With the abundance of clear and sunny days in California, many people love riding their bikes as much as possible. Bike riding can also help people avoid traffic jams and zip to their destination with minimal interruptions. Thus, it’s not unusual to see people in the city of Stockton commute to work, go to the supermarket, or anywhere else on a bicycle.
Unfortunately, bike accidents are very common, which is not surprising as it’s quite easy to fall off a bike. The resulting injuries can be life-threatening, especially if the rider is struck by a car or another motor vehicle.
Were you involved in a bicycle accident in Stockton, California? Were you hurt a careless driver, defects with the bike, or some other issue where someone is at fault? If so, the Stockton bicycle accident lawyers of Normandie would like to speak with you. We provide free consultation, where you can learn about your rights and legal options. Please contact us today and find out if you are eligible for a personal injury claim.
Our Recent Verdicts and Settlements
$2.5 Million
$1.1 Million
$1.5 Million
Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents
There are plenty of bicycle accidents where the person operating the bike is careless, trying to perform a stunt, or doing something else that is likely to cause injury. But other cyclists are injured by the negligence of others, like drivers who are guilty of the following actions:
Failing to yield
Distracted driving
Running stop signs or traffic lights
Driving under the influence
Failing to make repairs to the vehicle
Please note that other parties may be responsible for the accident, like a government entity that failed to resolve hazardous conditions on the road or sidewalk. Accidents can also happen when there is a defect that causes you to fall off or lose control of the bicycle. With electrical bicycles, faulty lithium ion batteries have been known to overheat, putting the user at risk of a serious burn injury.
Injuries Resulting from Bike Accidents
Residents, workers, and visitors in the city of Stockton can end up with numerous injuries from a bicycle accident. Your head and neck are the most vulnerable areas, but the forceful impact of hitting the ground, someone’s car, a wall, etc., can cause significant trauma to any part of your body. Here are just some of the injuries that are commonly associated with bike accidents:
Traumatic brain injury
Spinal cord damage
Broken bones
Deep cuts and abrasions
Infection from germs entering open wounds
Shattered kneecap
Fractured ankle or wrist
Joint dislocation, especially in the shoulder
Broken hip or pelvis
Internal organ damage (ruptured spleen, for example)
Complex regional pain syndrome
Paralysis caused by nerve damage
Compensation for Accident Victims
The money that’s paid to victims from an accident claim involves numerous categories of compensation, which are known as “damages.” Damages that may be available to you from a bicycle accident lawsuit are as follows:
Cost of current and future medical services
Value of damaged property
Lost wages from time off at your job
Pain and suffering
Emotional distress
Lawyer’s fees
Punitive damages
Due to the injuries and severity of complications, it’s possible that the victim will lose their life. Loved ones, like immediate family members and spouses may be eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit. This is a specialized and highly complex legal action, which you should discuss with an experienced attorney.
Make Sure to File Your Lawsuit on Time!
It’s critical to understand that you have a limited amount of time to file a personal injury lawsuit. This span of time is known as the statute of limitations. In California, the SOL to sue for injuries resulting from an accident caused by someone else is 2 years. There may be some flexibility in the deadline, but the courts have very high standards for allowing a claim to go forward once you are past the 2-year window. With that in mind, give us a call at your earliest opportunity to learn how you can obtain compensation from an injury claim.
Government Claims have Separate Deadlines
Were you injured in an accident involving a police car, city construction crew, firetruck, or some other government entity? If so, you will need to file a government claim within 6 months of when the injury occurred. That’s right – the statute of limitations to sue a public entity is 6 months, so it’s crucial to get the ball rolling on a claim right away. Please contact us immediately if you need help with a bike accident injury claim against the government.
Contact a Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Stockton
Unexpected injuries can devastate your health and finances for many years to come. We understand how overwhelmed you are right now, but rest assured that we are here to handle every aspect of the legal process on your behalf. All you have to do is reach out and schedule a free case evaluation with one of our attorneys.
Through decades of representing bicycle accident victims, we have always operated by the Zero Fee Guarantee. Clients pay nothing upfront, and instead, we get paid by winning your case and obtaining all legal fees from the negligent party. This is our only form of payment, so you pay us $0 if you don’t get paid from a bicycle accident injury claim.
The legal team of Normandie Law Firm is waiting to speak with you, so contact our office as soon as possible.