It can take anywhere from 6 to 18 months to reach a settlement with Corves Specialty Insurance if you were injured from an accident with a commercial truck. However, this is only an estimate that may or may not apply to your own situation.
The length of time it takes to settle a truck accident insurance claim is based on many factors, like the extend of your injuries, the value of damaged property, and the legal violations that caused or contributed to the accident. If your injuries are relatively minor, it’s possible for a Corves Specialty Insurance accident claim to settle in under 6 months. But most of the victims in commercial truck accidents end up with permanent or severe injuries, and these cases normally take between 1 and 3 years before payment is issued to the victim or their family members
Our Recent Verdicts and Settlements
$1.5 Million
$1.5 Million
$2 Million
$1.5 Million
Why Does It Take So Long to Settle a Truck Accident Case?
We understand how settlement timelines can be frustrating for you and your loved ones, but unfortunately, there is no way to avoid the legal issues that come with a commercial truck accident.
This article will cover some of the variables that prolong the settlement process. The goal is to help you get a sense of how truck accident insurance claims are handled, and why these steps are necessary to obtaining a fair compensation amount.
Though it’s crucial to have patience and not jump on a settlement, we know that it’s difficult to hold back when you have mounting medical bills and other financial losses. However, recovering from an accident requires the right amount of compensation, which the insurance company will not offer unless you fight back with help from a truck accident lawsuit attorney.
Please know that our legal team is here for you every step of the way. If you were injured by a truck that’s insured with Corvex Specialty Insurance, don’t hesitate to call us, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Does My Case Value Affect How Long It Takes to Settle the Claim?
Yes, cases with higher values – above $500,000 – normally take longer to resolve due to a variety of factors that are beyond our control. These cases will certainly take longer to investigate, and you can expect the insurance company to scrutinize every aspect of the accident and attempt to reduce their liability as much as possible. For those with permanent, catastrophic injuries (or cases of negligent death), the process of reaching a settlement can take between 1 and 3 years.
What is the Deadline to File a Truck Accident Claim in California?
The laws in California generally require you to file a personal injury lawsuit within 2 years from the incident date. Before you can file a lawsuit, your lawyer must investigate the accident, prepare the demand package, and attempt to privately resolve the matter through back and forth negotiations. Thus, if you don’t file an insurance claim right away, you may run up running out of time for a lawsuit. To ensure that you do not lose the right to seek payment from the responsible party, contact our law firm immediately.
Negotiating Your Settlement with Corvex Specialty Insurance
Negotiations for the amount of compensation that is owed to the victim can start very soon after the accident, so it’s important to have a lawyer guide you through this process. A truck accident attorney can put together a compelling case to show who is responsible, the injuries and property loss you have suffered as a result, and the damages you are entitled to. If the insurance provider is willing to engage and negotiate in good faith, your claim may be settled in 6 months or less.
Unfortunately, resistance from the insurance company is very common, and as a result, many victims are forced to file a lawsuit. At that point, it can take another 6 to 18 months to obtain your payment, and even longer if a trial is involved.
Will It Help Speeds Things Up if I Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer?
Hiring an experienced attorney is one of the easiest and most effective ways to speed up the settlement process if you were injured in a truck accident. A skilled lawyer from a well-established firm understands how these cases are investigated and the evidence that’s needed to build a strong case. That way, you have the leverage to demand an appropriate compensation amount and ensure that your case is resolved in a timely manner.
What can Slow Down the Settlement Process?
There are elements that can reduce efficiency and cause delay when it comes to settling an accident claim with Corvex Specialty Insurance. Examples of factors that can slow things down are as follows:
- Policy limits for coverage amounts
- Severe injuries or fatality
- If multiple parties share liability
- Pre-existing health conditions
- If you share any blame for the accident (comparative negligence)
- If a trial is needed
How Long Will It Take to Get my Settlement Check?
So, you and the defendant have finally agreed on the amount that is owed to you, and now it’s a matter of waiting for the check to arrive. On average, it can take between 2 and 6 weeks for the check to be released by the insurance company. Much of the waiting time has to do with releases and other documents that must be reviewed and signed by all the involved parties. After the paperwork has been processed, the settlement check should be released promptly.
Contact a Truck Accident Lawsuit Attorney
There is no short and easy road to settling a truck accident claim, but working with a lawyer can expedite the process and help you secure the highest possible amount. That’s why legal representation is crucial to anyone who was injured in a trucking accident.
We operate on contingency and only get paid by winning your case. That means you pay $0 upfront, and you pay $0 in the event we fail to bring you compensation from a Corvex Specialty Insurance truck accident claim.
For more information on settling an accident case involving a commercial truck, contact Normandie Law Firm and schedule a free case review.
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