Attorney for Gree Dehumidifier Recall Fire Burn Injuries

Gree the manufacturer of dehumidifier’s has recalled the popular product due to numerous fire safety reports. According to the records reported by the recall, millions of dollars in property damage was sustained as a result of the defective product. If you have been injured or suffered property damage as a result of this product we would like to hear from you. At this time we are investigating multiple cases resulting in fire casualties resulting in significant damages both to life and property.
Liability for Injuries
In all product liability cases we look at the manufacturer for recovery of your damages. Manufacturers generally carry what is known as “product liability insurance”. This is similar to having insurance for an automobile claim, when you are involved in an accident, however the steps are a bit different. A manufacturer will be liable for injuries sustained by the user of the product when/if it is determined that product is in fact defective.
In the following case the recall has already established that the product is defective. Products are considered defective when they fail to adhere to fail to perform in the manner for which they were intended. Generally there are three recognized defects these include; (1) defective design claims, (2) manufacturers defect, or (3) failure to warn defects. Each are different, but ultimately serve the same goal of proving the device is defective.
Design defects refer to an actual design issue with the product. When a product or its prototype is defective, it will spawn additional defective products. Design defects refer to an actual flaw in the design element of the product, which deems it defective. Manufacturing defects apply to a defect in the manufacturing stage of the product. This can be an isolated or single incident or it can apply to multiple different products. Finally you have failure to warn defects. This applies to the non-obvious warnings for a product. If a manufacturer fails to warn of a use, which ultimately ends up causing injury they can be held liable for failure to warn.
Property Damage Claims
A number of cases have been property damage only claims. This applies to damage to homes, furniture or other furnishings in the property. Property damage claims will allow you to recover the full value of the damage resulting from the loss. For example if your home was set ablaze because of this product, you will be entitled to recover the value of the loss. This will include value for any loss of property, including the home itself. Each property damage claim must include the value of all lost articles resulting from the fire. It is important to have this property itemized to that you can recover the full value of your claim.
Burn Injury or Wrongful Death Claims
Unfortunately anytime you deal with fire claims, you must consider personal injury or wrongful death claims. While no actual reports have been reflected for wrongful death, it is likely that burn injuries and or wrongful death claims may exist. If your family is the victim of a either a burn injury or wrongful death claim, you will be entitled to recovery for your losses.
Wrongful death claims apply to those who have perished as a result of a fire caused by this defect. In such tragic cases it is important to follow the proper procedures in order to preserve your right to file or proceed with a claim. Burn injury claims are also considered a personal injury claim. If you were a victim of a burn injury, seek immediate medical attention. It is important that you identify the proper types of medical treatment needed for your injuries so that you can achieve maximum levels of improvement should you be injured.
How to File a Claim
Filing a claim requires a few different steps. First you will need to contact the manufacturer to report the claim. At this point the manufacturer will require you to give either a recorded statement or in-person statement. Generally this will depend on the degree of your injuries. In most cases the manufacturer will want you to give back the recalled item. NEVER EVER DO THIS. If you give back the item, you have essentially destroyed or significantly harmed your case. Also, never allow for a recorded statement to be taken. Recorded statements will be used against you should the matter be adjudicated. Should you consider filing a claim always speak with an attorney so that they may guide you through the process.
Recalled Products
Here is a list of the recalled products. According to reports the following products are considered recalled:
– Recalled brand names include, Dandy, Delonghi, Fedders, Fellini, Frigidaire, GE, Gree, Kenmore, Norpose, Premiere, Seabreeze, SoleusAire as well as SuperClima;
– Recalled product sizes include 20, 25, 30, 40, 45, 50, 65 and 70-pint dehumidifiers, with the above mentioned brand names.