When an individual enters their local Target, hardly do they ever expect to slip, fall, and suffering a traumatic injury. Unfortunately, these accidents can happen on a somewhat regular basis, and when they occur, the victims can be left with truly devastating injuries. From minor bumps and bruises to severe spinal cord injuries, Target slip and fall accidents can result in a wide variety of damages, that can place a significant burden on the victim. The damages caused by these slip and fall accidents often go beyond the physical as well. Victims of Target slip and falls can be left with the financial burden posed by medical expenses, a loss of wages, and even a potential loss of future wages. Fortunately, customers can sue a Target for failing to prevent the slip and fall hazard adequately. However, when filing these Target slip and fall lawsuits, it is incredibly important that you seek legal representation from an attorney experienced in Target slip and fall claims. At Normandie Law Firm our Los Angeles attorneys can help you sue Target for the damages that you have suffered, and can guide you through the process of building and filing your case. If you have any questions after reading this article, please feel free to reach out to our law offices for a free, consultation by one of our well-versed legal advisors.
Target Slip and Falls
Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere, at any time. This is true of any property just as it is true of a Target. One of the key aspects of any slip and fall lawsuit is being able to identify the cause of the accident and where on the premises the accident occurred. Listed below are some of the common areas and causes of a Target slip and fall accident:
- Target parking lots and sidewalks: slip and falls in Target parking lots and sidewalks can occur as a result of uneven pavement, or some other potential floor hazard that results in the customer slipping or tripping and falling.
- Target entrances and exits: another area where a customer can slip and fall are at a target entrance or exit. These accidents can be caused by wet floors or even items left on the floor. It is up to the staff to be able to monitor and maintain their premises efficiently.
- Slips and Falls near food vendors: food and drink vendors inside Target also pose a significant risk as spilled beverages, and food can result in slip and fall hazards. These areas are expected to be efficiently monitored by staff and owners
- Slips and falls near Target bathrooms: Target Bathrooms and washrooms also should be regularly checked and monitored for slip and fall hazards. One major way to prevent hazards of this kind is to place adequate wet-floor hazard signs.
- Slip, and fall accidents in Target’s housewares, and electronics department: While less common than the other causes, this section of the store should also be monitored for potential slip and fall hazards. Even if the hazard is caused by another customer, if the staff does not respond in time to either notify or remedy the hazard Target could be found liable.
- Slip and falls in Target grocery department: Slip and fall hazards can commonly arise here as a result of dropped items, or even malfunctioning leaking refrigerator systems. If a refrigerator is broken and causing a slip hazard, customers should be notified to keep away from the refrigerator until the hazard is remedied.
Another important aspect in filing a Target injury claim for a slip and fall accident is being able to identify the damages that you endured. While every slip and fall accident is different, certain injuries are more common than others. Listed below are some of the common injuries that a Target customer can endure, and the conditions that these injuries can cause:
- Head Injuries: Head injuries can range from minor contusions (or brain bruising) to more severe traumatic brain injuries or TBIs. Some TBIs can cause ongoing seizures, mood changes, cognitive impairment and other debilitating symptoms. In most cases, head injuries require emergency room treatment, or hospitalization and in more severe cases can result in death.
- Hip Fractures: Hip fractures often require surgery and extended hospitalization. In some more serious cases, surgery may be necessary to implant an artificial hip. Out of every five hip fracture patients, one of them dies due to their injuries
- Back and Spinal Cord Injuries: Injury to the spinal cord can lead to permanent paralysis, temporary paralysis and other severe neurological and sensory impairments
- Shoulder Injuries: slip (trip) and fall accidents can result in shoulder dislocations or more severe forms of shoulder injuries called brachial plexus injuries. The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that connect the shoulder, arm, and hand to the spinal cord. These injuries are often treated with surgery followed by extensive physical therapy
- Sprains and Fractures: The force of slipping and falling can cause minor to severe bone injuries. In some cases, the impact of the ground could cause minor sprains, in others; it could cause debilitating bone breakage that may result in temporary disability. Some of the common fractures that victims suffer include hip, spine, forearm, leg, ankle, pelvis, upper arm and hand.
When customers are injured at a Target as a result of a slip and fall hazard, they are often unsure of what their legal rights are in regards to Target accident claims. Fortunately, every injured shopper who suffered their injury as a result of the negligence or misconduct of the Target staff has a right to sue the Target responsible for their damages. However, the process of how to sue Target for a slip and fall accident can be incredibly challenging, and as such, it is in your best interest to understand the details of the process itself.
How Can I Sue Target For A Slip and Fall Injury?
When victims suffer from the damages of slipping and falling on the ground as a result of a Target slip hazard, they often are left in the dark in regards to what their legal rights are. Fortunately, our legal consultants at Normandie Law Firm are here to help. Our consultants are often asked a wide variety of questions that tend to reoccur between victims. Some of these commonly reoccurring questions are listed below for your reference:
- How to sue Target for a slip and fall accident?
- What is the best way to file a trip and fall claim against Target?
- How can I sue Target for personal injury?
- How do I file a trip and fall lawsuit against Target?
Filing a lawsuit against Target for personal injury can be a somewhat challenging process. However, it is an understandable one. There are some criteria and steps that you should adhere to find a more favorable outcome for your case. First and foremost, it is incredibly important that you report your injury as soon as possible. The sooner you report your injuries to Target management the less likely the management can dispute your claims.
It is also vital that you gather as much evidence as you can as soon as possible. This evidence can take the form of photographs detailing the hazard which caused your injuries, eyewitness accounts of anyone who may have seen the accident take place, video footage like that from a security camera showing how the accident took place, or even medical records detailing your injuries. This evidence can then be used to place liability on the Target store responsible. Under premises liability law, property owners are expected to provide a reasonably safe and secure environment for their patrons and customers. If this level of safety is neglected and it results in an injury, the injured party has every right to sue for damages. Listed below are some of the criteria required to place liability on the Target store:
- There was a hazardous condition or potentially dangerous condition on the property, like a wet floor or uneven pavement, that presented an unreasonable risk of harm.
- The property owner, or Target retail store owner, should have been aware of the dangerous condition
- The Target retail store owner or property owner failed to either warn guests of a reasonable condition and did not take reasonable action to remedy the issue.
- The hazardous condition resulted in the injury to a tenant or patron.
While liability and evidence all play a significant role in the outcome of your case, the statute of limitations can truly make or break your case. The statute of limitations is the period in which an injured party has to bring their case to court. If the statute of limitations isn’t followed, there is a high chance that your case could be dismissed from court entirely. The statute of limitations can vary from state to state, so it is also important that you seek guidance from a Target injury attorney that is well-versed on the statute of limitations that influence your particular state. For instance, in the state of California, the statute of limitations dictate that any personal injury lawsuit against a Target must be made within two years of the date of the accident.
On top of the statute of limitations, another important aspect to take note of is being able to prove the negligence of the defendant or Target store owner. In a claim of negligence, you must use the gathered evidence of your case to prove that the store owner or staff acted negligently and that their negligent action directly led to your injuries. The key elements of a claim of negligence are listed below for your reference:
- Duty: The plaintiff (injured or damaged party) must be able to show that the defendant (Target staff or retail owner) owed a legal duty to the plaintiff under the particular circumstances of the case.
- Breach: The plaintiff must be able to show that the defendant breached said legal duty through specific actions or failure to act appropriately
- Causation: The plaintiff must be able to show that the defendant’s actions or lack thereof caused the plaintiff’s injuries
- Damages: The plaintiff must be able to show that they endured some specific damages. This can usually be shown through the presentation of medical records, a loss of wages, or a loss of potential income.
Even after you’ve fulfilled all of these steps and criteria, there is no better way to guarantee a positive outcome for your case than to seek representation from a Lawyer who can help you sue Target. Having the right lawyer on your side can make the difference between filing a successful claim for compensation and having your case dismissed from court entirely.
Common Target Settlements and Verdicts
To give you an idea of what kind of outcome you could find for your Target slip and fall case, we’ve included some sample settlements and verdicts of previous Target slip and fall cases:
- In 2013 the jury’s verdict rewarded a 52-year-old plaintiff $835,000 after they fell over a chunk of cement at a Target parking lot.
- A plaintiff was awarded $386,522 in Deerfield Beach, Florida after they slip and fell in a puddle of bleach at a Target. The accident resulted in a severe spinal disc injury, which required surgery to remedy.
- A 48-year-old man was awarded $230,802 after he slips and fell on soap liquid at a Target resulting in a torn meniscus in both of his knees.
- A jury awarded a 25-year-old $150,000 after she slipped on display at a Target resulting in her suffering from chondromalacia in both of her knees. Medical professionals recommended surgery in the future to repair the issue.
Reviews from Real Clients

After my Target accident, the experts here at Normandie Law Firm were able to provide me with all the information that I needed to pursue my claim and win. Thanks so much!
Samantha C.

I was injured in a Target store, but I couldn’t really figure out what to do next, so I reached out to Normandie Law Firm. They got to work on my case immediately and provided me with all the information that I needed to successfully pursue my injury claim against Target.
Charles V.

Thanks to this amazing team here at Normandie, my Target injury claim was ultimately successful, and I was able to recover a fair amount of compensation for the harm that I suffered in the accident.
Jackie W.

The guys here at Normandie handled my Target accident claim effectively and were able to quickly get me the best payout available. Thank you so much for everything.
Jonah G.
How Normandie Law Firm Can Help
If you or a loved one have suffered injury after a slip and fall accident at a Target as a result of a failure in Target policy, or the negligent actions of staff or owners, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit against the party responsible for your damages. However, when filing this kind of lawsuits it, is in your best interest to seek assistance from an attorney that can sue Target. At Normandie Law Firm our Los Angeles personal injury lawyers can guide you through the often complicated process of building a case, filing a claim, and collecting compensation for the damages. If you file a claim with our law firm, you could find some if not all of the following damages compensable to you:
- All of you medical and hospitalization costs
- All of your future medical care and treatment
- A loss of income and loss of future earnings due to long-term recovery or permanent disability due to the accident
- Compensable economic damages include loss of property or damaged property.
- Compensable non-economic damages include emotional distress, trauma, PTSD resulting from the accident, pain and suffering and anxiety.
Victims of Target slip and fall accidents can contact our law offices to learn more about how to receive compensation for their injuries. While our law firm is based in Los Angeles, our attorneys also practice in Oakland, San Francisco, San Diego, Sacramento, Orange County, Riverside, Fresno, and throughout the state of California.
Free Second Opinions
Other attorneys will sign you up for their firm but will disappear once your name is on the paper as they are busy signing up more cases. In these instances, their business is based more on volume and will attempt to sign up as many cases as possible. In turn, they will spend less time on cases resulting in severely reduced settlements. Our firm will not treat you like a number. We will be in communication with you throughout our lawsuit and will treat you like family. So if you already have an attorney don’t worry, we’ll give you a second review of your case 100% free of charge.
Zero Fee Guarantee—No Upfront Fees Ever
If you contact our law offices today, we can walk you through the complicated process of filing your claim completely free of charge. As a show this commitment to you and your case we offer our clients the benefits of a zero fee guarantee policy. Under our zero fee policy, all clients don’t pay for our services until their case is won. If you feel in need of a second opinion, second opinion case reviews are also free under this policy. Please, feel free to give us a call, and we can guide you down the path of receiving proper compensation for your damages.
Premises Verdicts and Settlements
Our experienced injury lawyers have successfully recovered millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements on behalf of our clients. Below, we present to you a brief list of our more recent slip and fall, and premises liability verdicts and settlements. If you have any questions regarding your slip and fall case, feel free to contact our law office.