Epidural Injection Lawsuit – Medical Malpractice Attorney

Every year hundreds of thousands of epidural steroid injections (ESI’s) are performed on individuals who experience severe pain in the neck, back, lumbar region and legs. The vast majority of these injections result in a decrease in pain for the patients. Unfortunately however some doctors that perform such procedures negligently fail to abide by their standard of care resulting a worsening of the pain experienced patient or worse yet nerve damage resulting in a lifetime of pain suffering and discomfort. Patients who have suffered serious medical harm caused by the wrongful or negligent application of an epidural injection may have the right to seek compensation for their injuries via the filing of a medical malpractice lawsuit.
Common Injuries Resulting From Trigger Point Injections or Epidural Injections
A brief list of the most common injuries resulting from the wrongful administration of epidural, steroid or trigger point injection is provide here.
- General damage to the nerves
- Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
- Epidural Abscess
- Increased level of pain around the injection area
- Partial paralysis
- Nerve Damage
- Neuropathy
- Complete paralysis of the legs or arms
- Severe infections
- Decrease in bone density
- Respiratory arrest
- Infarction of the spinal cord
- Post dural puncture headache (spinal headache)
What is Medical Malpractice – Proving Medical Negligence in the Court of Law
Medical malpractice take place when an injury is caused by the failure of a medical practitioner to follow a prescribed path of treatment for the ailment displayed by the patient. For example, during an epidural injection the standard of care for a practicing medical doctor (pain management doctor, anesthesiologist) is to penetrate no more than 1.75 inches into the tissue, the doctor performing the procedure deviated from the standard of care and penetrated more than 2.00 inches resulting in the needle striking and damaging a nerve. There are several steps which need to be proven in order to prove a case for medical negligence (medical malpractice).
1. Was there a duty owed to the injured party to care for that individual in a prudent manner.
2. Was there a breach of the standard of care established by the medical community.
3. Was the breach of the duty the foreseeable and approximate cause of the harm which took place.
4. Was there actual damages or injuries suffered – a physical manifestation of harm
Recovery to Your Injuries – Compensation Available for Medical Mistake Victims
One of the most often asked and important questions asked by our clients revolves around the amount of compensation an individual can receive resulting from a settlement and or verdicts of their case. Each case is different, comprising of a unique set of factors which can play a significant role in formulating an estimate as to the value of a case; these include;
1. The severity and extent of the injuries suffered from the act of medical malpractice.
2. Medical and rehabilitation expenses required to treat the injuries suffered.
3. Economic damage sustained – this includes loss of work and loss of future income capacity.
4. Non-Economic Damages – this included emotional trauma, pain and suffering, and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress) due to the harm suffered.
5. Punitive Damages – designed to punish a defendant who has acted with intent to cause harm or willful disregard for the life and health of a patient.
Attorney Consultation Available: If you or a loved one have suffered from severe medical complications due an epidural injection and have questions regarding your legal rights feel free to contact our law offices. FREE CONSULTATION: All legal confidential legal consultations are provided free of charge.
I may need consultation for a spinal headache.
Epidural in back resulting in air on Brain caused severe headache . Did epidural even when blood pressure was very high . Nurse gave me a valium to I guess to calm nerve and lower blood pressure , after epidural blood pressure was higher doctor told me headache will disappear after awhile but by 1200 midnight I manage to drive myself to ambulance sub station which blood pressure was much higher ambulance transported me to pocono hospitality ,thought I was about to have a stoke because of severe head ache,there I was told I was told I had air on the Brain , they never seen anything like this, then ow as s transported to Leigh medical center in cedar crest . There it was confirmed they was air on the Brain .still had blurred vision and very clumsy I spent from Thursday to Saturday after noon. I still suffer from little blurred vision and headaches .mean will have numbness in hands . I lost my medical insurance and now can’t get medical because I make to much on my social security .I only get 1703 a month I don’t know what to do. I had 3 neck surgeries and one back surgery . I still have numbness in both hand. There to boot my wife of 23 yrs ask for divorce a month early . Which really affected my tremendously.Please if you can help me.I sure do need help.
Do you practice in Georgia too??? If not can you referral an attorney to me.
I had this injection 3 times 1994, 1995 & 1997. I get tingling in my arms and have the pain run from my back down into my legs; however when I look down I get a tingling that runs down my spine. . Headaches are frequent nowadays. The doctors never told me of the side affects of this injections. They only told me it would help through the birth/c-sections during my pregnancies.
I would like to put in a claim for my daughter who got an epidural September 2,2015 And Ever Since Then she has been experiencing varies of pain in her lower back and causes her to stand and walk difficulty
My wife had a botched epidural would like to be free of pain . Can not gat a doctor to help with this no one want to help we have insurance but it see. They are its turning there backs on her
I had my son . 11\24\2012. Had epidural for safety of baby. He was month early. He is almost four. I don’t have medical. Insurance. Need to get a MRI. And to see if they actually
Made a .mistake or not.
I had a c-section 4-22-16 and which an epidural was placed it didnt go right the first time so I had to be re stuck again. Once I came home I tried to cook dinner and immediately a very sharp dull aching pain was in my back where they place the epidural I literally had to stop and lay down. Ever since then I’ve suffered severe headches sometimes twice a day to the point where they make me nauseous. I also suffer pain in my right leg down to my feet with numbness also.
In the hospital now had an doidural and they kept hitting s nerve and have infection now in my spine too
I revived 3 lumbar epidural spineal block shots in 2015 and before the shots I could work and I only had pain in my lower back and legs with numbness in my right leg but since the shot I have server pain in my right leg and arm as well as my back I can’t do nothing I use to do and I have a 1year old daughter and I can’t play with her or hold her like I should because I am always in pain now
I received m epidural Feb. 25 2016 and the nurse who came in to assist my nurses remove the epidural, left the cathiter in my back. I had to have surgery the next day which was very stressful. I hadn’t ate already due to the fact I had just had a baby, and still had to wait another day to eat because they had to do surgery. Which took forever because the Doctor was not there yet. I had to wait hours before I could even get any information. Then after surgery it was almost like I was being rushed out of the hospital because all I had was something like “AN OUT-PATIENT SURGERY”.Which the nurse who discharged me told me while escorting me out of the back of the hospital at 9 pm 3 days prior to giving birth and having surgery ON MY BACK! MY MOTHER AND I WERE VERY UPSET. The challenge of taking care of a NEWBORN BABY, WITH A BACK INJURY THAT COULD HAVE TOTALY BEEN AVOIDED was very difficult. And I have a 2 year old as well. Successful delivery it was fast and easy but all of my pain and suffering came from one persons mistake. Now 6 months later I have severe pain in my back. It is very uncomfortable to do anything for long periods of time. Simple things like bending to pick up toys or pick up the baby or my daughter has become very difficult. I beat myself up daily for not roughing it out. I have a story to tell and I need someone to listen.
Hi.. my name is Keira Garcia . September 2nd I had my baby here in Racine Wisconsin. I asked for an epidural.. I remember in waukegan Illinois with my first son it was like 5 doctors to help with the epidural & put inject it inside me..this time it was only one man.. I had a strange feeling about it..when he insert it I was fine .. and then all of a sudden I heard a pop in my brain.. I felt like alot of fluid rushed down all over my brain !!!! Making it hurt and making me feel dizzy.. I told him right away he said there was 1 of 100 chances for a headache to not worry.. so I tried to ignore the pain.. I didn’t get numb all the way like I did in waukegan I could still feel my legs.. only my back felt really cold..later my body started feeling really hot .. I had this pain in the back of my head that started to hurt way more.. I even made the nurse pull the curtains so the sun didn’t hit me..it made my headache worse. The man that did my epidural looked kind of nervous..but he tried to keep me calm saying things will be alright.. and so did the nurse. He said if it continued to hurt he could do a blood dispatch and explained it to me.. later he gives me some medicine in my ivy I think .. I started feeling a bit better and then they gave me the oxygen mask which made my headache go away.. I told him it no longer hurt. I was happy because it was the worst migraine I ever experienced. He seemed pretty happy about the news and so did the nurse shes like oh good ! Thats so good its not what he thought it was.. anyways.. after I got discharged from the hospital when I got home my first night was fine .. until the next day I started to get migraines through out the day.. and the next & the next .. I told my mother in law about it. She said call the hospital and tell them or go into the e.r but I told her id give it one more day to go away..and as I’m writing this my hesd is hurting so bad .. I hope there is nothing wrong with me.. I read online about the dispatch and everything.. it just scares me so bad that they might mess up on that too and make it worse for me or mess me up ! I m going to call first thing in the morning and tell them about it.. I found this online and need advice please..contact me. If they did mess up on me id like to know if I could do something about it.. thank you .
I have suffered an epidural injury and have been in extreme amounts of pain for two weeks after giving birth. This has been an inconvenience for my family and myself taking care of a newborn with spinal headaches and spinal fluid leaking. I’ve been seen by two different doctors in two different hospitals who both misdiagnosed me, once with sinus infection, another with high blood pressure. It was finally when I was able to see my obgyn who told me I could possibly need a spinal blood patch done. He referred me to an anesthesiologist at the same hospital where I delivered my daughter. The woman anesthesiologist told me she did not think I needed that done and that I did not have the side effects pointing to it.
Also, my side effects were ;
My headaches got worse when I would lie down. They say it should get better when lying down. I had nose bleeds, blurry vision, shortness of breath, sleepless nights from being awakened by these migraines, etc.
During labor in 02-2016 I let my ob know that the epidural was only numbing my upper half and not lower. She did nothing except state that it happened sometimes. Since I’ve lost sensation in my legs which causes problems for walking and has caused other problems with my back and hips. I haven’t been able to work and am still receiving medical treatment. I see a specialist. Neurologiat, physical therapist and have done 4 mri. I have an emg this week… what should I do? I can’t afford to not work.
Please leave a message due to my level of pain etc I my be asleep..
I am looking for an attorney because back in 2012 I received a lot of steroid injections by
Dr Ajay Agarwal in spring surgical center in woodlands tx..
I still have the same pain plus more, plus problems with my oxygen, severe weight gain and i Ladin have blurred vision with diabetes and rapid heart rate! All of these issues came after the multiple injections I received in a years time.
I would bet the statue of limatations may have run out, BUT, I. Was spiked 3 times by a Dr during my first epidural injection without a floroscopy in 1998. My life has never been the same, Haven’t worked on SSD since 2000, I suffer from PTDS, chronic health issues, nervous and depression, and constant back pain. Was diagnosed with a spinal lesion and arachnoiditis by another neurologist after failed epidural. Many hardship stories, one is I was never told arachnoiditis and spinal lesion was caused by epidural , which caused my leg 3 times to lift off table with electric shocks. Due to pain through out spine after 1st epidural, I had spent 2 weeks in hospital and was one day of being taken to differnt hospital by different neurologist to have rare nerve patch attempted.
My story is hearbreaking, I am only able to sleep 2 hours a night before I have to get out of bed, and pain. Along get steriod about every 6-8 weeks to help with inflamation and on 24\7 narcotics. This Dr is still in practice. I’m at my wits end, can you help?
I’ve suffered from several of these symptoms an still do took this shot for years bad pain in back legs , headaches,neckpains I was told by s friend it was my deposit shoot so I decided not to take it anymore but still suffer today with these symptoms years later
I had a c section in sept 2012 when I was getting the epidural they stuck me many times. I had a huge bruise on my back and going into 2016 I have major pain, burning, stinging in my back. I have muscle weaknesses in lower back, I have paralysis of my left arm. Slowly feeling it happening to my other arm. I have circulation issues. I have left facial distortation. I have issues with breathing when my head is a certain way. I have skin and muscle tenderness. I can barely move my hips without pain. I also have skull pain. My physical therapist stated to me I have dura damage. When I go to the bathroom I get a crazy feeling up my whole left side to my head. No pill takes away this pain in my back.
I had a steroid injection in my SI joint and in my right buttocks, three days later i was rushed to the hospital and then again about a week later. Now I have numbness in my right leg just on the inside of my leg that never goes away. I called the doctor who did the shot and he stated i should consider getting an EMG nerve study done. Your thoughts?
My daughter just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy but ever since the labor and being released from the hospital. She is experiencing severe pain in her back where the shot was given plus severe headaches. What should she do?
I suffered a postdural puncher from my doctor were i had to recieve a bloodpatch and i missed 4 days of work and had an er visit i will be recieving a bill for its only been a week,but still have head aches some times
After 3 months of delivering Im still noticing the weakness in both legs, tingling, and numbing. Aslo in my left leg its hard for me to get down then back up without my knee popping idk if it’s the epidural or lack of moving around but something is odd about my lower part of my body.
I have really bad back pain from the epidural and pain in my lower butt nerve damage my back pain gets so bad to were I can’t walk…
My wife had an epidural / spinal for her right knee replacement surgery. Immediately following surgery, she could not move her right foot. Originally doctors thought it was peroneal nerve injury but when it didn’t clear up, subsequent tests revealed she has several damaged nerves areas, atrophy both above and below the right knee, and developed a syrinx of the conus (also right side). Neurosurgeons feel her injuries are permanent and caused the syrinx from a bad epidural. She cannot walk without a brace and cane, or a walker without the brace. She can no longer drive. Surgery was 16 months ago in New Jersey.
in 2002 to while having my son the doctors ask me while I was in labor to let them give me something to help with the pain which was the epidural in my back after doing so something went wrong I was still feeling labor pains it didn’t even work my mother at the time and still is a nurse stated something was wrong blood was all over the walls. and 15 teen years later I can barely move my lower back hurts so bad that I have to have help getting up also numbness in my legs and feet and they told my mother she couldn’t do anything because I signed the paper that if anything went wrong that I couldn’t sue this isn’t right I have been dealing with this for year
I need to speak with an attorney about vision loss due to epidural steroid injections. I now have central serous retinopathy which started after the injections. I am slowing losing my vision and three is not treatment. My dr is trying a trial of a drug to help but not sure if it will long term. Please call me.
I had two injection the first one was fine but second one was so bad I could not go back for third it for lower pack pain now I’m up all night the pain on 10 most of night before my pain would go away and not this bad I can take it much longer was going to ER but my friend that’s a RN nude said they won’t be able to do anything but give me pain medication I’m only 51 if I was told something like this could happen I would have not did the injesction they did not go over any thing just had me sign paper work . I’m not working now so not sure what to do was told by friend to call you !
I had my baby on Nov.12,2016. I left the hospital on Monday,Nov.14 after 8:00 pm. The next day Tuesday Nov.15,2016 I was laying in bed and this sharp pain was in my left leg and left arm hit me so hard I was in tears all night,toes felt like they were going numb and head hurting.
I was receiving many injections after a major back surgery that I had. I had a transforaminal lumbar inner body fusion and followed up until October of last year with pain management. He was giving me injections in my lower spine as well as my sacro iliac joints on both sides going in deep to the bones of that joint. He trained a PA one day allowing her to give them unsuccessful and his associate damaged me last Year in October. I felt terrible pain immediately like never before and couldn’t walk right for nearly a week. I was laid up crying and was told I could no longer go there after telling them he hurt me bad and I never wanted injections ever again. I recently had an MRI only to find out that I have damaged nerves, tendons, ligaments, and the labrum in my hip joint is ripped too. I have neuro atrophy really bad. Pain is horrible and I can barely walk. I’m getting weaker by the day and have been referred to the Bonati Institute in Manhatten where I need a major surgery performed. These symptoms began after the last set of injections that I had last fall, and have extremely worsened and the quality of my life is so much ruined. The doctor said bundles of my nerves are starting to die now.
I had to have a blood patch done on Nov. 18, 2008. That was 4 days after my youngest son was born. The anesthesiologist that did my spinal for my csection put two holes in my spinal cord, causing my spinal fluids to leak, causing me spinal headaches. I was on Medicaid at the time, so I didn’t have to pay for it. I had to sign of course to have it done. I just got hired for a new job, I’m just waiting on a call to start. Since I had the blood patch done, the spinal headaches are gone, but lower back will be in excruciating pain if I’m on my feet a lot. Not sure if its from nerve damage or what. I don’t have the money right now tho til I start this job and start getting paid to go to the Doctor. Someone told me I only had a year up til after the procedure was done to sue them, is that correct?
Chronic migraines weekly since childbirth c-section including epidural…since 2009.
I can barely feel my legs and feet i took 6 injections 3 in my neck 3 in my back its been almost 3years please call back thanks god bless
If I signed paperwork before having the epidural done does that mean I can’t do anything about it?
I need to know what medical test can prove i have dura damage i have a lot of the symptoms even my physical therapist says i have damage of the dura but need to prove it.
Hello, my name is Nayeli Araiza of 19 years old i delivered my first baby at Central Dupage Hospital in Illinois. I had complications during my delivery where i lost a lot of blood and my doctor used the term “Blood Clots” in my uterus they had also mentioned my uterus was too high up after they confirmed they were not blood clots they said it could be an infection because when I was induced my water was ruptured by my OB and I did not go into labor until 18 hrs after it was ruptured
My new born also has a fractured clavicle but wont explain or show me xrays of her clavicle.
Im also being recommended to a neurologist because I contsantly get severe head aches when I get up from bed they go away as soon as I lay down. They say there is no way it could be spinal chord headaches. Please send me some feedback to see what you guys can do for me thank you.
Had steroid injections in spine in 2015 and now in 2016 it shows arachnoiditis and cauda equina .
My fiance took the shots for over 10yrs and his tailbone de sent grated and the 5 vertebra crushed down on his spine and caused him to become paralyzed, he had surgery on his back and they put a cage in his back and then he was in a car accident that blow out the 2 vertebra above the cage….. His shoulders also are going out and need to be replaced…. If you could please help him!!!
Hi. Had epidural injections x3.then 3 times Nerve block, and 2 times sacroliac injections. None of the injections worked. My left leg is weak , having pain the IS constant and stronger every day. My level of pain is 10/10 or more. My pain is stabbing and burning pain. I had 7 falls after the injections because of the increase of weakness on the left leg.i lost my job as a registered nurse, I’m on long term dissability because of that. I’m very depressed. I’m 49 years old and I ambulate with a walker. I have a 14 year old daughter that is sad because of this and now I have tingling and numbness in my arms. How can you help me? I don’t know. But please call me. Thanks
I have 3 epidural injections, 3 nerve block and 2sacroliac injections.i have pain right away after the procedure and my left leg is weak like I had a stroke.i have a lot of pain on both legs now.tingling on both arms now.
Been in and out of the doctors with major back after having a painful epidural done while having my daughter.Now the x rays are showing that i have a spinal injury.Theres times where i could barley walk Just recently was given a cane and a huge back brace until im seen by a spinal specialist.I keep telling mu doctor that the anetheologist injured by spine but there not helping me.I need help in what to do.Its been almost 3 years now
My mother had an epidural & the doctor missed & puntured her spinal cord. She isn’t able to walk & is in lots of pain in her arms & legs.
My girlfriend Midori Williams just had our 4th son December 31St at 10 pm. Everything was wrong at the women center she attended which is Decatur Medical Center. Remind you she’s had four kids and have never had the problems she’s having now. They gave her the epidural injection wrongfully. The procedure has caused her to have nerve damage where her body is locking up and she’s having severe back pains which are not allowing her to move for a period of time. We need help if there’s anyone who can help please contact us.
Thanks in advance
Hurt back while out of state visiting family went to local ER.and was discharged with a lumbar strain. Irritating pain continued so I followed up with local dr who ordered MRI 12/19/16. Was advised to receive ESI on 12/22/16 for refief of inflation and some weakness notice in right leg. Chief complaint was just for bilateral lower back pain. On the 22nd I went in for ESI and pain was intense during procedure. Later in the evening once local anestesia wore off, severe sciatic pain radiating down right leg and total numbness and tingling radiating down entrie right leg. All of which, i never once had any sciatic nerve issues being experienced prior to this injection. Initial complaint was only lower back pain. I am now in severe debilitating pain with severe right leg deficit and numbness. 2nd MRI was ordered 12/30/16 and dr said herniation worsened and disc fragmentation is present. All in a matter of little over a weak, after shot I was being referred to a surgeon as my option now? I am curious if I have any case considering my initial ER. Visit was minor lumbar strain, which then with my follow up with a local doctor I needed this epidural shot, in which has led to some paralysis and severe sciatic pain I never had prior with my chief complaint? Thank you in advanced.
Best Regards,
I received 2 corticosteroid shots. The first shot I received in my lower back (spine) it seemed all was good after for several weeks (about 3 weeks) then I started to experience pain again so I went back for a second time in hopes that I’d get the same results as the 1st shot or better and longer lasting results, and here’s where my nightmare begins; but as she (the doctor McMurry) injected the shot into my spine assisted by a nurse I immediately notice and could tell something was wrong. The sharp pain was soo unbearable as they tried to console and calm me down though I could tell something was and had gone wrong. My lower back (at the injected site) wouldn’t stop bleeding and the excruciating pain was worse than when I came in but they said that that was normal. The nurse even joked beforehand on how good I looked physically and stated “You look good bitch”, which I in my shock from her unprofessionalism couldn’t even believe that she actually said that to me. I could barely move off the table and needed help just to get up after the procedure. They (the doctor and nurse) was trying to reassure me of how aftee the shot it’ll take a few days for me to feel the results of the corticosteroid shot in my spine. It’s now January 7, 2017 and I now have not just back pain but excruciating pain in my left hips and lower legs as well to the point that I can only be on my feet for at most 10 minutes, anything more than that and I can’t rid myself of that excruciating pain; I can’t sit, walk, stand, laydown or do anything for the pain to be alleviated. I’ve been given ibuprofen 600 mg, 800 mg and muscle relaxers as well. It’s taken it’s toll on me with having to wait for the ibuprofen to kick in and the muscle relaxers side effects are also unbearable such as the tightness in my chest, heart palpitations, headaches, severe acid indijestion etc. I know they screwed up on me with that second shot because I wake up in pain every morning and most nights. I can’t stand on my feet for short periods of time let alone just walking now. My only relief is when my husband pounds the sh..t out if my left hip and me taking 2 ibuprofen 800 mgs to get some type of relief. I don’t know what else to do and quite honestly am sick of having to take pills because my body has bow built up a tolerance and will soon have to take 3, 4 pills just to get the relief of that initial just 1 pill (ibuprofen 800 mgs). Pleaae help me because I’m now skeptical of doctors and surgery to ne is like dancing with the devil!!! Can or should I trust that these doctors will provide me the proper care I need under their laws of ethics as medical professionals? Or do I endure this severe constant pain in now my hips ands legs? Or do I try to find natural remedies? I’ve done the MRI, physical therapy, chiropractor, acupuncture, pain management and in between taken prescribed medications even got a membership at my local YMCA in which l would go into the whirlpool to try and alleviate some of this excruciating pain and still nothing… I can’t afford to pay out of pocket for surgery ( The Spine Institute) so now what am I suppose to do.? Most medications have given me the worst side effects like pancreatitis, chest pain, shortness of breath and such. I’ve seen my primary care physican and she gave me the number an orthopedic doctor and upon speaking with either the receptionist or nurse, I explained my situation to her and her response to me was “I don’t know what we can do for you?” I answered her back saying “aren’t I entitled to a second opinion after all you’re not a doctor.” It’s like there’s no solution or help for me. I know that there’s a solution for the”f..k up of what this pain management doctor did to me. I wish I never got those 2 shots to begin with but it’s too late for should of could of or would haves. Please help if you have any solution to my severe and excruciating pain problem, situation and dilemma.
I had epidural puncture during my labour. An in expeienced staff did the procedure. As a result, i have to do blood patch. its still there. can i claim for this incident?
thank u
kind regards
Honey Sobharani
sorry, i forgot to mention persistent headache caused by puncture.
I have struggled with severe backpain for years as did my dad and have had multiple esi injections and was referred to a specialist who reviewed my record and examining xrays I was told surgery wouldn’t help and was referred to pain management where I was told I needed another MRI but only after 3 more esi injections would charity care pay so I was left with choice to have them or endure further torment. I had told him they were not wanted as they had not been effective except the first two and lasted only a few weeks. I had the first of thee scheduled 3 on January 8 2015 and this proved to be a mistake,I had only felt slight pain during previous esi’s but this time the pain was so bad I couldn’t help but scream and was asked if I wanted to stop but I refused and again while inserting the needle the pain became profuse and I was again ask if I wanted to stop but replied no as I needed relief and I told him it felt like he was hitting a nerve.This angered him and he snapped at me saying I assure you I am not I’m looking at the screen, and he added you can stop and go back to Roanoke Memorial which is where the last few were done.But I refused stating I couldn’t wait 3 more months I needed relief now so he finally finished and prior to discharge I was told it wasn’t supposed to hurt that much that if I wanted any more injections I would be put under. I went home and was in so much pain my wife became concerned and she called him and was told if I was in that much pain to go to the ER.I was within a few days having extreme headaches which I never had before and have since checked my online chart where I found he had stated I had nerve damage which has left me without relief and was not informed before of the severe risk associated with esi’s and never was told that these cortico steroids were not yet approved for spinal injection and would never have gotten any if I had.I feel helpless and want to sue.
I have been in severe pain for years now since having steroid injections. I have not been able to work for over six years due to the constant pain I am in. I have fallen due to no feeling in my legs since the steroid injections and there are days that I can’t even get out of bed. I started having back pain after an epidural giving birth to my children. I appreciate your time reading this.
I had a baby on Dec 23 2016 I was give. the epidural but they said they couldn’t find the right spot. I believe they said they kept hitting a vessel blood was squirting out. the doctor tried 4 times repeatedly sticking me twice in each hole. he then gave up and a lady began to stick me. she ended up trying twice after the 2nd time she got it right. I’m now having an extreme amount of pain in that area. it hard for me to stand up or even move around. Is it anyone I can talk to?
From nw Alabama was recently hurt Monday still in pain left leg had shock reflex jump twice when needle was placed blood pressure dropped and I started sweating and turned pale hurt very bad and like I said sill hurts and has been 30 hours ago now
Had esi and got migraines, had blood patch and then started having seizures. A significant amount of misconduct ( sterile procedure, charting, instructions, ect ) happened.
Hello I’m contacting you because I have concerns I had my son last year 2016 in august every since I’ve gotten and epidural I’ve notice pains in m y spine stinging pains in my legs like thighs and in my neck I can’t stand to long what are the steps I need too take to go through with a case
I had an ACDF surgery. Complications immediately. Severe headache, swollen throat, neck. Imaging depicts allograft cages. My Orthopaedic surgeon used RhBMP in my cervical spine. He also used at least 21 steroidal injections. I have had multiple permanent damages including traumatic brain injury, visual damage, hearing damage, dental damages including the growth of a new tooth(likely due to RhBMP). I believe he used the excessive steroids to mask the off label use of RhBMP in a ACDF surgery. My life has completely changed. I do not live independently, any longer. I specifically requested no steroids face to face with my Chicago Orthopaedic Surgeon. I was hospitalized day 7 post-op of first surgery.
Would appreciate an opportunity to discuss potential case.
Thank you.
Dawn L. Ingold
Hello my name is Marquita Brown and I’ve been suffering for several years not knowing what to do or who to turn to about my spinal pain from epidural shots, However can you please give me a call at your earliest convenience to discuss more….thanks
I have 5 epurdail done to me and now I’m paying the price of daily pain I would like to ask questions about my back can you please call me thank you
Hello I received an epiderial in August and the lady stuck me over 6 times and couldn’t get it right. I later told her I didn’t want it due to the pain of her stabbing the needle in my back. But she was like we almost have it and continued. The epiderial once in didn’t work I felt all the pain and contractions. After having my baby I was unable to stand up due to one half of my body was basically paralyzed. Two nurses had to help me in a wheel chair and my fiance had to assist them due to one side of my body being basically sleep and numb. Which this lasted for over 24 hrs. In turn it was hard to take care of the newborn. To this day I have very bad pain in and around the injection area. My back is always hurting severely. I can take muscle relaxers and it doesn’t help. Do u think I have a case?
This note is to say that the Doctor who did this to me should be brought to trial and stopped not just for me but for the others who have no voice. It is a demonic practice that should be stopped immediately. I am praying for justice, so help me God.
Hello. I am in the bay area and was wondering if you knew of anyone who could help me with a dural puncture case. I had had severe allergic and dural leak reactions including two hospitalizations, an emergency surgery as well as partial paralysis and whole spinal swelling from treatment I received at kaiser.
thank you
I am a victim of medical malpractice in my lumbar area. A few years I went to a pain management doctor for pain in my lumbar area. The doctor recommended steroid injections and I have had 3-4 injections in a two year period. My out patient visits some occasions the doctor would miss the area under the x-ray and I would wake up from anesthesia because the shot went through a nerve. As the years go by things are getting worse. I have degenerating disks, recurrent excruciating hip pain where I cannot walk, worsening pain in the lumbar area (very sensitive), nerve damage-taking (otc) medicines per doctor, neck, headaches, 3 spinal disc injuries, herniated disc rupture, leg and foot numbs. I am taking Medloxicam for severe pain episodes…
My husband had an epidural 2 weeks ago. After the epidural he was in a lot of pain. Rushed him to ER. He had no feelings in his legs. He’s been in the hospital ever since. No in rehab. Also they found a blood clot in his spine.
I had my first child July 13, 2016 and received a epidural which at the time i thought it took a very long time for them to inject it as if they were having trouble. Since November until now i can hear my spine literary shift. If i lay flat on a floor im not able to raise by myself. Also i can just be walking and feel as if i can take another step my back has never felt this way. I honesty feel its because of the injection. I just dnt know what to do and have alot of question.
Hello i gave birth to my daughter 6/17/2016 and i had a epidural twice at one time, in my back, the first time the Dr. Stuck me in my back, he paralyzed the upper part of my body, which made the upper part of my body limp, which i started feeling nausea instantly, next the nurses had to hold my upper body up for the second Epidural to paralyzed the bottom half, so every since I’ve been have back pain so bad, im been constantly falling, having neck pain, headache and stiffness in my back,and also leg cramps,and hip cramp… And muscle spasms.
And when i got out of recovery i was throwing up blood, the doctor ask me why am i throwing up blood, i said i dont know, is my baby ok, they said yes, i threw up more blood… they kept me in recovery for another 2 hours saying they had to run test on me to see why i was throwing up… I truly think the doctor messed up my nerves in my back…. Do i have a case for malpractice?
I had a lumbat injection woke up while procedure was paralysed for 3 days having major issues now.. Help
I am Surrering FRom severe Back Pain from the epidural
I recently had my son, I asked for the epidural well when they put it in I immediately knew something was wrong. I felt an awful pinch in my back that wouldn’t go away, a little bit later only half of my body was numb! So when I told the dr that they decided to take my epidural out and try again. Still I only felt pain on half of my body. I gave birth to my son and right after I had an awful headache that caused so much pain that I couldn’t even stand up. The dr told Me that I had a spinal fluid leak and that they could do a blood patch to fix it if the medicine didn’t work that they were about to give me. So they were supposed to bring me this certain medicine every few hours to fix the spinal fluid leak and they didn’t do that, they gave it to me once after the baby and once before they discharged me and let me go home with out doing anything for my headache. When I got back to my moms house she decided to call my obgyn and tell her about my headache, she told me to go back immediately to the hospital and have them do the blood patch. She also stated I should have not been discharged with out it. So after having the most awful life changing experience I still get awful headaches that only go away from laying flat. This has put a big toll on my life and has cause me to loose a job, causes me to have to stay in bed some days because of so much pain.
I was in a car acciedent had injections broke out from a rash I had these injections for long time before from another injury lawyer never done his job in obtaining my medical records do I have a case
I had hip replacement surgery on 1/23/17. I was given a epidural injection. I remember the doctor inserting the needle in the area and moving it around trying to find the area. He it many areas and nerves before finding the right location. At a point of the search, he hit a nerve that sent me into tears and screams. I have been suffering with discomfort and pain since them, today is 3/6/2017. On Thursday night I went to the ER because, of the pain and Friday morning, the next day, I went to my doctor’s office because of the pain. The ER ran different test and couldn’t find the problem and thought it to be gout amd gave me medication for gout. My doctor thinks it’s neuroprathy and is treating me with Lyrics, which doesn’t seem to be working. The area is I’m my rt., foot, on the same side as the hip replacement side. Please let me know if this is a case. Thank you.
My husband had an epidural in his back which caused him to be temporarily paralyzed. He was in the hospital for one month and is still relearning how to walk. They found a blood clot in his spine which they removed.
What’s really sad about us that have been damaged for life is : There was no one helping to fight the doctor that caused the damage. They are protected by other doctors. By the time one finds out they will never recover and live a life a pain we find out there’s only a couple of years to file in courts and that’s only if you find attorney that will even help because back when it happened it still wasn’t known what was going on with patients that was injured by the doctor performing the procedures. I was given a lower back injection that went very wrong. He was over confident while doing injection when he allowed the needle to enter my dura causing it to rip and put me in pain to the point I wanted to die. The monitor alarms went off due to high blood pressure was off the chart I felt like I was having a heart attack along with the extreme pain thru out my body and legs. The nurse knew before the alarms went off I had strong pain till it became unbearable. She told the doctor her blood pressure is elevating fast then the alarms went off. She again said doctor it’s high till he finally said shut the machine off. He continued to perform the procedure as I was shaking. I was in so much pain I couldn’t even get my mouth to allow me to scream. He finally stopped after filling my spinal cord with injection. I had such pain in my head I couldn’t sit up or stand even though he had me try. He then told the nurse to get lab to draw blood for a patch. It took for ever then he had me roll into a ball because I couldn’t sit up and he put the blood into the site. He had me wait and sent the nurse out of room. I was later allowed to sit up then get dressed but the pain in head wasn’t gone. He injected me with a pain med which I don’t know what it was but it made me dizzy. He sent me home I don’t remember even driving but I was the one driving no one to help me he knew I was driving home alone. My husband was home with three toddlers. When I got home my husband had to leave out of town to work. I was alone with three children around four days. When he returned he found me in bedroom passed out with a fever of 105 my eyes were bulging out of sockets and to this day I can’t remember what went on while he was gone. I don’t know if I even feed the children. No family around no help. From that day on I have been in pain. I had to leave my job which was at the hospital where the injection was administered. When my husband found me he rushed me to the ER same hospital of course only one in the area. They called the doctor that performed the injection and it was for ever till the ER doctor came back to say well looks like you have the flu. I didn’t have a flu. It was directly from the injection. Several weeks later I had to get to a orthopedic doctor because I was in so much pain and was losing feeling in left leg. He opted to do a lamanectimy and after he opened up my back found that my dura was indeed torn and leaking. In the surgery report it stated from doctor the patient was correct she had a dura tear and leak. He repaired the tear and continued to perform the lamanectomy. Again there was no relief from pain. This was to be that long start of hell. Being treated as if I was faking pain to wanting drugs which I was not given proper pain meds to control the pain. Several years later I ended up needing a fusion but the surgeon stated I shouldn’t really perform a surgery because you have arachnoiditis??? I had no idea what that was it wasn’t till years later and it was a direct cause from injection. I knew after the pain that wasn’t going away I needed attorney but back then there was no way another doctor was going to witness the other doctor was in error. They are protected from this and they know it. I’ve never been a day without pain over 15 years. It’s ashame how people are treated in healthcare. My career was destroyed. Arachnoiditis wasn’t even put on the list of uncurable for years later after people all over where treated as second class at best and turned away from doctors and the government wonders why people misuse drugs it starts with the doctors not caring for chronic pain and letting it lead to a disaster. It got at one point so bad family would go to Mexico to get pain meds. I could have died just from that not knowing what to take or how much. I’m in pain management and it destroyed marriage. I was left to care for kids alone in pain
Why is it people are left without legal help from medical issues? Who allowed these injections to be performed? Who was it tried on and under what condition was the patients experiencing as for pain in backs and legs Did they follow up with these people it was tried on or did they use animals
Well I guess my commits will never be posted it States my commits are awaiting moderation. What ever. I’m now tripping and falling for the last several months. The last fall was pretty bad. I’m getting older and my life what’s left of it will be alone in pain. I’m only 5’3″ at 120 lbs and I’ve been in pain meds for over 12 years. I’ve been very lucky by finding pain management doctors that have compassion. I’ve been what I call stable until the last year when the tripping or dragging if left foot is causing me to fall. Now pain is elevated and in fear of not being able to control the pain. I wasn’t married to a person that wanted to care for me and I was left alone to care for our three children. Till death do us part in sickness and in health. Right well ok I understand to a point but if your loved ones can’t even help a disabled in constant pain and can leave that person in pain alone to care for children and they were homeschooled from 1 grade till 12th why would I think the people that made the injection be responsible lol and the ex wouldn’t pay child support or alimony but finally after years of needing help I get $729 from SSI like that’s going to pay even housing. No health insurance and needing to pay doctor every month plus pay for pain meds. Is there no shame for selfish government or courts. Doctors and pharmaceutical can damage people’s lives and just go on with no regrets or even take responsibility for a life long damage. It’s not just the pain they caused but destruction of a family and children’s lives.
My name is Serah Clark. I have recently had a baby (december 5, 2016). I approved an epidural to be performed to help with the labor pains. I was immediately uncomfortable from the start because one doctor came in with another. Right when they began, he started coaching her as if she were a student learing. This made me extremely uneasy, but the pain was ao great, i said nothing. During the the insertion of the needle, i experienced severe pain on my right side. I immediately let the anesthesiologist know and he instructed the girl to try a different approach. This was done about 3 times. I felt the pain and it was horrible! I could here her say that something wasn’t going right as she continued to push what i assumed to be the catheter at this point. My nurse just told me to breathe through the pain while the anesthesiologist was telling me that they were almost finished (still coaching). Afterwards, i had a healthy baby boy. I went to my first dr visit, I told the nurse about my excruciating back pain and she told me that it was perfectly normal and that it could be a year before i get better. I cant do much at all. I can barely pick up my son most days. But I push though the pain because i have 2 kids. Bu the end of most days, i can hardly walk straight. It almost feels like the pain is traveling up my back, but it mainly starts right where i could feel that pain during the epidural. At first I thought my muscles were tight, but when my fiance goes to give a massage, as soon as he starts, it just hurts so bad I don’t want him to finish. Have you ever had a case like this? What do i do? Is this even a case?
I had my baby 6 months ago. After giving birth I had headaches so badly I was throwing up. I had no clue what was wrong. First kid and trying to take care of my baby it was horrible. When I took my baby into her first Dr appointment I threw up in the Drs trash can. Dr Aime then informed me I had most likely had my spine punctured. I went into the ER and they tried to tell me it was fluids. Fluids did not help. I called my OBGYN who said no… they need to give you a blood patch. So she directly called the ER and demanded they do a blood patch. Which worked. But now 6 months later I can barely move. Im in horrific pain. Im most likely going to have to go back to a DR specifically for my back. Im an aircraft mechanic so I cannot work like I need to.
Never damage from epidural injection etc
During injection doctor hit a nevre and felt a terrible electronic shock in my mid back, the pains have not gotten better in the last two months, have to make two different trips to the emergency room at the hosp, due not being able to move my arms to get dressed. I have sleep with ice on my back
My ex husband had an epidural done on a off site clinic on 2/15/17 which I personally believe that the Doctor injected incorrectly and caused 28 seizures. He was rushed to the ER where they found an egg size amount of contrast, air, and medicine in his brain. He is now suffering with many issues and was diagnosed to have encephalopathy and seizures disorder when he never had any issues before. Please help. My cell is ****. I have all medical records, and so forth.
My ex husband had an epidural done on a off site clinic on 2/15/17 which I personally believe that the Doctor injected incorrectly and caused 28 seizures. He was rushed to the ER where they found an egg size amount of contrast, air, and medicine in his brain. He is now suffering with many issues and was diagnosed to have encephalopathy and seizures disorder when he never had any issues before. Please help. My cell is ****. I have all medical records, and so forth.
I had an epidural with each of my kids when I gave birth on my 3rd child it took the lady 45- 1 hour to get it done. She got done giving the epidural and 5 -10 mins later i was giving birth to my 3rd child they had no time to get the bed put down or anything my child was born on the bed . Well let me get to the point my back has been messed since i can’t stand for long periods of time without it feeling like somebody is stabbing me in my lower back legs and feet! It hurts so bad i have lost a job over my back spazing out and not being able to walk because of it. I have been to the doctor. She said it was disk disease. But see my problems started after the epidural with my son.
I had epidural steriod injections. I have asked other lawyers who have turned down the case. After getting the injections. I developed arachnoditious ( inflammation of the nerves in the spine caused from the needle going in to far. I have to use a walker because the nerve damage is so bad my legs no longer work the way they are supposed to. I’m bed ridden most days and I will never live a normal life.
hello I need to speak to someone about my crazy happening and life threatening incident from receiving an epidural back in 2010 when I gave birth to my son. I have been told several times I have a lawsuit and I need to figure out what my next step is. My life has not been the same since
I have a question after I had my son from a c section I was given the spinal shot to become numb for my c-section well it’s been 4 months now and I still have pain on my lower right side of my butt it feels numb along with the pain of pins and needles I can’t sit right or for to long a tap on the butt brings me to my knees it’s embarrassing to say .. Would I be able to some how sue or take this to court or will I be stuck like this ??
I am writing in regards to my wife Wendoli Leal. We had questions on the epidural pregnancy lawsuit. She has been having problems ever since she received the injection. I would appreciate any information. If possible if we could speak with a Spanish speaker , for her. Thank you.
I was informed your supposed to be told pros and cons of epidural and never was. I then asked them when they went to put it in i asked if they could wait till the contraction was over and he didn’t listen pushing it into my spine. After a Afcound of him pushing it in my left leg feels like it has been grabbed and ripped from my hip and I tell him through screaming that it felt like my leg was being torn off and he pulls it back. It then stops and they take me to surgery for c section where I couldn’t feel some of my upper back but as soon as they start cutting I feel the pain and cant barley breath from it. I beg to be put under and I am told not to move my legs around during surgery. I then have to lay there trying to make them notice I am in pain that the epidural was not working as the docter told me to calm down I stop breathing because the pain is so intense and eventually I pass out from pain. Well fast forward to when I wake up and for the last month the same leg will jerk and cramp up in most painful way then it will be pins and needles tingle for a little. Its getting so bad to the point I fear holding my child because I am afraid it will happen again and I will fall like I have started to do this has never happened to me till the epidural and I was not notified this was a side effect or that this was a possibility and the hospital itself habersham messed up other things and was rude and very unethical.
I had an epidural, and then I had severe pain shooting down my leg which my doctor told me it was the cord or nerve pain, I am on a medication called Graylise, which seems not to be helping at all the bottom of the leg my knee is in severe pain even by the touch but do I do help
Yes I need a lawyer please call me.
Hi, I recently had a baby she 5 months now, I took the epidural injection and been having severe back pain, I can’t bend my back and even if I do bend over I can’t stand up straIght, I also have severe itching at night I think it’s from nerve damage. When I left the hospital I could hardly walk for weeks. I would like to know if any thing can be done with my case.
I received the wrong epidural injections in my spine.i was suppose to receive the injection in my cervical(neck area) but they gave the injection in my lumber.mind u I never had lower back pain An at my age if I did it never affected me at all. The first week after the injection I was in so much pain I had to go to the emergency room they gave me a shot An told me to return to whoever did the injections.so I did an was told o do a MRI the MRI showed I now have 2 chips in my spine and it’s now herrniated.the doctor that gave me the anistia said the chips was caused from the injections but the herniated could have been from years of wear an tear now im in pain everyday can’t stand longer then 30 min or walk long distance as I was before an now I have days where I can’t even get out of bed because of my lower spine(lumber) this happened oct 2015 I spoke to a lawyer after it happened he told me to wait a while to see if the pain continues an Said that I have up to 2 years to file. So I would love to speak to a lawyer to see if I have a case.
Thanks Darlene Brown
Suffering for almost 3 years no one is helping me.
I received an epidural on November 9th, 2015. It fell out and I was 7 or 8cm dilated, so a different anesthesiologist gave the epidural due to original anesthesiologist going home. The second anesthesiologist had a HARD time giving me an epidural. He tried SEVEN times. He told me to “Relax, so I can do my job.” I couldn’t relax, contractions were hard and my head was in so much pain. He also hit some nerves, specifically the nerve to my right leg, twice. He said they got it, but I could still feel things. I suffered a spinal headache and wasn’t able to hold anything heavier than a loaf of bread, including my newborn. Hospitalized for an extra 2 nights. Should have never been discharged. They told me that were going to do a blood patch, free of charge, because I shouldn’t have gone through that. So now I have had a total of 8 epidurals, and the following day another one for a blood patch (with the 1st anesthesiologist). I was discharged on a Wednesday, and by Friday, couldn’t keep anything down due to my spinal headache. I fell on that Friday and they told me to come back to their ER. They tried getting an IV bag started. Poked my right arm about 6 times. Switched to the left arm, numerous times, punctured an artery, then finally got an IV bag started from my hand. Treated me for a spinal headache and dehydration. Said if the medicine didn’t work, they’d have to do another blood patch. I was not allowing them to do another epidural, not when they screwed up so much. What can I do? I’ve had several migraines that caused me to leave work. I can’t function with them. I’ve left my nursing home job because of my back, it hurts to lift. It hurts to run. Some days, I feel like something is pulling apart in my spine. I’ve tried the chiropractor, but it doesn’t help my headaches. I thought everyone went through this, but apparently, this isn’t normal. So many things went wrong, I don’t want someone else going through what I went through. Some days, I have to call off work, and some days, I just try and do the bare minimum at work. Sometimes, my migraines blurr my vision. When they go away, I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus. I have to have help with my 15 month old daughter when this happens. I don’t know if I have a case, but I need to do something.
Hi, my name is bryan sandoval. My wife had several complications with epydural during birth to my son. First , they told us epydural will help wit pain. The anesthecian inject epydural first time. It did not work because blood come out of the epydural. So she take it out to start again. When she pull the injection out the catéter broke inside her espinal cord. And its still their. So she put for second time epydural injection. And this time it did not work. It did not take her pain out. And she still can feel her legs. Non funtional. Now she is having neck pain, back pain. Headaches, physical trauma. Lack of work for her and me toó because now i have to take Care of my baby son. And my five year old daughter
I had an epidural in hospital for labor pains stayed in pain over an hour than another anesthesia doctor has come back take that one out put another I am having so much back pain its unbearable everyday and because of the bill put in place for medicine its even harder staying out of pain I will consult with the doctor who delivered my baby doctor great doing and prescribing what can just the hospital neglected to put epidural in correctly the first time now I’m suffering is there anything legally i can do to get help at this point im ready to file disability claim its gonna be hard walking even harder sleeping and my job is sitting in a chair all day.
I was under epidural twice during labor, on the first try (right before I was induced) my left side was numb but could still feel pain on the right side, then the anesthesiologist continue to increase dosage but I can still feel the pain on my right side. This continued for 6 hours+, then finally they redid the epidural which did numb my right side, but it led to c section because even though I was 10cm dilated I could not use the muscle to push.
Currently I’m on my 3rd week after leaving the hospital and I’m still feeling pain, which seems to be abnormally long compare to others who also undergo c section.
I received the epidural shot for both my pregnancies. I am now suffering from 3 herniated disk and a lot of pain since then. I was never involved in a car accident .
My back hurts and I have herniated disk . I believe it was the epidural shot that messed up my back . The nurse even poked me wrong . I asked my first doctor if that’s why I got herniated disk due to the shot and he said no. My family doctor asked if I was involved in a car accident and I said no. I asked her if getting herniated disk can be the cause of the epidural shot she said it could be. So I want to see if I can sue the hospital for negligence
My name is Ricquel Barham and I’m writing to get information on how to sue the hospital who gave me the epidural. In May of 2012 I was giving birth and I asked for the epidural. Since I have gotten the epidural I have had very severe back pains and no kind of pain medicine or any kind of solution seems to work. I would love to receive more information on your law firm. Please and thank you .
I had an epidural in November for a spasm in my back I told the doctor that I wanted updated MRI he assured me I had one when I did not after the MRI has been in extreme pain can I get up and walk wind up in the hospital with double pneumonia and because I have COPD and cannot exercise my lungs can I go to pulmonary have I walk with a cane I’m in extreme pain and doesn’t seem like anybody cares but before this walking was never a problem
My wife had 6 epidural injections and today, one week later, she has swelling and discomfort around the incision. There are many more red flags which are best left for consultation.
Please contact either me or Ashley for more info
Had an epidural injection in May of 2014 have been partially paralyzed since then.have incontinence issues and in severe pain day in and day out. Have been to all kinds of different doctors trying to find some relief which all efforts to do that have been unsuccessful. Can’t sleep or walk long or short distances.have gained a very substantial amount of unwanted weight for the first time in my life due to immobility issues.have not been able to engage in substantial gainful activity since May 2014.
Had an epidural injection in May of 2014 have been partially paralyzed since then.have incontinence issues and in severe pain day in and day out. Have been to all kinds of different doctors trying to find some relief which all efforts to do that have been unsuccessful. Can’t sleep or walk long or short distances.have gained a very substantial amount of unwanted weight for the first time in my life due to immobility issues.have not been able to engage in substantial gainful activity since May 2014.
I believe I have a case I had an epidural during my labor with my twins and the guy came in he was very unfocused as he was doing my epidural he was talking constantly with the nurse and degrading my doctor and his doctoring skills. As a result of his incompetence I had a spinal leak they rushed me into surgery to stop the leak by giving me what they called a blood patch. Fast forward to today I have been having major headache and back pain in the same area of injection site I’m always in pain.
I have had these shot both in my back and neck. Not too long after the last shot I was standings on my front porch and I felt my toes in my right foot start to tingle like my foot was going to sleep this feeling kept moving on up my leg until it was at my wast then a month later it done the same thing happened n my left leg now I have this burning pain everyday in my legs I have falling 3 times because I can’t feel my legs.they jerk and jump on me at times .I am having problems with bowl movements now too .I have been to never doctors but they still don’t know why this is happening to me
Also in the pit of my back right above my bu5t bone my back is sore to the touch I lay flat on my back it hurts and if I touch it it is so tender and sore
Please contact regarding a sudden death do to Medical malpractice. Would like to speak or meet asap.
Hi i live in Elmira, NY and I just recently had twins but they came early before they were really suppose to be born. The doctors immediately gave me an epidural May 7th of this year 2017 I was in labor the same day and gave birth to them. Now a month later I am having serious back problems from the top of that back of my neck all the way down to my lower body. I also get light headed as soon as I try to get up smh… It took them 3 tries to get the epidural right, in the right spot. I want to sue the doctors for messing up my back could I?
My daughter is experiencing extreme pain in her neck due to an epidural that was administered two times by an anesthesiologist and another anesthesiologist had to be called in because it was not given correctly the first or second time she can’t function properly she can barely feed the baby I was wondering If we may have a suit
My wife went in for her 4th delivery and had an epidural done before it happened the doctor said to the other co-workers that she did not know how to use that kit she preceeded anyways sticking her three times before they called another doctor in she started to feel pain in neck it took one nurse to get serious to have the do for to give her meds to help w pain they released her two days later w her still complaining about her pain and something not being right they seemed to not care 3 days later she was rushed to the er loooking like she was during they said she could of had a seizure and died her blood pressure was really high and they said she had preeclampsie two days later the neurologist said she needed to go to therapy
I recently had my baby c section and had a epidural and when they did it I felt a nerve on my right side shoot down my leg .. well my right side is always tingling and feels numb my lower back to the bottom of my butt ..
Epidural didn’t numb me felt them cut me a burning sensation then I told them I had a lot of neck and head pain they said it could be from anything got out of hospital and had to be in bed for more then a week called my dr and told him about the neck and head pain after a week and he told me to go straight to the hospital I had a spinal headache so I ended up getting a blood patch which is another epidural but with your own blood
I suffer from severe pain after my epidural. It took them almost an hour to get it into place. I felt sharp and intense grinding pain while they tried and scraped the inside of my spinal slot. I can’t even afford to have medical recovery because of it but I can prove that it came from the epidural.
Yes. Was wondering did I have a case of neglect. Say I had a baby 2 months ago and I was injected with the epidural and since then I’ve been having back aches, twitch in the nerves. The twitch and flinch comes out of nowhere though? Is this a case? Pain and suffering?
I had a child 17 mts ago and never did i have back pain until i received 7-10 shots of epidural
Severe back pains to the point I can’t walk, when I sneeze it feels as if one of my bones are trying to pop out.
My first child , I went vaginal , my epidural wore off on one side even with extra anesthetic I was more than numb on one side and the other I felt everything. Since then one side of my body especially in my ribs and my shoulders and my back sometimes gets this twitching sensation or a numbness , and my back feels like it’s burning ..I don’t understand
I had pain injections in Jan 2016 in Dallas Texas. Waking up in the most pain I have ever been in, the dr went without speaking to me before leaving the hospital. I checked out went straight to another hospital. My hand was drawn up as if I had a stroke, burning and severe pain on the left side of my body. I had no feeling to touch, but feeling deep in the skin as to severe pain. I was in 3 hospitals in one day ending up in the last one a spine center for a period of time. I have had to go on disabliliu and deemed by my surgeon due to the spinal chord injury from the injections as bein 100% disabled. I still have no feeling on the left side, from between my breasts to my spine from my shoulder all down my left arm to my hand. I have severe atrophy on the left side and it is only getting worse. The superior plate in my neck fusion is broke in half and that is the reason for the pain management, and it is not fixable due to mrsa I received post neck fusion. I still have mrsa to date and I am unable to work due to mrsa out breaks. I need help!!! A lawyer that will do something. Thanks
Its been a year since I had my son a for over six months somtime when I kneel down or try to pick my son up I can’t .I feel like my back just give out on me causing me pain and discomfort. I currently don’t work this will affect my future income .
Epidural partial paralysis
7 months ago my epidural was misplaced and I have severe back pain everyday.
I had an epidural in 2007 while in labor and every year my back worsens, I have never done anything about it sooner because I was trying to deal with it. As I get get older little tasks as washing dishes, sweeping the floors has me hunched over in pain or I feel as I am going to fall over, it is affecting my work because I am in constant pain for these little tasks, I can’t stay standing for too long either without feeling like I am going to fall over. I was wondering if I have a case or not? Thank you
Hello my name is Kacey Murrietta. I just had my son 4 weeks ago. In my pregnancy I had high blood pressure so my dr wanted me to get the epidural injection. The man that cam and did it tried to do it 3 times and failed and gave me a wet tap I get horrible migraines I have horrible back pain I can only hold my one month old a little at a time and then I have to lay down because the spasms are painful. My shoulders and my right arm hurt when I old my baby for a long time. I don’t know what to do. So this is why I’m here I need help and I don’t know who to go to.
I also Cant send bend very low and turn to much. I’m a mom to 1 month old. I should be able to hold my baby with out having all these troubles I’m only 26.
I think the epidural shot I got while in Labor with my son Cameron cause him to have Autism
In hurting so bad. Can’t even hold my baby from this epidural .. Or stand for long periods of time I’m out of work how do pay my bills
I had a question about my case.. I recently had my daughter and had a epidural done witch left me pretty bad and have sever Post Traumatic Stress bcuz of it.. I feel like when I sit down my spine is stuck on the chair hurts to get up
I had my epidural on the 25th of October.
My husband witnessed the procedure. The anesthesiologist was guiding someone on how to do the procedure for the epidural. During the procedure,my husband watched who we believe was a student doing the procedure. He counted 8 times the needle was put in my back. There was a lot of blood on the gloves of the person attempting to do the epidural. My husband heard the anesthesiologist tell the person that was doing the procedure to make sure there is no air in the needle when lidocaine was given with many attempts of giving the epidural. I still felt pain from giving birth to my child. While i was having contractions, they failed multiple times of giving the epidural. We were on the third floor of the hospital where i gave birth. From the third floor i went to the fourth floor. When getting to the fourth floor, the ob nurse notice right away how my back was. She said to the nurse that was on the 3rd floor. Who did the epidural? In shock. The nurse on the 3rd floor stated that it was just dry blood. The ob nurse on the 4th floor ask if it was a student. She replied no its just dry blood. So the nurse on the 4th floor said she was going to look in to it because my back didnt look right. She noticed there were too many attempts of the epidural. The ob nurse from the 4th floor stated there was nothing documented about how many attempts of the epidural was given. The nurse from the 3rd floor that transported me from the 3rd to the 4th floor was in the room during the epidural procedure. With this being said when i breast feed my newborn I am having pain in my back from where the many attempts of the epidural was given. My nerves in my back and legs are causing me pain. My husband took a picture of my back as soon as we were on the 4th floor. From what we see from the picture it looks to be 8 attempts of the epidural.
11.01.16 I had my son. Recently my insurance just approved me to go to a spine specialist. Which I had a MRI done the first week of October 2017. I just found out that my l1 l2 have tears before I had my son I had zero issues with my back and hip. Now I have trouble setting standing bending everyday task since I lifted the hospital with him. The anesthesiologist had no clue what she was doing she proved in my back. Everything was reported.
Hi I had my daughter on March 28, 2017. The doctor that gave me an epidural said he went too far and it didn’t work at first and he had to re do the epidural. I was passing out. They had to do a blood path as I was open to do anything. I still get bad Migraines and I have severe pain in my back that radiates to my shoulders and neck as well. I never had that problem before I had the epidural.
I had my first injecton July 20 and it was supposed to be just one and when o got there they gave me 3 I went from walking to barley can stand I feel terrible my leg is swollen its been 3 weeks I feel I have nerve damage or infection
My name is Chris Rivas from Port Arthur Texas
I had an on-the-job accident in 08 resulting in a slipped disc a few days later I had a epidural injection ) I had terrible pain from my spine in my right leg burning sensation numbness and tingling and swelling to right leg I was on steroid pills and I was off of work about a month)
I was cleared to go back to work but I was still severely injured so it made me limp it made me live all my life play this is 11/ 08 I have now have spinal stenosis and a very serious nerve disease and right leg is totally damaged bulging disc damage disease in the lumbar area it has been a nightmare since this happened and nerve damage
To whom it may concern,
My name is Mr. Singh. My wife and I just recently had a baby and we have been through a lot of problems since my wife got admitted just before she had the baby. We have been researching and have not seen any cases where someone had nerve damage from the knee down to the foot. My wife was unable to walk the first few months after the delivery. We are 100% sure that the nerve damage was caused by the epidural injection. The hospital that the baby was delivered in was Reston Hospital Center in Reston Va. My wife has been doing physical therapy and is able to walk, however, she still has numbness in the leg that has not improved. Her leg can give in at anytime and I am afraid that she might fall. The physical therapist tried to make us stop doing physical therapy, but the nerve damage is still there. The neurologist stated that it could take years for the nerves to regenerate.
We are with Kaiser Permanente. The doctors have said that the nerve damage could also be due to the baby laying on the pelvis, but we know that that is not the case because she did not have any issues up until the epidural was administered. They tried manual labor in which she waited around 14-15 hours until the uterus opened. Once the uterus opened they had her pushing for about 3 hours. They had her lay sideways pushing, then had her upside down pushing with no luck. Finally when the doctors were switching shifts, the next doctor was upset as to why they were still having her push and stated that she needs to go into surgery immediately. Once the surgery was done and i was holding the baby, my wife almost immediately told me that she couldn’t feel her lower leg.
My wife fell in the hospital bathroom the day she was supposed to be discharged. After falling they did not check to see if she was ok and still discharged her. The amount of emotional and physical damage after leaving the hospital cannot be explained. The pain was so great that we went into the emergency room a few days after and they admitted her into Virginia Hospital Center to figure out why she couldn’t feel her lower leg. They finally came to the conclusion that it was nerve damage most probably caused by the epidural. After going back and forth with physical therapy, specialists, and doctors visits, we are now going through even more emotional pain as the numbness has not improved. My wife can walk but there is always the fear of her falling because the nerve damage is so severe. Please advise!
I recently had a epidermal that caused tremendous pain in the middle of my back
i received the epidual 2015 they had to give it to twice the doctor who gave it to me said if they need to gave it to you again let them i asked him why can’t you get periled if this is done right well i no now he didn’t put it in the ri gut place i went in i could still fill now I’m in pain all the time my nurse in the center of my legs of bout of give out my waist down goes out I fill like it perlized me or ill be periled within the next few years
I had a spinal head ache and nerve damage and ingalls memorial gave me a spinal patch its a year later and I’m still having back pain
Hi me and my girlfriend had a child 8 years ago and when they did that epidural they stuck to needle in her back 3 times witch resulted in the right side of her face drupping as if she had a stroke we consulted the doctor and they just kept upping the medicine now eight years later she is blind in her center vision in her right eye and all kinds of other back problems we called a attorney and they said there is nothing they could do but all the hospitals around here said it couldn’t be caused from the epidural but when she went to a disability doctor they told her they can’t put it in writing but they believe all her problems stem from the epidural could you give me a idea what we should do because it seems every year she has more problem and nobody will admit that it all started from the epidural if you could please get back to me I would appreciate it thank you sincerely rubert chase
hi I had an eperderal 8 years ago.ive been in pain since ive learned to live with it.i know its caused nerve damage because I never had neck pain till after I had the eperderal.ive never been to a doctor to be echecked out or have not any xrays done.im sure its to late to sue and im not sure if I would want the hassle of going back and forth to doc.but when the doc.do the eperderals they let you know the after effects it can cause.if I had to do over I would never recommend them to anyone.it has been a life long of suffering in pain.but I don’t ce doc.or take pain meds.all the best to you.
I have bulging disk and had several steroid injections in my back, immediately got bad headache, I hand weakness in legs which lasted a while after and have fell a few times, numbness and tinkling in arms and legs, vision loss was diagnosed with cataracts in high eyes(no family history) was diagnosed after with hip arthritis in both hips. My back stiffened up in that area to the point I can’t bend to put shoes on.
Hip,back and upper arm scarring from two spinal injection from Advance Pain Clinic in Orlando FL.
Hello that’s basically what happened to my daughter. The Anesthesiologist only numbed one side of her body and kept giving her medicine and now she’s in so much pain from her back, whole body, the shakes.. Just needed to know !! And if she leaves the hospital how long before she can file a claim against them? Please respond soon. Thankyou
Hello my name is Crystal I went through a bad experience from my epidural I was wondering if you can help me figure this out. I’m available any time of the day
I dont know if there is a time limit on something like this…I don’t even know if it is even from the epidural. However, I do remember extremely well the hospital I gave birth at…as threatening as they were with everything and how I literally would have died from postpartum cardiomyopathy if not for St. Dominic’s hospital in Jackson, MS. The place I gave birth at though was Women’s Hospital at River Oaks. They didn’t even ask me if I wanted the epidural. They just assumed since it was an emergency C-Section that I would need it. I felt literally everthing even after the narcissistic woman finished making it clear to me it was my fault I couldn’t hold still (I was holding still!) for the doctor to administer the epidural and that he would only try one more time. Then before they did the c-section, he asked me in a serious manner if I wanted a tattoo. “Well, now’s your chance. A lot of women get one that have never had one before during this time. No? Okay then. You sure?” YES IM POSITIVE!! Anyway…before and after everything, I made it clear to them that I was having a lot of difficulty breathing. Their response was by threatening to shove a breathing tube down my throat saying that can cause a lot of issues I don’t need and that I needed to pass the breathing exercise if I didn’t want that. This was 2013. I remember being released on Tuesday then Thursday how I went back to the hospital (River Oaks Hospital this time, not the Women’s Hospital at River Oaks). I sat there for THREE HOURS just for them to lie to my friend and say they had taken me back to do xrays. Shortly after I told my friend let’s just go. That was a Thursday night. I woke up Friday at 4AM not being able to breathe literally at all almost and arrived at St. Dominic’s hospital around 5AM then by 5:30 is when I was diagnosed with postpartum cardiomyopathy…ejection fraction was at 25%. Anyway, sorry. Irrelevant. Back to the entire point. The Women’s Hospital at River Oaks that administered the epidural…I have had entire right sided body pain…my neck, my back, my chest, my arm…it feels like nerve damage or something. Could it be neurological? I don’t know. I just know how long I’ve been looking for answers and no one seems to be able to help me but I honestly strongly believe it could very well be linked to the epidural. Just saying. All I want is my health back. I didn’t always used to be like this. My son deserves better. I have a job, I have insurance, I’m not a deadbeat but I sure feel like it lately with the way my health is declining. Please help if you think it is the epidural!
I got the epidural in Michigan. (11-14-2017)
My back hasn’t been the same since I can’t sleep comfortably I can’t sit or stand for a long period of time , stretching hurts trying to turn my body is the worst pain . Sometimes I feel like if I move the wrong way I’ll paralyze myself. I remember getting the shot & I & my fiance also remember the nurse going to far into my back hitting a vein causing me to bleed and having to get the epidural pulled out some because she went to far . Seeking help before it get worst than what it is now
I have “severe spinal stenosis” and had an epidural injection for pain relief in April, 2018 and
have been having lateral pain from the epidural site down my legs ever since. Actually, I experienced excruciating (to put it modestly) pain during the injection and I spontaneously hollowed out more than once, but the doctor kept pushing the needle more into my nerves as I was hollowing. When I first tried to stand up about an hour after the injection, I experienced immobilizing excruciating pain from the site of the injection down my hip and leg, worse on right side. I could not stand up when the nurse or assistant asked me to stand, so she told me to sit back down. In another 1/2 hour or so I tried to stand again and again experienced excruciating pain on right side. I was discharged and two days later I experienced sudden immobilizing pain in right leg (same site of initial pain). Got to see the referring physician (Same group of services as the injecting doctor) who gave me very high power medicine which relieved the pain while I was taking it (two weeks). Since then, I have been having recurring pains and sometime immobilizing. Have seen the referring physician once more since the injection and he prescribed another medicine which is not relieving the pain. I am convinced that I have permanent nerve damage that I have to endure the rest of my life. I am an active 83 year old, (who is usually thought to be not over 60 by doctors and others)but activities are being curtailed now after the doctor inflicted nerve damage, which will probably shorten whatever time I had left, because of having to curtail activities that are vital to my well being and were serving me well, as well as loss of sleep due to pain.
I don’t know what was documented in the medical records about the incident and follow up visits, but I plan to request the records. Incident, I am an RHIA (Registered Health Information Administrator).
Hi! My name is crystal I went through a great 12 hour birth. My first was only 10 hours. And 30 mins of pushing this one was a girl and only 1 minute(s) of pushing. And it was great. My first I waited to have my epidural until 5 hours into labor, with this recent birth, I DID NOT WAIT. I got it almost immediately I believe 3 hours in, they started my labor with pitosin along with the epidural. And I had the epidural in for about 10 hours STRAIGHT. But last time it was only 4 hours total. And since I have came home from the hospital I have had SEVERE HEADACHES AND AT AROUND 7 or 8 pm every evening it turns into a migraine. I have one of the strongest migraine medications there is from a neurologist and it doesn’t even touch my migraines. There is seriously something wrong. And I have numbness and severe shooting pain in my hip every day. I fractured it about 3 years ago and knew I had some nerve damage there anyways I have been diagnosed with a permanent pinched nerve but, now it TERRIBLE SHOOTING PAIN in the front pelvic/ groom area around some kind of nerve and it’s severe pain. What do I need to do?