In the wake of a severe car accident, you may have sustained broken or fractured ribs, which can be severe injuries. The information on this page is intended to help you determine the potential value of your broken rib case. The average value of a lawsuit involving fractured ribs depends on various factors specific to your accident. Not only will the permanence of the injury be taken into account, but so will the extent and impact it has on your daily life. Additionally, insurance companies will do everything they can to undercut your compensation and undervalue your case. As a result, it is crucial that you employ a lawyer who will fight for your right to fair restitution and will not rest until he brings you a proper settlement.
Fractured Rib Information
The definition of a fractured rib is the presence of a crack or break in the rib cage, or a break in the cartilage between the ribs and the breastbone. A broken rib can lead to difficulty breathing, intense pain, and even the possibility of pressing against the lung and puncturing it. A fractured rib, although not much less painful, has the potential to cause less damage.
Fractured ribs are usually accompanied by other damages, especially if you were involved in a car accident. You may have sustained back injuries and neck damage depending on the point of impact and how severe the accident was. However, a broken rib can also be sustained in the event you are struck by a vehicle – although there may be additional injuries to worry about.
The Nuances of Rib Injury Cases
Fractured or broken ribs are painful to the point that you are unable to reliably function while in the recovery process. The pain is seemingly never-ending, with each breath being a sharp jab in the chest, and little actions like coughing, laughing, and moving can cause blinding agony. It takes a few weeks for the rib to heal, but even longer for there to be no residual effects and discomfort.
Unfortunately, the healing process is not something that can be expedited with surgery in the way other injuries can A broke arm is set back in place and put in a cast; a broken rib, however, is generally taped up on the outside of the body and the victim is told to rest up, apply ice to the area, and don’t move too much.
This is both a blessing and a curse – on the one hand, the lack of potential medical expenses means you save money, but on the other hand, the insurance company of the responsible party may refuse to pay anything out due to the lack of required medical treatment. It is already difficult to negotiate with insurance agents regarding pain and suffering, but when an injury only requires time, it becomes a true fight.
It is important to realize that no two cases are alike, and although rib injuries may increase the settlement value of a case, it is not a guarantee. Car accidents that result in back and neck injuries may net you $10,000 in a payout, but with the addition of rib injuries, this amount can increase to $50,000. However, all the injuries may be lumped together and only be afforded $15,000. There is no actual way to determine your case worth, as insurance agencies all offer different settlements and judges will mandate different amounts based on subjectivity.
What we can tell you is that in order for you to receive more than the average value of your broken ribs case, you need a skilled personal injury attorney to represent you and fight for your compensation.
Our Recent Verdicts and Settlements
$1.5 Million
$3 Million
$5.5 Million
$1.5 Million
How Much is Your Fractured/Broken Rib Accident Case Worth?
When our clients come to us with questions of how much they can potentially earn, we explain that we cannot give them exact numbers. No lawyer can, and if a lawyer offers you a number regarding how much your broken rib case is worth, he is not being honest or ethical. We can only provide examples of what other claims have yielded in terms of settlement value and inform them why these amounts are so high or low. Though there may be similar factors in some cases, there are many extenuating circumstances that cannot be known. Further, it is actually beneficial that there is no static value for personal injury claims featuring rib injuries, as that would cause unfairness among victims and insurance agencies. For example, a minor fractured rib is not as debilitating as a full blown broken rib, and they should not be worth the same amount – one person clearly needs more rest time and undergoes more pain and suffering than the other.
Regardless, some sample verdicts include:
- July 2014, $32,000 Verdict: A man who was rear-ended near Baltimore-Washington International Airport was diagnosed with two fractured ribs. After being treated at the hospital, he was assigned two months of physical therapy. The man sought restitution from the female driver who hit him and caused his injuries; she did not deny the incident but did express doubt as to the severity of his injuries. A jury did not see things her way, and he was awarded $32,000 in damages.
- April 2014, $412,000 Verdict: A female passenger in a vehicle sued the driver after they were involved in an accident. He attempted to cross the lanes of opposing traffic on Ritchie Highway, but according to the plaintiff, did not adequately yield or stop. The car was struck on the passenger’s side, and the woman suffered three fractured ribs, heavy bruising, and back and neck injuries. She sued the driver for negligence; he did not argue the negligence claim but did argue that the amount of treatment she received for her neck and back injuries was too much. A jury ruled in her favor, but the man’s insurance company only paid out $100,000.
- July 2013, $79,000 Verdict: In Pasadena, a 30-year old woman was struck by a truck while walking down the shoulder on Ft. Smallwood Road. She received seven fractured ribs, organ damage, and soft tissue wounds. She was in the hospital for two days receiving shock trauma. After suing the driver for negligence, which was countered by his claim that she was not on the sidewalk and partly responsible for the accident, a jury ruled in her favor. She received $79,000.
- May 2011, $30,000 Verdict: A man on a bicycle was struck by a vehicle when the female driver backed into him while exiting her driveway. He received multiple fractures to his ribs, collarbone, and pelvis. There was a disagreement with the case, with the bicyclist claiming he was behind the vehicle, and the driver claiming she was entering the driveway and he sped in front of her. The jury ruled in the bicyclist’s favor, awarding him a $30,000 settlement.
- September 2010, $415,000 Verdict: In Edgewater, a woman was struck by a vehicle that crossed the center line and hit her head-on. She received numerous fractured ribs and vertebrae, collapsed lungs, and a dislocated hip. She was not expected to survive, but she made a recovery after a number of surgeries. The driver argued the extent of her damages but did not deny that he was responsible for them. Accordingly, the plaintiff was awarded $415,000.
- February 2010, $50,000 Settlement: A 50 year old man on his bicycle was struck by a dump truck in D.C. when the truck turned into his lane of travel. As a result, the man was dragged under the truck for nearly a whole block, leading to numerous fractured ribs, knee injuries, and hip injuries. During the case, the defendant claimed that the plaintiff was in the truck’s blind spot, and thus the driver was not responsible. The case did not make it to trial, as both parties agreed to a settlement of $500,000.
Why Choose Us?

Our team of lawyers is here to fight for your rights as victims in car accidents. Your rib injuries should not be treated lightly and you should be fairly compensated for the damages. Our goal is to bring you much more than the average compensation for a case; you deserve a maximum settlement, and we will not stop battling for you until we are satisfied with the result.
Call us today for a free legal consultation on your case. One of our expert attorneys will be more than happy to discuss the legal process and talk about your injury and the potential earning value of your claim. All of our cases are taken on a zero fee guarantee basis, meaning that you pay no out of pocket expenses for our legal services. We are paid only if we win your case, and our fees come from the settlement itself. If we lose, you owe nothing.