When you think of jobs that might result in an animal bite while at work, you typically think about a postal service worker who faces an angry dog when delivering mail or packages or even an Amazon delivery person who encounters a dog and suffers a bite. However, there are many other jobs that could cause workers to suffer an animal bite while working. Not all injury incidents involve domestic animals or pets. Many workers encounter wild animals routinely while on the job, and some of those meetings result in severe harm.
Working in parks, on golf courses, or in new home construction puts workers in situations where many animals live and can become aggressive. Sadly, not all of these encounters and injury incidents are the result of a large animal attack. In many cases, the most severe harm to a worker comes from a smaller animal such as a rat, snake, raccoon, or other small rodent that was surprised by an unexpected visit by the human. These animals can hide or nest in attics, basements, garages, or natural landscapes around a house or other structure. But when disturbed and scared, they lash out and often bite the worker.
If you or a loved one recently suffered an animal bite while on the job, please know that the skilled team at Normandie Law Firm is just a phone call away to assist you in getting the medical care and help you need to overcome your injuries. Our office staff can be reached 24/7 to assist you in understanding how to use the California worker’s comp system, even if your employer is not providing the information and guidance you need. In addition, if the animal was a pet, our experts can assist you in understanding how to hold the proper person accountable for the harm and losses you suffered due to your workplace animal bite.
Finally, the office staff at Normandie Law Firm is eager to assist you in booking your free consultation with an animal bite while on the job lawyer to discuss your injury incident in more detail. Once you have shared all the facts, they will explain the benefits of worker’s comp and any other legal action you could take to secure compensation from the owner of the animal that bit you. With this helpful and valuable information, you will be ready to take action to get the benefits and possible compensation owed to you for the losses and expenses created by the animal bite you sustained. But please contact our staff quickly as there are time limits to open a claim with worker’s comp and to pursue a lawsuit.
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How Worker’s Compensation Assists Workplace Animal Bite Victims
Worker’s comp is a program that was created to help workers overcome the cost and challenges caused by a workplace injury, such as an animal bite. The program is free to employees as all employers in the state are legally required to participate and pay the entire cost of this vital insurance coverage for employees. When you get hurt while at work, you have the option to open a workers comp claim to receive the benefits provided by the program. It is critical to understand that even though employers pay for the service, they are not involved in processing claims, nor do they have any input in denying a claim. They are also forbidden from preventing an employee from using the program and cannot punish them for opening a legitimate workplace injury claim.
When you seek medical treatment for a workplace animal bite injury, most medical care providers will bill their services directly to workers’ compensation once they are informed that the injury occurred while you were on the clock. This helps victims by eliminating co-pays and deductibles that can cause added monetary hardships and stress. The program will then pay the care providers directly, and you will not face excessive medical expenses for an animal bite that you suffered while at work.
What Are The Standard Benefits Of California Worker’s Comp?
Suffering any injury at work can be upsetting and create many challenges. The most difficult factor for most workers is that they will not earn a paycheck if the injuries are severe, and they must recover before returning to their regular jobs. Fortunately, the worker’s comp program has considered many challenges when developing the benefits offered to workers who are hurt on the clock. They include:
- Up to $1M in medical care coverage per workplace injury incident- this benefit includes payment of medical bills from doctors and hospitals as well as the cost of essential medical devices, prescription medication, and rehabilitation of the workplace injuries
- Up to 66% of your regular weekly income if you are unable to work while you recover from your injuries
- If the injuries result in permanent or partial disability or limitations, the program offers long-term compensation to offset your limited earning capability
- In the event of injuries that will prevent you from ever returning to your current job, the program will provide free vocational training to prepare you to secure a new career path after healing from your animal bite injuries
If you are unsure how to begin a worker’s compensation claim or your employer is trying to prevent you from opening one, please contact Normandie Law Firm today for assistance from our workers’ compensation experts.
When Can I File A Lawsuit For Added Compensation For My Workplace Animal Bite Injuries?
It is critical to know that, in most cases, an injured worker is not permitted to file a lawsuit against their employer. They are only allowed to use their worker’s comp benefits to help them pay the expenses caused by the incident. The only exception to this rule is when gross negligence is involved in the injury incident. Gross negligence occurs when the employer displays a clear lack of concern for worker safety.
For example, if an employer was informed of the safety issues created by animals on a certain job site but refused to correct the issue or ignored workers’ concerns regarding the potential for animal bites, then a worker who got bit by an animal could have grounds for a lawsuit due to the employer’s gross negligence.
In addition, if the animal that bit you was a pet, for example, a rodent or snake that was being kept as a pet at a home or property where you were working, you could have grounds to sue the owner of the animal for failing to have control of it and prevent the incident from happening. Please reach out to Normandie Law Firm today if you feel you have a right to file a lawsuit to secure additional compensation for your workplace animal bite injuries above the benefits provided by worker’s compensation.
What Is The Average Compensation Amount For An Animal Bite Lawsuit
In cases where you have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit due to your animal bite injuries, you will work with the workplace animal bite injury lawyers at Normandie Law Firm to compile all the documentation to verify your losses and expenses caused by this incident. These items will be used to calculate the actual cost you incurred because of the animal bite incident. Typically, the allowable expenses will include but might not be strictly limited to:
- All current and future medical costs related to the treatment and rehabilitation of animal bite injuries
- The cost to replace any personal property that was damaged or destroyed in the animal bite incident
- The cost of all legal services to prepare, file, and litigate your animal bite injury lawsuit
- Your lost income if the injuries suffered in the animal bite incident prevented you from working at your regular job until you were fully healed
All injured workers must understand that in cases that allow for an additional lawsuit, they can only seek compensation for expenses and losses not covered by the benefits provided by worker’s comp coverage.
How Long Do I Have To Take Legal Action Or Open A Claim?
Workers who get hurt on the clock need to understand that they have only 30 days from the date of the injury to open a worker’s comp cause. If they wait longer than try to open a claim, the case will be denied, and they will get no benefits from the program. If you have grounds for a lawsuit, you have two years from the date of the injuries to file your claim with the court. Again, if you wait until the time limit has expired to file your claim, the court will immediately deny it, and you will receive no compensation for the losses and expenses you incurred.
No Upfront Legal Fees Or Expenses At Normandie Law Firm
When you hire Normandie Law Firm to handle your workplace animal bite injuries, there is never any added stress or hardship created by upfront legal fees or expenses. Our firm only gets paid after the case is resolved, and you have the compensation needed to cover your legal costs and other expenses. This simple policy ensures that all workplace injury victims get the help and legal services they need to secure compensation that is owed to them.
Finally, if your workplace animal bite lawyer fails to win your claim and get you the compensation you deserve, you owe the firm nothing for its time and financial investment in preparing the case. Please reach out to Normandie Law Firm office staff today to ensure you understand the options available to you and the time limit to use each of these valuable resources to overcome the issues created when you suffered an animal bite while on the clock.
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