CRPS, or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, or RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy), causes a chronic pain that is incredibly intense, constant, and much more severe than the original injury. CRPS is a debilitating syndrome that can cause not just physical pain, but emotional stress, and become a financial burden. If you or a loved one has endured a CRPS injury because of the malpractice or negligence of a medical professional or by the misconduct of another individual, then you may be eligible for compensation. Contact our top-rated law offices at Normandie Law Firm today, and an expert attorney who has experience in CRPS claims can guide you through filing a lawsuit against the responsible party and get the compensation that you deserve.
What is CRPS?
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a severe neuro-inflammatory disorder pain that is often triggered by an injury. The pain caused by CRPS is in most cases far more severe than the original injury and often leads to extensive medical care and debilitating pain that can be difficult to recover from completely. There are four main symptoms of CRPS, and can be recognized as follows:
- Constant chronic burning pain: This is a pain that is significantly more severe than the original injury. While to a caretaker the area may feel cold, to a victim of CRPS the area seems as though it is on fire. In some cases this pain is considered sensitive to touch, sound, temperature, and vibration.
- Inflammation: In some cases of CRPS there is an inflammation of the skin that can cause bruising, mottling, red spotting, a shimmering of the skin, or discoloration of the afflicted area. This inflammation can also alter the skin temperature of the area and can cause excessive sweating.
- Spasms: Spasms of the blood vessels and the muscles can occur. This can also lead to spasms in the extremities as well.
- Insomnia/Emotional Stress: This extreme pain and stress to the limbic system can create short-term memory problems, difficulties concentrating; sleep disturbances, confusion, and so many more emotional/mental stresses.
While these are the primary symptoms of CRPS, there are a large number of additional symptoms that can occur throughout the disease. Every victim’s symptoms are not the same, nor will every victim experience these symptoms at any average rate. Early Diagnosis of CRPS can usually lead to better outcomes of the disorder, however, diagnosing it can be difficult, and a time frame for diagnosis tends to vary.
The causes of CRPS typically come in two varieties. Type 1, is also referred to as reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome and occurs after an illness or injury that indirectly damages the nerves in the affected limb. This is the most common form of CRPS. Type 2, once called causalgia and is caused by a definitive nerve injury.
CRPS injuries often occur after the victim experiences some forceful trauma to an extremity, like a car accident or bone fracture. CRPS can also occur as a result of surgical malpractice of a medical professional. If you are unsure if your injuries came about from the error of another party, call one of our accomplished attorneys with experience in CRPS cases.
Spinal Cord Stimulators
Spinal cord stimulators are usually implanted when there is a failed back surgery. The spinal cord stimulators are implanted to help a person tolerate and manage the excruciating pain that comes with the back surgeries that fail. There is a high risk of severe complications that can result from the use of a spinal cord stimulator.
What Types of Surgeries Create High Back Pains?
The types of surgeries that create high levels of back pain that would require spinal cord stimulators include:
- Chronic pain disorders after an accident
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Chronic back pain
- Peripheral vascular pain
- Ischemic pain
- Failed back surgery syndrome
- Complex regional pain
- HIV-related polyneuropathy
There can be many complications with a spinal cord stimulator, including:
- Lead fractures
- Seromas
- Infections
- Dural puncture
- Spinal epidural hematoma
- Problems with pacemakers and cardiac defibrillators
- Comorbid major depressive disorder (because of chronic pain)
- Generalized anxiety disorder (with chronic pain)
CRPS or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)
RSD or CRPS is a pain condition where there is chronic pain in an individual, usually seen after a traumatic accident or surgery gone wrong. It can spread from the back to the arms and legs, and may have vague symptoms – but the pain for the person suffering from it is real. The symptoms of CRPS can include:
- A continuous amount of pain
- Sensory issues and hyperesthesia or hyperalgesia
- Temperature asymmetry
- Skin color and vasomotor changes
- Sweating changes
- Decreased range of motion
- Motor dysfunction such as with tremors or muscle weakness
- Changes to hair, nails and skin
If you have had a spinal cord stimulator, CRPS or RSD and need to get recovery compensation for your losses, you need to give our law office a call. We understand what it takes to win against the big insurance companies in these situations and claims. Just call our law office to talk to an attorney who knows what to do to settle your case for the compensation and recovery money that you need to fully recover in this case.
We know that you are having mounting medical bills and expenses, such as lost wages. We just want you to know that you can call us and we will be there for you, but you have to make the call right now.
Developing CRPS following a Spine Surgery
Any time you are in a serious accident and injure your back or cervical spine, you will need additional surgeries, follow ups and therapies to improve function of your back. The surgical procedures associated with spinal surgeries are meant to relieve the pressure, compression and pain in the spinal cord or spinal nerve root areas of the back. The back and spine are the primary way that the body achieves stability to move, walk and function in daily life. Once this balance is disrupted with a spinal trauma, there will be problems, complications and even a possible permanent disability as a result of the accident or loss causing these issues.
Back Surgery and Cervical Spine Surgery
When you have been in a serious car accident or any loss where you have injured your back or spine, you need to give us a call immediately. We have legal counsel on our team to represent you in this type of case. We are ready to help you now, whenever you give us a call.
Failed Spinal Surgery
People who have been in a car accident can experience neck pain, which is related to whiplash as a result of the car accident. The cervical spine has seven vertebral regions, and each has an area that can be aggravated during a car accident or loss. Whenever there is a surgery on the spine, there is a real risk that something can go wrong, and cause a permanent injury as a result of the surgical procedure performed.
There Is More Than Just One Type of Cervical “Instability”
It is a simple fact that we need our spines to be healthy and functioning to help us walk, stay upright and perform the daily duties of life. If there is a trauma to the spine, it can cause a range of instability issues in the back. These instability issues can be in the form of:
- Complete failure of the intervertebral connections
- Abnormal connections in the spine
- Pain and deformity of the spine in the future
Disc Replacement Fusion – Laminotomy
It is possible that with a spinal injury, there could be many complications that are related to that type of injury. The complications that are common include:
- Postoperative airway obstruction
- Pseudoarthrosis
- Transitional syndrome
- Sexual dysfunction
- Continued pain after surgery in the spine
- Spinal cord injury during surgery
- Paralysis in some areas of the back or legs
- Intestinal occlusion
- Fever
- Phlebitis
- Inadequate hemostasis (prevention of bleeding)
- Development of new issues for fibrosis
- Development of spinal instability
- Development of adjacent segment degeneration
What is Failed Spine Surgery Syndrome?
When a person has an accident and suffers a personal injury involving the spine, even with a surgical procedure it may not always go to plan. A bone fusion needs to be completely successful to promote permanent long-term relief from pain. But even when the bone fusion surgery goes well, the pain from the injury in that region of the spine may return with a vengeance.
Other Surgeries That Can Lead to CRPS
There are many other surgical procedures that can result in CRPS or RSD. Aside from the back, CRPS can affect other areas of the body following a surgical procedure. These surgeries include:
Knee Surgery
CRPS can develop after any form of knee damage, like shattered knee and ACL / AMCL tears. More commonly, CRPS or RSD develop after knee repair surgeries, such as:
- Knee arthroscopy
- Knee osteotomy
- Total / partial knee replacement
- Meniscectomy
- Meniscus repair / transplant
- ACL reconstruction
- Microfracture
- Plica removal
Doctors must keep an eye out warning signs, like slower recovery time and disproportionate pain, which are early indicators of CRPS. Early chronic pain syndrome diagnosis and treatment is critical for preventing life-long complications for the patient.
Shoulder Surgery
CRPS Type 1 can present itself as early as the first few weeks after a shoulder surgery. Patients may experience spams, stiffness, and nerve pain following surgery after a fall, or a car, truck, or motorcycle accident. Below are a few of the most common types of shoulder surgery:
- Torn rotator cuff repair
- Total shoulder replacement
- Torn labrum/ labral repair surgery
- Arthroscopy
Ankle Surgery
Injuries to the ankle can cause fractures or broken bones that require surgery. After the procedure, patients may have skin discoloration, sensitivity to touch or cold, and painful swelling in the area that was operated on, which are early signs of CRPS. Surgical procedures for the ankle include:
- Ankle reconstruction for ligament tear
- Ankle fusion surgery
- Ankle arthroscopy for bone fragments and damaged cartilage
- Ankle fracture repair
- Ankle replacement
Hand Surgery
Hand injuries can happen for many reasons, including workplace accidents and falling on slippery surfaces. Broken hand or fractured hand injury is very common in such accidents, as well as nerve damage and ruptured tendons. Patients may develop post-surgery chronic pain following one of these procedures:
- Hand arthroscopy (torn ligament in the hand, wrist, and finger)
- Tendon repair
- Closed reduction/ fixation (bone fracture, broken bone)
- Nerve repair
- Fasciotomy (relieves increased pressure following an injury)
- Replantation (reattaching severed hand of fingers)
Doctors must watch for symptoms such as continuous throbbing or pain, swelling at the surgical site, and drastic changes in skin color. These signs are visible soon after surgery in many patients, so doctors should be prepared to make a CRPS diagnosis as soon as possible.
Foot Surgery
Car crashes, slip and falls, and impact from falling objects can cause serious fractures to the foot, along with other injuries to the bones, ligament, and tendons. Foot surgery to fix these problems is one of the most common causes of CRPS or RSD. Chronic pain, muscle spasms, and joint stiffness are some of the symptoms that can trigger a diagnosis of CRPS. Foot surgeries that can cause CRPS include:
- Foot fracture surgery
- Fusion surgery
- Achilles tendon repair
- Metatarsal surgery
- Morton’s neuroma surgery
- Toe deformity correction
- Reconstructive surgery
Hip Fracture Surgery
A fracture to the hips typically requires partial or total hip replacement, which can be followed by numerous post-surgical complications, including CRPS or RSD. Like most orthopedic procedure, signs of CRPS in hip surgery patients include chronic burning or throbbing, drastic changes in skin temperature, changes in skin color and texture, joint stiffness, and muscle spasms.
CRPS – RSD Diagnosis After the Surgery
It is possible to receive a CRPS or RSD diagnosis after a surgical procedure. A complex regional pin syndrome or CRPS is a chronic pain condition that can produce hyperalgesia or allodynia of your arms and legs. The diagnosis of CRPS can be for a CRPS-I or CRPS-II whereby CRPS-I has no confirmed nerve injury but type II has an associated nerve injury. It is necessary to manage pain for this type of disease, and using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs often does not work to alleviate the pain with this injury. You may need to have some physical and occupational therapies, pharmacotherapy and interventional therapies with this type of injury. Fibromyalgia is also associated with a diagnosis of CRPS, and other musculoskeletal conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis can also be considered a higher risk of being developed, if you are diagnosed with CRPS.
Knee Damage – Shattered Knee – ACL – AMCL Tear – Surgery
People can develop knee damage with a shattered knee, ACL, AMCL tear, and a surgical procedure. If you have had one of these surgical procedures, even with a minimally invasive surgery for a total knee replacement, you may experience issues after the knee is repaired with the surgery. After a knee surgery, there can be the problem of:
- Knee pain that does not go away
- The need for more surgeries
- Post-operative pain
- Reduced knee motion
- Long hospital stay
- High blood loss
- Difficulty in raising leg
- Difficulty walking
- Denervation injuries
- Poor functional outcomes
- Skin damage
- Component malalignment
- Nerve damage
- Patella tendon rupture
- Acute compartment syndrome
- Issues with the lateral compartment
- Limitations of the knee replacement
- Inability to work
- Permanent disability
- Peroneal nerve damage
If you have an ACL rupture, which is an anterior cruciate ligament rupture, you may actually experience many psychological and physical issues after receiving this diagnosis after an accident. You may need to have rehabilitation, and post-operative rehabilitation to help you regain function in the ligaments after an ACL rupture. Other problems that might arise in your knee after this surgical procedure include:
- Knee laxity
- Unstable knee
- Functional knee instability
- Disability
- Difficulty with joint control
- Decreased functional outcomes
- Meniscus and cartilage injury
- Possibly greater risk of another injury in the future
- Knee osteoarthritis in the future
- Psychological barriers to resuming activities in the future
- Fear of re-injury
- Lack of trust in the knee
If you have had an AMCL tear or surgical procedure, you can also experience disuse atrophy and muscle atrophy after your traumatic joint injury that is associated with an accident. It is possible to also feel muscle loss, and neurological disruption after an AMCL tear following an accident. Your knees help to bear the load of your legs when you walk. By having a serious knee injury, it will affect and influence how you walk and your ability to perform daily tasks. You may have issues after an accident creating a knee injury with:
- Fear of re-injury to the knee
- Lower rate of perceived function of the knee
- Disability
- Inability to go back to work
- Need for a self-graft (autograft) or donor graft (allograft)
- Quadricep weakness
- Lowered strength in the knee
- Post-operative pain
- Lower muscular strength in the knee
- Inability to weight-bear in the knee
Knee Repair Surgery – Knee Replacement Surgery – Chronic Pain Syndrome diagnosis
There may be a need for a knee replacement surgery, if there is knee pain and injury from a serious trauma or accident. A knee replacement surgery will replace the knee areas that are damaged by trauma with new and artificial apparatus or devices. There can be complications from a knee replacement surgery, such as developing arthritis or osteoarthritis in that area of the knee at a later stage.
After an accident, the knee will have damaged cartilage that will cause pain as it rubs over the area of the knee. A surgical procedure will replace the damaged areas and put in new metal devices to allow the knee to move with more agility. You may have to undergo a partial or total knee replacement. A partial knee replacement will replace cartilage or damaged bone as needed in the knee. A total knee replacement will replace the areas of the:
- End of the shinbone
- End of the thighbone
- Back of the kneecap
As with any surgical procedure, there can be complications that can arise with a partial or total knee replacement. These complications include the risk of:
- Infection
- Blood clots
- Heart attack risks
- Stroke risks
- Nerve damage
- Scarring that prevents full flexion of the knee
Shoulder Injury – Torn Rotator Cuff – Total Shoulder Replacement Surgery
A torn rotator cuff can result in being injured at the area of the shoulder in a slip and fall or in a car accident. It may be necessary to have a total shoulder replacement surgical procedure, if you seriously injure your shoulder in a crash. A shoulder injury that has a torn rotator cuff can be a serious injury. The rotator cuff of the shoulder is actually four separate muscles. These include the coracoacromial ligament, rotator cuff, biceps and joint capsule. When there is a tear or inflammation of these muscles, then there will be rotator cuff tendonitis and it will cause a painful condition for the person experiencing it. A rotator cuff tear can present as a partial or a complete tear. If there is a complete tear, or a dislocated shoulder injury, it can produce problems for this area of the body.
Any time that you have serious pain in the shoulder after a slip and fall or a car accident, you may have damaged the shoulder area and need a surgical intervention. Your symptoms for a torn rotator cuff may include:
- Serious pain in the shoulder area
- Shoulder hurting during the day with normal tasks and activity use
- Should pain that does not stop
- Red, tender or swelling in the area of the shoulder
If you have had any of these issues, you may have a serious shoulder injury that may require surgical procedures to put it to rights. In the meantime, you need to call our law office today, and we can talk to you about initiating a lawsuit on the merits of your accident claim. You need to get the full recovery compensation package that will help you to heal and get the help you need now for your shoulder injury.
Torn Labrum Surgery – After A Fall – Accident – Car – Truck – Motorcycle Accident
A labrum surgery may be necessary after a fall, car, truck or motorcycle accident, or a trip and fall accident. A labrum surgical repair is used to fix the cartilage or labrum that is located in the shoulder region of the body. The labrum is around the socket of the shoulder, and helps the arm bone to move around without problems in that socket. If the labrum is injured in an accident, it can move less easily in the shoulder socket area, causing pain in the shoulder. This will reduce the amount of movement that you have when you move your shoulders to lift, walk or even to perform daily tasks.
The labrum repair may come in the form of:
- SLAP or superior labrum from anterior to posterior repair
- Bankart repair
- Internal impingement repair
If you have had a shoulder injury as the result of a car accident or slip and fall, you need to give our law office a call today. We are here to help you, and can advise you on the next steps to a recovery compensation package for your personal injuries.
Ankle – Broken Fractures ankle – Ankle Repair Surgery – Injury – Tear
Any time that there are ankle injuries, there is a real risk of an ankle ligament injury or instability to the region of the ankle. An acute lateral ankle ligament injury is a common foot and ankle issue, whereby there can be damage to the:
- Anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL)
- Calcaneofibular ligament (CFL)
- Posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL)
Ankle injuries are common after a serious car accident, pedestrian accident or slip, trip and fall accident. These accidents can result in ankle fractures, sprains, and weakness of the ankle area requiring surgery to restore strength to that area of the body. The ATFL tears are the most severe injury to the ankle. The repairs to the ankle can be either:
- Non-anatomic reconstruction
- Anatomic repairment
- Anatomic reconstruction
If you have had an ankle injury or tear to the ligaments, then you need to give our law firm a call right now. These injuries to the ankle can be quite serious, and may require follow-up surgical procedures in order to restore ankle stability after an accident.
Broken Hand – Fractured Hand – Torn Ligament in the Hand, Wrist and Finger
If you have had an accident and suffered a broken hand, fractured or torn ligament in the hand, wrist and finger, you may have a serious personal injury. In many cases, hand fractures may require splinting or may need a surgical procedure to properly set the hand. The common types of hand fractures can include:
- Open fractures
- Displaced intra-articular fractures
- Retracted flexor digitorum profundus avulsions
- Irreducible subluxation
- Unacceptable residual deformity
- Nonstable fractures
Broken Hand – Post Surgery Chronic Pain – CRPS Diagnosis
When there is a broken hand from an accident, there can also be the case of a CRPS diagnosis for post-surgery chronic pain in the fractured hand. The diagnosis of CRPS or complex regional pain syndrome can occur when there is a trauma to the hand, a fracture or even a surgical procedure that goes wrong. If there is damage to a nerve, it can signal or trigger CRPS. Other events that can trigger CRPS are:
- Changes in blood flow after a surgery
- Pain and temperature changes in the hand
- Tremor
- Impaired movement
- Increased muscle spasms
- Change in skin color
- Changes in hair and nail growth
- Pseudoparalysis
- Paresis
- Autonomic, sensory and vasomotor symptoms
An issue with a broken hand can cause pain, lower quality of life and require more surgical procedures to try to fix the situation.
Fractures to the Foot – Foot Fusion Surgery Pain and Chronic Pain After – CRPS Diagnosis
Any time that you sustain a fracture to the foot, you may have chronic pain afterwards. If you have had to undergo a foot fusion surgery, you may experience excruciating pain after this type of surgical procedure. A foot fusion surgery will require rehabilitation after the fusion or reconstruction surgery, especially for an Achilles tendon rupture and ankle fracture surgical procedure.
Many Different Types of Foot Surgeries Are Necessary After an Accident
There is a plethora of foot surgeries that may be necessary after a car accident or a slip and fall accident. Sometimes, the injury to the foot is a missed diagnosis in multiple traumas that can be sustained after an accident. The reason that the foot injury was missed when the person was transported to the hospital by the EMTs, were that there was another operation or procedure that was primary often to save the person’s life, and no reevaluation was performed for other injuries.
If a CT scan is not performed on the person’s foot after an accident, a foot injury can be missed. For that matter, any injury of the person’s lower extremities can be missed in that case. This can also happen if the person is unable to talk when taken to the hospital, such as being unconscious after a horrific car crash, or being run over as a pedestrian in an accident with a vehicle on the roads.
These foot injuries can be serious and require more than one surgical procedure, to aid in the correction of the injury to the foot or feet. These accidents might include:
- Tarsal tunnel release
- Medial cuneiform osteotomy
- Lateral column lengthening
- Insertional Achilles tendon reconstruction
- Peroneal tendon reconstruction
- Double arthrodesis
- Ankle arthroscopy
Fracture to the Hips
If you have had a hip fracture on account of a serious car accident or slip and fall, you need to keep reading. You may need to have a hip replaced, or sustain other hip replacement surgical procedures that will require anesthesia during the surgery. It is known that there can be peri-operative cardiorespiratory complications that can happen with hip fracture surgeries, especially when a cemented prosthesis is put in after the hip fracture.
There can be many complications that arise with a surgery related to a hip fracture. Some of the complications for a hip fracture include:
- Ulcer
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Pulmonary embolism
- Advanced mortality
- Inability to walk
- Anemia
- Electrolyte imbalance
- Symptomatic transitory psychotic syndrome
- Myocardial infarction
- Pneumonia
- Urinary tract infection
- Renal dysfunction
- Thromboembolism
- Hematoma
- Mechanic malfunction (refracture)
- Dislocation
- Infections
- Necrosis
- Pseudarthrosis
- Healing in a malposition
Scaphoid Fractures / Broken Wrist / Distal Radius Fractures
Scaphoid fractures have the highest probability of resulting in CRPS / RSD – post fracture. If you have sustained a scaphoid fracture as the result of an accident, you may also have another fracture that is undiagnosed. Many people with a scaphoid fracture also have had a car accident, and they are commonly not diagnosed quickly with other fractures, even when the secondary fractures do exist. Some people can also sustain additional fractures with the scaphoid fracture, such as:
- Distal radius fracture
- Distal ulnar fracture
- Nonscaphoid carpal bone fractures
- Proximal pole fractures
- Calcaneus fracture
- Single rib fracture
- Superficial knee injury
- Tarsal bone fracture
- Metatarsal bone fracture
- Lumbar vertebral fracture
- Multiple rib fractures
Higher impact accidents such as serious car accidents can also have additional injuries such as a wrist injury from dorsal subluxation during forced hyperextension in the crash. Other likely injuries may include neck and head fractures and ligamentous injuries.
Your Case
Individuals who suffer from CRPS experience a debilitating pain that can alter their entire lives and the lives of those close to them. A patient of CRPS requires regular medical treatment, which in turn leads to rising hospital expenses. CRPS can also affect the income of a victim as the severe pain can create a loss of wages and a loss of future revenue. For these reasons, an individual and that individual’s family who suffer from CRPS as a result of the negligence of another, the affected party can receive significant compensation for their damages.
If your injury were caused by an accident in which another person is at fault, compensation could be claimed for the damaged party with the help of a skilled attorney with expertise in CRPS injury lawsuits. In regards to medical malpractice or misconduct a case for medical negligence can be made, however, is far more challenging. While CRPS caused by medical practice certainly occurs, proving negligence and proving this negligence caused a victim CRPS is another matter entirely. This is due to the unanswered questions that surround CRPS, and it causes. These unknowns make medical negligence lawsuits extremely complicated. This is particularly the case for type 2 CRPS sufferers, as causalgia is even harder to prove as a routine surgery can not typically cause the injury that causes RSD or causalgia.
What Is The Average Settlement for a CRPS Injury?
One question frequently asked by victims hoping to file a CRPS lawsuit is, ‘How much is my CRPS case worth?’ Determining the value of any particular CRPS case relies on some factors. For instance, how was your CRPS caused? Were you a victim of Type 1 or Type 2? Secondly, how did your injury occur? Was it the result of a car accident caused by negligence behind the wheel, or was it due to the misconduct of a surgeon causing medical malpractice? Lastly, what are the damages you or your loved one has sustained? If there was a loss of income or wages, those need to be documented and estimated. A possible loss of future income needs to be calculated as well to determine a total value for your case. For this reason, the average value of any CRPS settlement cannot be so easily reached upon. A qualified lawyer with experience handling CRPS injury claims can give you an estimate, but it may not be wholly accurate. The value of any one CRPS lawsuit depends on all of these factors and extrapolating outwards to determine an average would depend on the factors of other cases as well.
However, that should not discourage you or a loved one from filing a case against the party responsible for your CRPS injuries. Below are elements of your case that a plaintiff should be able to prove in a CRPS injury case.
- In regards to medical malpractice, the expertise of the doctor or medical professional
- In cases wherein the damage was caused by more than one party a comparative or sole responsibility must be proven.
- A plaintiff must also show that their injuries were caused as a direct result of the defendant’s actions
- The location of where the injury occurred, and how the incident happened.
Free Second Opinions
CRPS are often complex cases that not just any attorney could handle. Unfortunately, some attorneys are simply not experienced enough to be able to successfully handle CRPS cases. When looking for legal representations, many people affected with CRPS hire whichever lawyer claims to be able to handle their claim. This leads to inexperienced lawyers handling complicated claims and leading claimants towards unsuccessful outcomes. If you are unsatisfied with the way that your attorney is handling your case, do not hesitate to reach out for a free second opinion. During our free second opinions, our experienced CRPS lawyers will evaluate your claim, address all your doubts, and provide you with all the information necessary to redirect your CRPS towards the successful outcome that you deserve. In many cases, second opinions are absolutely necessary to reach a positive claim outcome. Do not allow the incompetence of your current attorney to affect your claim; schedule a free second opinion as soon as possible.
Hiring a lawyer experienced in CRPS injury cases should help you or a loved one in being able to determine whether or not there is a case of CRSPS injury due to negligence. A CRPS or RSD victim should not attempt to represent themselves in a possible lawsuit due to the complexities involved in filing said lawsuit. At Normandie Law Firm, we can walk you through the process of filing a CRPS or RSD lawsuit, and earn you the compensation you so rightfully deserve.
A CRPS lawsuit can be worth over $100,000 if the injuries justify it; if the responsible party were particularly negligent and caused lasting damages, your lawsuit may be valued at more than $150,000.
Our most recent success stories
- $2.79 Million – Awarded to a hairstylist who suffered severe injuries after a slip and fall accident in the garden department of a hardware store.
- $958,000 – A rear-end car accident that left the driver with CRPS in her right wrist and the collision aggravated a previous condition in her left wrist.
- $664,000 – A pedestrian was struck by a vehicle and suffered complex regional pain syndrome.
Our Team And You
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with CRPS as a result of medical malpractice or the misconduct of another party you may be eligible to earn compensation for your endured damages. You shouldn’t be left alone to deal with the severe and chronic pain that CRPS causes, nor the exuberant medical expenses that are bound to follow in the diagnoses. At Normandie Law Firm, we have some of the top personal injury attorneys who will do whatever it takes to win your case. We make sure to negotiate the fairest terms and keep you up to date along with the way, so you know exactly what is happening and when.
Free Consultation
We offer each one of our clients free consultation and the proper assistance to determine the most efficient path to resolving your case and making sure you get the proper compensation you deserve. Give us a call today, and we will discuss the incident, the pain you have suffered, your damages, all of your possible options moving forward, and what you can expect by filing your claim with us.
Our team of experienced lawyers is passionate about being helpful and transparent to our clients. Our driving belief is that the key to any successful business is a trusting relationship with our clientele.
Reviews from Real Clients

I spoke to multiple lawyers, but no one wanted to take my CRPS case. Everyone was full of excuses. I found a lawyer willing to take my case at Normandie Law Firm, and I never looked back. My lawyer was amazing and helped me recover a fair settlement.
Jose R.

My CRPS was devastating, but I was happy to finally know what was wrong with me. My lawyer helped me understand my right to sue and fought to protect my rights every step of the way until getting me a fair payout.
Tania L.

After being rejected from several law firms, I ended up at Normandie Law Firm. To my surprise, they didn’t hesitate to take on my CRPS claim. They are more than ready to take on any type of case and fight for their client’s rights. I will always recommend them!
Tom C.

My lawyer went above it all to handle my CRPS claim successfully and get me the compensation that I was owed. There is no doubt in my mind that Normandie Law Firm is the best!
Thomas R.
Zero Fee Guarantee
As a further display of commitment to you and your case, our firm operates under a zero fee guarantee policy. At Normandie Law Firm, we believe that you should not have to pay any fees for our services until we follow through on our promise to help you win your case. In the unlikely event that we do not manage to get you the compensation and benefits you deserve, you do not owe us any money. You only pay once we win your case.
If you feel like you need a second opinion as to the value of your case, please feel free to contact our law offices. Per our zero fee guarantee policy all second opinion case reviews are 100% free of charge, so please, don’t hesitate to give us a call. An experienced attorney will be able to discuss your case.