The process of settling a commercial truck accident claim with Hartford Insurance can range from just a few months to 3 or more years. We would say that the majority of cases take between 6 and 18 months, though it’s not unusual for catastrophic injury victims to wait 2 or more years before the settlement check is issued.
Why it takes so long to reach a truck accident settlement is a difficult question to answer, and the truth is, case resolution timelines can vary wildly from one case to another. However, it’s helpful to learn about the factors that impact the length of time to settle a claim, which we will cover throughout this article.
Variables that Influence a Truck Accident Case Timeline
Though each case is unique with its own set of circumstances, there are common factors that must be examined if you are wondering about the amount of time it takes to settle a Hartford Insurance accident claim.
Available Evidence and Documentation
You will need to supply extension documentation and evidence in order to forward with a claim, and this includes medical reports, footage from the accident scene, police reports, and witness statements. To ascertain the evidence that’s available and go through the proper channels to obtain them can take months, along with other aspects of the investigation phase.
Securing the necessary evidence and building a solid case can be very difficult to achieve without a seasoned attorney. We recommend that you contact a law firm specializing in truck accident claims right away.
Our Recent Verdicts and Settlements
$1.5 Million
$1.5 Million
$2 Million
$1.5 Million
Our Recent Verdicts and Settlements
$1.5 Million
$1.5 Million
$2 Million
$1.5 Million
The Severity of Injuries
If you sustained catastrophic injuries, the timeline for a settlement will be longer by default. This is largely based on how long it takes to understand the extent of your injuries and the complications you are left with as a result. For example, if you end up with a disability, you will need lifetime medical expenses and future lost wages, which we cannot adequately calculate until you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI). Reaching MMI and having a full picture of the damages you are entitled to can sometimes take 1 or more years.
Negotiating with the Insurance Company
Insurance companies will act like they are on your side and looking out for the interests of the victim. But once the claim is filed, their sole motivation is to minimize their liability and pay you as little as possible. An experienced truck accident lawyer is crucial to obtaining a fair amount of compensation, but it’s important to understand that negotiations can take 6 months or longer, depending on the company’s resistance.
Progressing to a Lawsuit
You may find that Hartford is not willing to come a fair and balanced agreement on the amount you are owed. This is when a lawsuit may need to happen, which your attorney can take care of on your behalf. Most of these cases do reach a settlement, but getting there can add another 6 months to a year to the case timeline. If your case needs to be tried in court, which is extremely rare, receiving compensation through a jury verdict can take over 3 years.
What are the Factors That Impact How Long It Takes to Settle a Truck Accident Case?
The factors that play a role in the settlement process vary somewhat from one case to the next. But there are common variables that apply to auto accident claims in general, such as:
Insurance policy coverage limits
Strength and availability of evidence
If more than one part is liable for the accident
If all the involved parties are willing to negotiate in good faith
If the case needs to be tried in court
Are there Ways to Settle My Case Faster?
Though many issues pertaining to the legal system are beyond one’s control, having a skilled lawyer by your side can help you avoid lengthy delays and move things much more efficiently. At our law firm, we have a team of lawyers with decades of experience in commercial truck injury claims. They can handle every aspect of your case and fight to bring you maximum payment for the harm you suffered.
Make Sure to File Your Claim on Time
The aftermath of a truck accident is painful, chaotic, and overwhelming for the average victim. Thus, it’s easy to lose track of the passing days and weeks when it comes to an insurance claim. However, this can have dangerous consequences on your right to compensation, as the deadline in California to file a personal injury lawsuit is 2 years. So, it’s essential that you file a claim and attempt to negotiate a settlement with Hartford Insurance as soon as possible. That way, you do not run out of time for a lawsuit, and thus, lose any right to seek medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and other essential damages.
Contact a California Truck Accident Lawyer
Our law firm is here if you need advice and guidance on a truck accident injury claim with Hartford Insurance. We have decades of experience in commercial vehicle injury claims, so you can depend on us to fight aggressively on your behalf.
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