications, such as chronic pain.

    Fingers and hands are the most common area for non-fatal injuries at workplaces, second only to back injuries. In fact, 20% of all visits to emergency rooms in the U.S. involve a serious injury to the wrist, hand, or fingers, mostly from car accidents, followed by slip and falls and falling object incidents.

    What Type of Cases have the Highest Settlement Values?

    Broken finger cases with the highest payouts involve permanent injury, meaning there is a severe complication that resulted in some form of disability. Crushing injuries, for example, can cause malunion or nonunion of bone fragments after a finger fracture. If the injury occurs on the dominant hand, a settlement is likely to exceed $250,000 and go all the up to $1,000,000 or more.

    We can’t stress enough that hand injuries are very complex, and even a seemingly minor fracture may not heal as it should. Because of that, the patient ends up with pain and other debilitating symptoms for the rest of their life. The problem is made even worse if the individual is starting to develop nerve damage, arthritis and other conditions that put them at greater risk of permanent complications from a broken finger.

    Whether you experience a crushing injury is another important factor, which can happen when you are in a car crash that traps your hand between the steering wheels and dashboard, or another component of the vehicle. This type of fracture can be extremely serious, and immediate medical care is needed to preserve the finger and restore as much of its function as possible. Failure to treat the injury right away can lead to permanent paralysis or amputation of the finger.

    Monetary Damages Beyond Medical Expenses and Lost Wages

    People have some awareness of the payments that can be recovered from an accident injury claim, but they rarely think beyond the categories of medical expenses and wages lost during the recovery period. However, these are not the only damages that you may be entitled to.

    Based on the location of the injury, the type of fracture, whether surgery is needed, and many other variables, the patient may be left with significant pain that doesn’t improve over time. Even if they do experience a full recovery, getting through that process can be excruciating in a physical and mental sense. Thus, how much pain and suffering a patient goes through is a critical component in the calculation of settlements for a finger fracture.

    When it comes to insurance companies, they are looking at things from a black and white perspective in order to pay accident victims as little as possible. As personal injury lawyers, we look at the broader picture of how your injury and resulting complications affect your health, finances, work prospects, and emotional well-being. That’s why pain and suffering damages can make up more than 50% of the compensation in a broken finger accident case.

    Average Settlement Value of a Broken Finger Case lawyer attorney attorney lawyer compensation

    Finger Fracture Settlements and Verdicts Nationwide

    To give you a sense of the amounts that can be obtained from a fractured finger injury claim, take a look at the following payouts that were issued to accident victims in recent years:

    • $244,951 verdict for a woman in Alaska. She was knocked down by a shoplifter at Home Depot, who was being chased by security at the store. The plaintiff fell to the ground and sustained multiple fractures to her fingers as a result.
    • $3,000,000 verdict awarded to a Louisiana plaintiff, who was hit by a tractor-trailer. The driver of the truck ran a stop sign and plowed into the plaintiff’s car, causing him to suffer crushing injuries to pinky finger on his left hand. Along with a finger amputation, the victim had to have fusion surgery doe to a serious back injury.
    • $110,000 settlement in New York on behalf of a 2-year-old, whose fingers on the left hand were injured at a daycare center. The injury occurred when another kid at the center closed a bathroom door onto the boy’s fingers.

    Contact Normandie Law Firm

    Accident victims need legal advice from a skilled and experienced attorney, and that’s precisely what we can offer you here at Normandie Law Firm. We have a dedicated team of personal injury lawyers, who are ready to fight for the compensation you deserve if negligence by someone else caused you harm and suffering.

    It all starts with a free case review, which you can schedule by contacting us today. In the event you decide to hire us, no payment is owed to us until your settlement check is released by the defendant. If you don’t receive payment from a successful claim, you owe us $0 under the terms of the Zero Fee Guarantee.

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