Past generations considered travel by airplane as a significant luxury that the average person could not afford. However, with the many advances in technology and aeronautics, taking a trip on an airplane is not that exotic an event for the average person. Many children take their first flight even before they begin going to school. In the United States, there are an average of 45,000 flights that carry almost 3 million passengers to their destinations.
As you book a flight for work or a pleasure trip, you are sure to feel very confident in the safety of this mode of travel. The airline industry is proud to tout that there is an average of zero injuries per 100 million travelers choosing to fly to their destination. However, these stats are typically related to a plane crash or other significant incident. They are not reporting all passengers who suffer harm because of an issue with aircraft steps handrail injury incidents. These are much more common and, sadly, could be very easily eliminated if the crews working on and servicing the planes were more attentive.
If you or a loved one recently suffered an injury because of a damaged or defective handrail at the steps of an airplane, please know that you do not have to face the hardships of these injuries on your own. The expert legal team at Normandie Law Firm is here to help. You can reach our office staff 24/7 to get the answers and general information you need at any hour of the day or night to provide some peace of mind. In addition, these experts will assist you in booking a free consultation with an aircraft steps handrail injury attorney to fully explore your case. After gathering all the critical information, they will explain the legal merit of your claim and if you have grounds for an aircraft steps handrail injury lawsuit.
With this valuable information, you will be prepared to begin making choices about your future and how you will seek compensation to cover your losses and expenses. The guidance offered by Normandie Law Firm will help you feel well-prepared and confident in your choices and the ability of your legal team to secure the compensation owed to you. But please reach out to our staff at your earliest opportunity, as there is a time limit for you to take legal action. If you wait too long to initiate this action, you might discover that you have waited too long and will no longer be permitted to file a lawsuit to secure the compensation that was owed to you.
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How Can You Possibly Get Hurt By A Safety Handrail?
When you are boarding a small plane that requires the use of built-in steps, there is always a safety handrail there to provide added stability and security. You might feel it unnecessary to grasp the handrail. However, if you suddenly stumble or lose your balance, you know the handrail will help you regain your balance. But sadly, when the crew maintaining the plane fails to report that the handrail is loose, damaged, or defective, you have little to grasp onto to prevent a severe fall and likely many injuries.
The average plane will have roughly a dozen steps leading to the entrance. In addition, there are going to be other people and items, such as carry-on bags, behind you as you begin to fall. Not only are you at risk of severe harm, but it is not unheard of for these incidents to cause harm to multiple people who were preparing to board the plane. These sudden falls and the obstacles that you impact can result in a variety of severe injuries that include:
- Damage to the neck, back, and spinal cord
- Severe lacerations and puncture wounds that could include damage to internal organs and internal bleeding
- Broken or shattered bones or compound fractures
- Joint dislocations or damage to the soft connective tissue of the joints
- Partial or complete amputations
- Facial injuries to the delicate skin on the face or the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth
- Head injuries that range in severity from a severe concussion or skull fracture to a more life-altering brain bleed or other traumatic brain injuries
It is also critical to understand that even if you are not the one who initially fell because of a damaged handrail at the plane steps, you could suffer any of these serious injuries as other people who are boarding the plane suddenly are pushed backward down the steps by the original fall victim.
Who Is To Blame For Your Aircraft Steps Handrail Injury Incident?
When you fall boarding an aircraft, you might immediately think that you can sue the owner of the plane for the harm you sustained. Sometimes, the owner is liable for your losses and expenses if the aircraft was not properly maintained and serviced. Much like the owner of a house or a store, the owner of an airplane has an obligation to ensure the space is hazard-free and safe from defects that could cause harm to a passenger. In most cases, the owner does not inspect the plane themselves. Instead, they hire a crew to provide routine care and service for the aircraft and all its components. But even if the employee is the one who did not repair a damaged handrail, it is ultimately the plane’s owner who is held accountable for the failure to meet their duty of care obligation.
But you should also know that if the care of the aircraft was outsourced to another business, and they failed to repair the damaged handrail, then they could be held accountable for your harm. It is also possible that the handrail was defective, and then the manufacturer would be responsible for any harm caused by the defective part they sold. This is only a short list of who could be held accountable when you suffer an injury due to a defective handrail on an aircraft. To learn more about whom to sue for your aircraft steps handrail injuries, please reach out to Normandie Law Firm to discuss the case with an expert aircraft injury attorney.
How Much Is An Aircraft Injury Lawsuit Worth?
The compensation you seek via a lawsuit for the harm and expenses you incurred due to a damaged handrail will be based on your actual losses and costs. There are no predetermined amounts awarded for certain injuries or incidents. Working closely with your Normandie Law Firm legal staff, you will compile all documentation to justify your allowable expenses used in this process. The items typically included in the tabulation include but are not always limited to:
- All current and projected future medical expenses related to the treatment and rehabilitation of any injuries sustained in the aircraft steps handrail injury incident
- The replacement cost of any personal property that was damaged in the incident
- Your legal fees related to the preparation, filing, and litigation of your aircraft injury lawsuit
- Your lost income if the harm you suffered in the steps handrail injury incident on the aircraft prevented you from working at your regular job until you were fully healed
In cases that involve severe harm and a lengthy recovery time, you are also permitted to seek additional compensation for your pain and suffering. Because invoices or other documents do not define this amount, your Normandie Law Firm legal pros will offer guidance in selecting a fair and reasonable amount. They will often refer to recently resolved cases with similar injuries and recovery processes to ensure the compensation you seek for pain and suffering is as robust and complete as possible.
How Long Do I Have To File A Lawsuit?
The time limit to file a lawsuit is called the Statute of Limitations. All lawsuits have a time limit. However, the length of time will vary based on the legal matter in the case. Personal injury victims are afforded two years from the date of their injury incident to file their case with the court. If the case is not filed when the time limit expires, the victim loses the right to ever seek compensation for the losses and expenses created due to that injury incident. It is also vital to understand that the strictly enforced time limit offers very few exceptions that would provide added time to file a lawsuit once the time limit has passed. So, please get in touch with Normandie Law Firm today to discuss your claim and the time remaining to prepare and file a lawsuit if that is the action you select.
How Can I Afford To Hire Normandie Law Firm To Handle My Aircraft Handrail Injury Lawsuit?
When you hire Normandie Law Firm to handle any lawsuit, you never need to worry about how to cover upfront legal fees and expenses. Our team understands that you are likely facing many financial challenges, and paying legal costs could be out of the question. To eliminate this challenge for personal injury victims, our firm created a simple payment plan that never demands prepayments. Instead, the firm only gets paid after the case is resolved, and you have the compensation that includes funds to cover your legal costs and other expenses. This policy ensures that Normandie Law Firm genuinely does offer justice for all, not just the victims who can afford to cover upfront legal fees,
Finally, if your Normandie Law Firm aircraft steps handrail injury attorney fails to win your case and deliver that much-needed compensation you deserve, you owe the firm nothing for its time and investment in preparing the case. Please do not hesitate to contact the Normandie Law Firm office staff today to learn more and book your free consultation with a skilled aircraft injury attorney.
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